SerVision MVG400 Installation Manual

Installation Guide
September 2013
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
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All trad emark s ment ioned in this manual are the sole property of their resp ective manufacturers.
SerVision Ltd., Jer usalem, Israel • © 2013 SerVi sion Lt d. All rig ht s reserved.
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SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction 3 The MVG400 Package 4 Additional Equipment 6 Installing the MVG400 System 7
Selecting a Location for the Unit 8 Preventing Overheating 8 Installing the Unit 10 Diagram of th e Re a r Pan e l 11 Supplying Power to Devices Con ne cted to the Uni t 12
Turning the Device Power On and Off with the Ignition 12 Transforming the Supplied Voltage to 12V 13 Configuring the Power-Supply Activator 14
Conn ecti n g D ev i c es to th e MVG400 15
Connecting Cameras 15
Connecting PTZ Controllers 15
Connecting Sensors 17
Connecting a Sensor Directly to the Unit 17
Connecting Sensors Using an ADAM Modu le 18 Connecting Activators 21 Connecting Senso rs and Ac tivat o rs Usin g an IA Relay Board 22 Connecting Microphones 23 Connecting a Speaker or Headphones 24 Connecting a CCTV Monitor 24
Connec ting a Switch 26
Connecting Multiple Monitors 26
Setting Up Network Connections 27
Connecting the MVG400 to an External Network 27 Connecting Devices to the MVG400’s Internal Network 27
Connecting the GPS Antenna 29 Connecting the MVG400 to a Power Source 30
Connecting the Wire Connector to the Unit 30 Connecting the Unit to an Electrical Outlet 31 Connecting the Unit to the Vehicle Battery 32
Appendix 1: Removing the Unit’s Hard Drive 36 Appendix 2 : Using the 12VDC Po wer Out Connector 38
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
Introduction 3
This guide explains how to set up the hardware components of SerVision’s MVG400 security system. The MVG400 bel ongs to SerVision’s line of embedded Video Gateway units. These uni ts provide state-of-the-art security functionality, including live video streaming, video recording and playback, motion detection, sensor management, real-time eve nt notification, an d devi ce a ctivat ion. All of these features can be a ccess ed remotely via PC, PDA, or cellu lar telephone.
The MVG400 is optimized for deployment in vehicles. I t h as built-in support for cable-based, Wi F i, and cellu lar networking, and contains an in ternal G PS r eceiver tha t makes it possi bl e to track th e locati on an d rou te of the vehicle in which it is installed. It can also be in tegrated wi th some fl e et-management systems (such as the Galooli system; see
Once the MVG400 has been in stalled a s exp lained in th is guide, it mu s t be con figur ed . Configuration is performed by connecting to the MVG400 unit using a PC that is on the same network as the unit (or connected to the unit directly using a LAN cross cable) and opening the unit’s configuration utility in a browser. For additional informa tion about confi guring your MVG400, please refer to the Embedded Video Gateway System Guide.
Client software is used for accessi ng the MVG400 unit remotely in order to view video and events and control the system in various ways. SerVision offers client software for PCs and for certa in cellular t elephon e an d PD A models. Full instructions for th e u s e of th e client a pp li cations are availa bl e in s ep arate manuals, whi ch can be downloaded at
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
The MVG400 Package 4
The MVG400 Package
The MVG400 p ackage con tains the fol lowing items:
Item Description Illustration
MVG400 unit Video Gateway
Etherne t (L AN ) cable
Connects the unit to a PC (or a cable-based local network)
RS232/ 485 serial adapter
Connec ts PT Z con tr ol lers to the unit
2 WiFi antennas
Enable the built-in WiFi adapter to conne ct to WiFi access points
GPS antenna
Enables the built-in GPS receiver to conne ct to satellites
2 supports
Used to install the unit in the vehicle
4 screws
Used to connect the supports to the unit
4 washers
Used to connect the supports to the unit
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
The MVG400 Package 5
Item Description Illustration
2 keys
Used to open or lock the hard ­drive compartmen t
Power-supply cable
Connects the power-supply to the unit
Note: For large orders, only a small number of power-supply cables are normally supplie d (see
Power-connector cable
Connects the power-supply to an electri c out le t
Note: For large orders, only a small number of power-connector cables are normally supplie d (see
Power cord
Connects the unit to the vehicle battery via th e ci g a ret te lig h te r
Note: Normally supplied only with demo units (see note below).
