Servotronix CDHD User Manual

CDHD Servo Drive
User Manual
Revision 0.2
User Manual i
Revision Histo r y
Document Revision
Date Remarks
0.2 June 2011
Added diagram: CDHD-1D5 Dimensions; Replaced diagram: Syste m Wiring - Pin Assignments; Minor text fixes
0.1 June 2011 Preliminary version
Hardware Revision
Firmware Revision
Software Revision
Important Notice
© 2011 Servotronix Motion Control Ltd. All rights reserved . No par t of this work may be repr od uced or transmitted in any
form or by any mean s without prior wr itten permiss ion of Servotr onix Motion Control Ltd.
The information in this manual was accurate and reliable at the time of its release. Servotronix Motion Control Ltd. reserves the right to change the specifications of the product described in this manual without notice at any time.
All marks in this manual are the property of their respective owners.
Contact Information
Servotronix Motion Control Ltd. 21C Yagia Kapayim Street Petach Tikva 49130 Israel
Tel: +972 (3) 92 7 3800 Fax: +972 (3) 922 8075
Technical Support
If you need assistance with the installation and configuration of the CDHD drive, contact Servotronix technical support:
Customer Service
Servotronix is committed to delivering quality customer service and support for all our products. Our goal is to provide our customers with the information and resources so that they are available, without delay, if and when they are needed. In order to s erve in the most effective way, we recommend that you contact your loca l sales representative for order status and del ivery informa tion, product information and literature, and application and field technical assistance. If you
ii Servotronix
are unable to contact your local sales representative for any reason, please use the most relevant of the contact details below:
For technical support, contact:
To order products, contact:
For all other inquiries r egarding CDHD drives or other Serv otronix products, contact:
Part Number
For ordering the CDHD, r e fe r to the followin g diagram:
The warranty is valid for 12 months from the date of shipment and applies only if material or workmanship is found to be defective. The warranty will be invalid if the customer fails to install, operate or maintain the product in accordance with the instructions in this user manual.
During the warranty period, the owner must pay the cost of shipping the product to the factory for repair , and Servotronix will pay for shipping the repaired product to the customer.
After the warranty period has expired, all shipping costs will be the responsibility of th e cust o mer.
Before returning the product, the customer must first request a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number from Se rvotronix by email to
The complete Warranty Statement can be found in the Terms and Conditions document on the Servotronix website:
User Manual iii
1 Introduction ________________________________________________ 1
1.1 Documentation .......................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 About This Manual ............................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Documentation Set for CDHD ............................................................. 1
1.2 Safety ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Safety Sy mb o ls ................................................................................ 1
1.2.2 Safety Instructions ........................................................................... 2
1.3 Standards Compliance ................................................................................ 2
1.3.1 General Information ......................................................................... 2
1.3.2 CE Compliance ................................................................................. 3
1.4 Unpacking................................................................................................. 4
2 Product Descri p t ion __________________________________________ 5
2.1 Overview .................................................................................................. 5
2.1.1 General Description .......................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Product O pt ions ............................................................................... 5
2.2 Technical Specifications .............................................................................. 6
2.2.1 Dimensions ..................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Mechanical and Electrical Specific a tions - 200V .................................... 7
2.2.3 Mechanical and Electrical Specific a tions - 400V .................................... 8
2.2.4 Control Specificati ons ...................................................................... 10
2.2.5 Protective Functions and Environment................................................ 11
2.2.6 Communication ............................................................................... 11
2.2.7 I/Os............................................................................................... 12
2.2.8 Motor Feed back............................................................................... 13
2.3 System Wiring - Pin Assignment s ................................................................ 14
3 Installation ________________________________________________ 15
3.1 Installation Overview ................................................................................ 15
3.2 Preparation .............................................................................................. 15
3.2.1 Hardware Requ irem ents ................................................................... 15
3.2.2 Computer Requirements................................................................... 16
3.2.3 Electrical Requirements .................................................................... 18
3.3 Mecha nic al Installation .............................................................................. 20
3.3.1 Mount th e CDHD ............................................................................. 20
3.4 Electr ical Installat io n ................................................................................. 20
3.4.1 Connect Motor (P2) ......................................................................... 20
3.4.2 Connect STO (P1)............................................................................ 21
3.4.3 Connect Regen (P3) ......................................................................... 22
3.4.4 Connect Motor Feedback (C4) ........................................................... 22
3.4.5 Connect Controller I/Os (C2) ............................................................ 24
3.4.6 Connect Machine I/Os ( C3) ............................................................... 25
3.4.7 Connec t AC I nput Voltage (P4).......................................................... 26
3.5 Set the Drive Address................................................................................ 27
3.6 Connect to PC ( C1 or C7) ........................................................................... 28
