Please contact a Setra application engineer (800-257-3872, 978-263-1400) before returning unit for repair to review
information relative to your application. When returning a product to Setra please call 800-257-3872 or email
orders@setra.com to obtain RMA number, before sending unit(s) back to us. Once an RMA number has been assigned
to you, please send the package back to the below address. To download return form, visit www.setra.com/support/
Setra Systems, Inc.
159 Swanson Road
Boxborough, MA
Attn: RMA #
Do not return accessories when sending in unit for repair or calibration. To assure prompt handling, please make sure
the RMA number is on the outside of the box and a copy of the service request form is included in the shipment. If
applicable, include a copy of the PO for the return in the shipment.
Calibration Services: Setra maintains a complete calibration facility that is traceable to the National Institute of
Standards & Technology (NIST). Setra warrants its Model MicroCal to the original consumer purchaser against defects
for a period of one year from the date of sale by SETRA, as shown in its shipping documents.
Without charge, SETRA will repair or replace products found to have manufacturing defects within the warranty
period. The serial number or date code must not have been removed, defaced or otherwise changed. SETRA must be
notied in advance of any returns; any products returned to SETRA must be transportation prepaid. The foregoing
warranty is in lieu of all warranties, express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of
merchantability for a particular purpose.
Setra’s liability for breach of warranty is limited to repair or replacement, or if the goods cannot be repaired or
replaced, to a refund of the purchase price. SETRA’s liability for all other breaches is limited to a refund of the purchase
price. In no instance shall SETRA be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from a breach of warranty,
or from the use or installation of its products. No representative or person is authorized to give any warranty other
than as set out above or to assume for SETRA any other liability in connection with the sale of its products.
For all CE technical questions, contact Setra Systems, USA. EU customers may contact our EU representative Hengstler
GmbH, Uhlandstr. 49, 78554 Aldingen, Germany (Tel: +49-7424-890, Fax: +49-7424-89500).
SS2008 RevN 04/2017
Installation Guide
Model 209/209H
Pressure Transducer
Every sensor in the 209 product family has been tested and calibrated before
shipment. Setra Systems 209 product family sense gauge pressure and convert this
pressure dierence to a proportional high level analog output. Three standard
output and excitation versions are oered:
Excitation Output
9 to 28 VDC 4 to 20 mA - (Must Observe Polarity)
9 to 30 VDC 0.5 to 5.5 VDC - (Reverse excitation protection)
4.9 to 8.1 VDC 0.5 to 4.5 VDC - (No reverse wire protection)
2.1 Media Compatibility
The transducers in the 209 product family are oered with two dierent types of
wetted materials. The 209 is made with 17-4PH stainless steel wetted materials. The
209H is made with 316 stainless steel.
Prior to use in your application conrm that your median is compatible with the
wetted materials of the ordered sensor.
2.2 Environment
The operating temperature limits of the 209 are -40° to +185°F (-40 to +85°C).
The compensated temperature range is -4 to +176°F (-20 to +80°C).
2.3 Pressure Fittings
Typically, standard pipe ttings and procedures should be used. However, for
pressure ranges in excess of 500 psig, we suggest the use of a sealant such as
Loctite Hydraulic Sealant. Excessive torquing of metal ttings may cause a
slight zero shift. The use of plastic ttings typically results in no noticeable zero
shift. Torquing does not appreciably aect linearity or sensitivity.
2.4 Venting
Because the reference pressure in a sealed gage transducer will vary due to
changes in temperature and will aect overall accuracy (especially in units of
less than 200 psig range), all transducers in the 209 product family are available as
vented or sealed to atmosphere.
Vented units are ordered as PSIG range units. Sealed units are ordered as PSIS
range units. The 209 PSIG transducers are vented through the cable.
Hirschmann PSIG transducers are vented through the connector. Packard
PSIG units are vented through a porous lter plug supplied on the unit.
The 209 product family is available with four electrical terminations:
4 1
2 foot Cable Hirschmann Connector
Packard Connector Conduit Adapter, 1/2 inch

3.1 Voltage and Current Output Units
Red + Excitation
Black - Excitation
Monitor or
+ Out
- Out
See Section 3.2 for additional instructions for 209H N1, N3, and N4.
The voltage output is a 3-wire circuit. The wires for the individual conductors is as follows:
Current Output Units
The Model 209 (current output) transducer is a true 2-wire, 4-20 mA current output device and delivers rated current into any external load of 0-800 ohms. The 4-20 mA units
are designed to have current ow in one direction only PLEASE OBSERVE POLARITY. We suggest that the electrical cable shield be connected
to the system’s loop circuit ground to improve electrical noise rejection. The electrical
connection is as follows:
Voltage Current Output
Model 209
Setra Transducer
Model 209
Setra Transducer
(Voltage Output)
CAUTION: Unit is reverse excitation protected. However,
do not apply power to output lead as this could cause
permanent damage.
