Model 230
Operating Instructions
Setra Systems, Inc.
159 Swanson Road, Boxborough, MA 01719
800.257.3872 • www.setra.com

Table of Contents
1.0 General information ....................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Mechanical installations ...............................................................................................3
2.1 Media Compatibility .................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Environment ...............................................................................................................3
2.3 Pressure Fittings .......................................................................................................3
2.4 Moisture Precautions ................................................................................................ 3
2.5 Mounting .................................................................................................................... 3
2.6 Installation Procedures ............................................................................................. 4
2.7 Bleeding the Pressure Ports ..................................................................................... 4
2.8 Optional 3-Valve Manifold Procedure ...................................................................... 5
2.9 Optional 5-Valve Manifold Procedure ...................................................................... 6
3.0 Electrical installation ..................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Voltage Output Units ................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Current Output Units ................................................................................................. 7
4.0 Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Voltage Output Zero Adjustment .............................................................................. 8
4.2 Voltage Output Span Adjustment ............................................................................. 8
4.3 Current Output Zero Adjustment .............................................................................. 8
4.4 Current Output Span Adjustment ............................................................................. 9
5.0 Return products for repair ............................................................................................. 9
6.0 Limited warranty and limitation of liability ................................................................... 9

1.0 General information
Every Model 230 has been tested and calibrated before shipment. Setra Systems 230
pressure transducers sense differential pressure and convert this difference in pressure to a
proportional high level analog output. The 230 is supplied with either a 0 to 5 VDC or 0 to 10
VDC output or current output of 4 to 20 mA.
2.0 Mechanical installation
2.1 Media Compatibility
Model 230 transducers are designed to be used with any gas or liquid compatible with 17-4
PH stainless steel, 300 series stainless steel, and viton/silicone or Buna-n “O”-Rings. The
optional 3-valve or 5-Valve manifold assembly is designed to be used with gases or liquids
compatible with 360 Brass, Acetal plug valves and Nitrile O-rings. Never totally submerge unit
in any liquids.
2.2 Environment
The operating temperature limits of the 230 are as follows:
Operating Temperature Range °F (°C) 0 to +175 (-18 to +80)
Compensated Temperature Range °F (°C) +30 to +150 (-1 to +65)
2.3 Pressure ttings
Typically, standard pipe ttings and installation procedures should be used. The Model 230
has 1/4”-18 NPT internal ttings. The high pressure port is labeled “HIGH”. The optional
3-valve and 5-valve manifold assembly is supplied with 1/4”-18 NPT internal ttings.
2.4 Moisture precautions
The Model 230 is provided with a 0.875 DIA. conduit opening for electrical termination, intended
for a 1/2” I.D. conduit connection. This opening must be sealed according to standard industry
practice in order to prevent moisture ingress into the Model 230.
2.5 Mounting
The Model 230 is supplied with a mounting bracket and two 6-32 x 3/8 hex head screws.
Attach bracket to mounting location rst, using holes or band clamp notches available on
large section of the bracket. Attach transducer to bracket by using the two 6-32 x 3/8 hex head
screws and the two tapped holes located on the underside of the transducer.

Top view
Transducer mounting holes
(screws provided: mounts to
bottom of 230 transducer)
Front view
Notched for clamp mounting
Ø 0.156
(Ø 0.096)
Ø 0.875
(Ø 22)
Conduit opening
Side view
With transducer
mounted to bracket
2.6 Installation procedures
If the Model 230 is supplied with an optional 3-valve or 5 valve manifold assembly, refer to
Section 2.8 and 2.9. Optional 3-Valve and 5-Valve Manifold Assembly Procedure, for further
installation procedures. If the Model 230 is not supplied with a Setra 3-valve or 5-valve
manifold, the following installation procedure is recommended.
For differential pressure measurements at high line pressure (350 psig max.), it is
recommended that the pressure sensor be installed with a valve in each line, plus a shunt
valve across the high and low reference pressure ports as shown.
Valve A
Valve C
Pressure Sensor
Valve B
Valve A = High side valve
Valve B = Low side valve
Valve C = Shunt valve
2.7 Bleeding the pressure ports
3 bleed screws are on the side of the unit (2 for low pressure port, 1 for high pressure port).
Install the transducer in its intended location and pressurize the ports. Back off the rst bleed
screw mounted on the flat side of the sensor body (2 turns max.) until liquid begins to flow
out. After only bubble-free liquid flows out, retighten the bleed screw. Repeat same procedure
for the second set of bleed screws located on the round section of the low pressure tting.
Valve C should be open and Valves A and B closed whenever the system is rst being wetted
or pressurized. Valves A and B should then be opened slowly to avoid hammering. Valve C can
then be closed and the system is operating.
When the differential pressure sensor is to be removed, Valve C must be opened rst, then
Valves A and B can be closed.