3.7 Power Up ................................................................................................. 29
3.8 Servo Studio So f tware In stallation ............................................................... 29
4 Configurati on and Operation___________________________________ 30
4.1 Variables and Commands........................................................................... 30
4.2 ServoSt ud io Software ................................................................................ 30
4.3 Connecti ng to a Drive ................................................................................ 31
4.4 Enabling/Disabling a Drive ......................................................................... 31
4.4.1 Drive Enable ................................................................................... 31
4.4.2 Operation Mod e Code s ..................................................................... 32
iv Servotronix
4.5 Managing Drive Parameters ....................................................................... 33
4.6 Config uring Para m eters Using Serv o S tudio .................................................. 34
4.6.1 Tuning a nd Te sting .......................................................................... 34
4.6.2 Drive Info ....................................................................................... 35
4.6.3 Power ............................................................................................ 35
4.6.4 Motor ............................................................................................. 35
4.6.5 Foldback ........................................................................................ 35
4.6.6 Units.............................................................................................. 35
4.6.7 Feedback ....................................................................................... 35
4.6.8 Motion ........................................................................................... 36
4.6.9 Scope ............................................................................................ 36
4.6.10 Digital I/Os ..................................................................................... 36
4.6.11 Analog I/O...................................................................................... 36
4.6.12 Enable ........................................................................................... 36
4.6.13 Current Loop .................................................................................. 36
4.6.14 Current Limits ................................................................................. 36
4.6.15 Velocity L oop .................................................................................. 36
4.6.16 Velocity Limits ................................................................................ 36
4.6.17 Terminal ........................................................................................ 36
4.6.18 Faults ............................................................................................ 37
4.6.19 Parameters Table ............................................................................ 37
4.7 ServoStudio Expert View ........................................................................... 37
5 Firmware Upg ra d e __________________________________________ 38
5.1 Preparation .............................................................................................. 38
5.2 Upgrade Procedure ................................................................................... 38
6 Troubleshooting ____________________________________________ 39
6.1 Drive Status 7-Segment Display ................................................................. 39
6.2 Faults a nd Warning s .................................................................................. 39
6.3 Status Information in ServoStudio .............................................................. 40
6.4 Fault and Status Queries ........................................................................... 40
6.5 Fault Codes and Names ............................................................................. 40
CDHD Introduction
User Manual 1
1 Introduction
1.1 Documentation
1.1.1 About This Manual
This manual describ e s t he Servotronix CDHD Servo Drive. It provides th e information required for installation, configuration and basic operation of the CDHD unit.
This document is intended for persons who are qualified to transport, assemble, commission, and maintain the equipment described herein.
1.1.2 Documentation Set for CDHD
This manual is part of a documentation set. The entire set consists of the following:
CDHD Quick Start Guide. Basic setup and operation of the drive. CDHD User Manual. Hardware installation, configuration and operation. CDHD VarCom Reference Manu al. Parame ters and commands used to
program the CDHD.
1.2 Safety
Only qualified persons may perform the installation procedures . You do not need to be an expert in motion control to install and operate the drive system. However , yo u m us t ha ve a basic under standi ng of electronics, computers, mechanics, and safety practices.
The CDHD utili zes ha zardous volt ag es. Be sure the driv e is properly grounded.
Before you install the CDHD, review the safety instructions in this manual. Failure to follow t he sa fety inst r uctions may result in personal injury or equipment damage.
1.2.1 Safety Symbols
Safety symbols indicate a potential for personal injury or equipment damage if the recommended precautions and safe operating practices are not followed.
The following safety-a lert symbols are used on the drive and in the documentation:
Caution ISO 7000-0434 (2004-01)
Introduction CDHD
2 Servotronix
Warning. Dangerous voltage. IEC 60417-5036 (2002-10)
Protective earth; protective ground IEC 60417–5019 (2006-08)
Cautio n, ho t su rf ac e IEC 60417-5041 (2000-10)
1.2.2 Safe ty Instructions
Read all available product documentation before assembling and
commission ing. I ncor re ct ha ndl i ng of this produ ct may ca u se pe rso na l inj ury and/or damage to equipment. Ad he re strict ly to the insta l lation instruc tions and requirements.
All syste m c omponents must be connected to ground. Electrica l safety is
provided through a low-resistance earth ground connection.
This product contains static sensitive components that can be damaged by
incorr ect hand l ing . Av oid conta ct with h ig h insulati ng m ateria ls (artif ic ia l fabrics, plastic film, etc.). Place the product on a conductive surface. Ground yourself (discharge any possible static electricity build-up) by touching an unpainted, metal, grounded surface.
Keep all cov ers and cabinet d oors shut during operation. Otherwise,
potential hazards may cause personal injury and/or damage to equipment.
During operation the product has electrically charged components and hot
surfaces. The heat sink can reach temperatures of 90°C. Control and power cables can carry a high voltage, even when the motor is not rotating.