Table: Voltage
Red + Excitation; connect to appropriate power supply.
Green + Output; connect to controls or monitor.
Black Common; connect to return of power suppl
White - Output; connect to controls or monitor.
Shielding Connect to system or earth ground.
_ _
The 209 has a 2-wire cable, where red is positive and black is
CAUTION: Reverse excitation will not cause damage to the unit
unless voltage applied is above 50 VDC. However, the unit will not
function if reverse wired.
Cable Version Voltage
Red + Excitation; connect to appropriate power
Black Common; connect to return of power supply.
Model 209H: In case of electrical noise pickup we suggest
connecting a 22 μF non-polar electrolytic capacitor rated 50V
between +ve and -ve terminals of power supply to improve
noise rejection.
(4-20 mA)
4-Pin Packard Connector
Voltage Output
Pin # Function
A +Excitation (connect to appropriate power supply)
C + Output (connect to controls or monitor)
B Common (connect to return of power supply)
Top View: 4-Pin Packard Connector
Type: Metri-Pack 150
D (Not Used)
Setra does not supply the mating connectors as a standard. They can be ordered separately. Consult Factory.
Current Output
Pin # Function
A Positive
B Negative
3.4 Conduit Adapter Electrical Termination - Voltage & Current Output Units
If the unit is provided with the conduit adapter version, terminal designations
are as follows:
Conduit Adapter Version
(Voltage and Current Output Units)
For current (4-20 mA) output,
use + and - terminals
For voltage output, use
COM, OUT and EXC terminals
3.2 CSA Listed to ANSI/ISA-12.12.01-2016/CSA Std-C22.2 no 213-16
The 209H unit may be installed in Class 1 Hazardous (Classied) Group A, B, C,
D Division 2 locations, if the unit was ordered N1, N3, and N4 designations in
the Part Number, 12th and 13th digits. Safety barriers are not required as long
as the unit is operated under normal conditions with a maximum excitation
voltage of 30 VDC between the input terminals.
• Connectors must be securely attached before power is applied
• The shielded cable must be used and the drain wire of the cable must be connected to the earth
ground. The transducer body must be connected to the earth ground.
• The maximum allowable transient disturbance must not exceed more than 40% of the maximum
excitation voltage.
• For cable termination, Type PLTC cable shall be installed and terminated appropriately for Class I
Division 2 in accordance with the NEC and CEC Part I
3.3 Hirschmann or Packard Connectors - Voltage and Current Output
If the unit is provided with a Hirschmann or a Packard Connector, pin number
designations are as follows:
Top View: 3-Pin Packard
Type: P2S Series 150
Top View: Hirschmann
Type: G4A1M#931807-106
Voltage Output
Pin # Function
(connect to appropriate power supply)
(connect to return of power supply)
+ Output
(connect to controls or monitor)
Current Output
Pin # Function
1/B Positive
2/A Negative
1. Connect the pressure port to the system.
2. Install a 1/2’’ conduit tting into the 209 top cover, and fasten the retaining nut.
3. Feed wires from a exible conduit through the 209 top cover, fasten the wires to terminals.
4. Screw on the Model 209 top cover.
5. Fit conduit into conduit tting, and tighten conduit watertight strain relief.
3.5 EMC Certication
This product complies with EN61326 Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control
and Laboratory use – EMC Requirements for Minimum Requirements and Industrial
Locations. Special caution should be taken to meet Standard EN61000-4-5: 1995 Surge
Immunity if any of the following conditions apply to the installation: The product is
installed outside; all or any part of the cable is exposed to the outside; the cable is
greater than 30 meters in length. In order to meet the Surge Immunity requirements,
the following conditions must be followed during installation:
1. Shielded cable must be used, and the shield must be tied to earth ground (not power supply
ground) on at least one end of the cable shield/drain wire. The shield must be maintained
all the way from sensor to the power supply.
2. If unshielded cable is used, an earth grounded metal conduit tting can be used to replace
the shielded cable.
3. For a sensor with a metal body or enclosure, the body/enclosure must be grounded to earth.
If a protective metal housing is used, the metal housing should be grounded to earth
4. If a protective plastic housing is used, the housing must be able to withstand at least
2 KV from the housing to earth ground, without damaging the circuit.