To avoid electric arcing and hazards to personnel and electric contacts,
never disconnect or connect the product while the power source is energized.
After removing the power source from the equipment, wait at least
5 minutes before touching or disconnecting sections of the equipment that normally carry electrical charges (e.g., capacitors, contacts, screwed connections). For safety, measure the electrical contact points with a meter before touching the equipment. Wait until the voltage drops below 30 VAC before handling components.
1.3 Standards Compliance
1.3.1 General Information
The CDHD has been successfully tested and evaluated according to standards IEC 61800-5-1 and UL 508C. This testing outlines the minimum requirements for electrically operated power conversion equipment (frequency converters and servo amplifiers) , whi ch are intended to eliminate the risk of fire, electric shock, or injur y to persons.
CDHD Introduction
User Manual 3
UL 508C references UL 840, which describes the achievement by design of air and insulation creepage spacings for electrical equipment and printed circuit boards. The CDHD provides overload prot ection and current limit control .
The drive is i ntended for operation in pollution level 2 environment. The terminals on the controller are coded so they can easily be identified in the
instructions. The instructions identify the connections for the power supply, load, control, and ground.
Integral solid state short circuit protection does not provide branch circuit protection. Branch circuit protection must be provided in accordance with the National Electrical Code and any additional local codes, or the equivalent.
1.3.2 CE Compliance
Compliance with EC EMC Directive (2004/108/EC) and EC Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC) is mandatory for all servo drives provided to the European Community. CDHD is manufactured in conforman ce with these directives. CDHD drives have also been successfully tested and evaluated to the limits and requirements of these directives.
EC Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC) complies with standard IEC 61800-5-1. The following standards are used in connec tio n with EC EM C Dir e ctive
IEC 61000-6-1/2 (Interference Immunity in Residential & Industrial Areas) IEC 61000-6-3/4 (Interference Generation in Residential & Industrial Areas)
Drives are components that ar e intended for incorpora tion into a m achine, for industrial use. Before a drive is in installed, verify that the associated equipment complie s with the following standards :
EC Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) EC EMC Directive (2004/108/EC) EC Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC)
Standards EN/IEC 60204-1 (Safety and Electrical Equipment in Machines), ISO 12100 (Safety of Machines) and EN 292 must be observed in reference to Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) .
Standard IEC 6 04 39-1 (Low-voltage Switchgear and Control Gear Assemblies) must be observed in reference to EC Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC).
The machine manufacturer must generate a hazard analysis for the machine, and must implement suitable measures to ensure that unexpected movements will not c a use perso nal inju ry and/or property damage.
The machine manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the machine meets the requirements specified by the EMC regulations. Guidelines for correct installation for EMC (such as shielding, grounding, treatment of connectors and cable layout) are provided in this.
The machine manufacturer must check whether EC Directives or other standards must be applied to the machine.
Servotronix only guarantees the conformance of the servo system with the standards cited i n this chap ter.
Introduction CDHD
4 Servotronix
Caution: Installa tion of the e quipment is crit ic a l in designi ng sy s te m and machine electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). The end us er must appl y the installation rec o mmenda tions in th is m anual.
1.4 Unpacking
1. Open the package(s) and remove all packing materials and items. The
package contai ns two items:
The CDHD drive
A p a ck et of mating conn ectors for the power connect ors .
2. Check to ensure there is no visible damage to any of the equipment. If damag e is d etected, notify th e carrier im m e d iately.
CDHD Product Description
User Manual 5
2 Product Description
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 General Description
The CDHD is a full-featured, high-performance servo drive featuri ng in novativ e technologies and industry-leading power density.
Key features of the CDHD include:
Support for rotary and linear brushless DC motors, and DC brush motors. Operation in current, velocity and position control loops. Eleven digital inputs, six digital outputs, together with an analog input and
output, to meet any I/O requirement.
Various communication options. Various motor feedback options. Fir mware customization to address special application requirements. OEM motors predefined in user interface to enable immediate integration.
2.1.2 Product Options
The CDHD product family offers a number of options :
200 or 400 VAC rating Contin uous current of 1.5, 3, 6 or 13 A rms for the 200 V model s Continuous current of 3 or 6 A rms for the 400 V m odels One 16-bit or two 14-bit analog inputs Various interface options, including analog voltage/pulse train and CANopen.
Refer to the part number diagram at the beginning of this manual for the various ordering options for the CDHD drive.
Product Description CDHD
6 Servotronix
2.2 Technical Specifications
2.2.1 Dimensions
The exterior dimensions of the CDHD-1D5 and CDHD-006 are shown in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-1, respectively
Figure 2-1. CDHD-1D5 Dimensions (in mm)
Figure 2-2. CDHD-006 Dimensions (in mm)
CDHD Product Description
User Manual 7
2.2.2 Mechanical and Electrical Specifications - 200V
Single a nd Three­Phase 200V
Input Power Main Circuit (L1, L2, L3 )
Voltage (VAC Line-Line) Nominal ±10%
110 to 230
110 to 230
110 to 230 110 to 230
115 VAC 1 Phase 1 Phase
1 Phase or 3 Phase
1 Phase or
3 Phase 230 VAC 1 Phase 1 Phase 1 Phase 1 Phase Line Frequency (Hz) 47-63 47-63 47-63 47-63 KVA at 115 VAC KVA at 230 VAC Continuous Current (A) Peak Current (A) f or 2 sec
Withstand Voltage (Primary to Ground)
Line Fuses (FRN -R, LPN, or equivalent)
Logic Input Power (L1C, L2C)
115 or 230 VAC 1 Phase 1 Phase 1 Phase 1 Phase
Motor Output (U,V,W)
Continuous Output Current (A rms) 1.5 3 6 13
Continuous Output Current (A peak)
2.12 4.24 8.485 18.38
Peak Output Current (A rms) f or 2 sec
4.5 9 18 26
Peak Output Current (A peak) for 2 sec
6.3 12.72 25.455 36.76
PWM Frequency (kHz) 16 16 16 8 Soft Start Max. Surge Soft Start Current (A) 6 Max. Charge Time (ms) 250 Hardware Unit Weight (kg) 0.9 Connection Hardw are PE Ground Screw Size/ Torque
1.35 Nm
Wire Size
Control Circuit (AWG ) u p to 3 meter
Main Circuit Motor Lines (AW G ) 14-16 Main Circuit AC Inputs (AWG) 14-16 PE Ground Screw 14 Clearance Distance Side-to-Side (mm) 10-15 Top/Bottom (mm) 50 Voltage Trip
Under-Voltage Trip (nominal) (VDC)
Over-Voltage Trip (VDC) 420
Product Description CDHD
8 Servotronix
Single a nd Three­Phase 200V
013 Power Temperature
Power Over-Temperature Warning (°C)
Power Over-Temperature Fault (°C) 110
Trigger Temperature for High­speed Fan (°C)
NA NA 60
Regen External Regenerative resistor (B1+, B2)
External Shunt Regulator
Peak current (A) NA NA 30
Minimum resistance (Ω) NA NA 13.1 Watts NA NA
dependent Application Informat ion Capacitance (F) NA NA 1120 Bus Voltage (nominal) (VDC) NA NA 320 VHYS (Regen Circuit Turn-off) VDC) NA NA
VMAX (Regen Circuit Turn-on) (VDC)
2.2.3 Mechanical and Electrical Specifications - 400V
Three-Phase 400V Specification CDHD-003 CDHD-006 Ratings
Input Power Main Circuit Voltage (VAC Line-Line) Nominal ±10 % 530-600 530-600 (L1, L2, L3 ) 380 VAC 3 Phase 3 Phase 430 VAC 3 Phase 3 Phase Line Frequency (Hz) 47-63 47-63 KVA at 380 VAC KVA at 430 VAC Continuous Current (A) Peak Current (A) f or 2 sec Withstand Voltage (Primary to Ground) Line Fuses (FRN -R, LPN, or equivalent)
Logic Input Power (L1C, L2C)
VDC 24 VDC ±10% 24 V DC ±10%
Motor Output (U,V,W)
Continuous Output Current (A rms) 3 6
Continuous Output Current (A peak) 4.24 8.485 Peak Output Current (A rms) for 2 sec 9 18 Peak Output Current (A pe a k ) f or 2 sec 12.72 25.455 PWM Frequency (kHz) 16 16 Soft Start Max. Surge Soft Start Current (A) Max. Charge Time (ms)
CDHD Product Description
User Manual 9
Three-Phase 400V Specification CDHD-003 CDHD-006 Hardware
Unit Weight (kg) Connection Hardw are PE Ground Screw Size/Torque Wire Size Control Circuit (AWG) up to 3 meter Main Circuit Motor Lines (AW G ) Main Circuit AC Inputs (AWG) PE Ground Screw Clearance Di st a nce Side-to-Side (mm) Top/Bottom (mm) Voltage Trip Under-Voltage Trip (nominal) (VDC) Over-Voltage Trip (VDC) Power Temperature Power Over-Temperature Warning (°C) Power Over-Temperature Fault (°C)
Trigger Temperature for High-speed Fan (°C)
Regen External Regenerative resistor (B1+, B2)
External Shunt Regulator
Peak Current (A)
Minimum Resistance (Ω) Watts Application Informat ion Capacitance (F) Bus Voltage (Nominal) (VDC) VHYS (Regen Circuit Turn-off) (VDC) VMAX (Regen Circuit Turn-on) (VDC)
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