NOTE: The power-s u p p ly cable, the power-con nector cable, and th e po wer cord with cigarette-lighter
connector are not required for operation of the MVG400 in a vehicle, beca u s e the unit is hard-wired to the vehicle batt ery when it i s installed .
Typically, the MVG400 unit is configured in an office setting before it is installed, and for that the
power-supply and power-connector cables are used. Sin ce on l y a small number of unit s ar e configur ed at one ti me, power-supply and power-connector cables are not required for every unit of a large order . After configuration, the units normally only need power-supply and power-connect or cables if they malfunction and are removed from the vehicles in which they are installed in order to perform trouble­shooting pr oc edures on t hem in the office.
The power cord, which has a cigarette-lighter connector, is not required for normal installations; it is
useful primarily for test ing of demo units, which are not installed in the vehicl es or hardwired to the battery.
In keeping with Ser V ision’s “green” p ol icy of preventing unnecessary waste, on ly a limited number of
power-supply and power-connector cables are supplied wi th each order. Plea s e r etain the cables you receive for use with all of the unit s you p urchase. Similar ly, power cords with cigarette-lighter connectors are on ly suppli ed wi th demo unit s . If you require more of an y of these it ems than are normally suppl ied, plea se consult yours sales representati ve.
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
Additional Equipment 6
Additional Equipment
Up to four vi d eo ca meras can be con nected t o th e MVG400. You must acquire the cameras you require; they are not included in the MVG400 package. For information about camera compatibility and about conn e c tin g the cameras to the unit, see Connecting Cameras, page 15, or con s ult your vendor.
In addition to the cameras, you may wish to incorporate some or all of the optional equipment listed below into your security system. For additional information about th es e items and the cables r equired t o connect them, please r efer to the installation instructions for each t ype of d evice.
NOTE: This equipment is no t included in the MVG400 package.
Cellular modem with USB adapter (see Connecting the MVG400 to an External Netw ork, page 27)
Note: Not a ll cellul ar modems are supported. Pleas e contact your MVG400 supplier or SerVision technical support for a list of supported cellular modems.
USB extension cord for connecting the cellular modem to the unit; the modem functions best if it is installed
high in the vehicle in an exposed location (see Connecting the MVG400 to an External Network, page 27) Note: The extension cord should not be longe r than about 1. 5 meters.
Up t o four dry-contact sensors (see Connecting Sensors, page 17)
Note: Up to four dry-cont act sensors can be connected directly to the MVG400 unit. If you use either an ADAM module or an IA relay board, as described below, you can connect an additional 16 dry-contact sensors via the unit’s RS232/485 connector.
Note: If you connec t a touc hscreen monitor to t he MVG400, you cannot also connect an AD A M m odul e or an IA relay board. In this case, you can only connect up to four dry-contact sensors to the unit.
ADAM Data Acquisiti on Module and ADAM isolated RS232->RS422/RS485 converter, for connecting up to
16 dry-contact sensors (see Connecting Sensors, page 17)
Intelligent App liance IA-3126-2 relay board, for connecti ng up to 16 dry-contact sensors (see Connecting
Sensors and Activators Using an IA Relay Board, page 22) and 16 acti vators to the MVG400 unit
Up t o two dry-conta ct activat ors (alarm s or other devices that are turned on or off i n respon s e t o the activat ion
of a sen sor ; see Connecting Activators, page 21) Note: Up to two activat ors can be connected d irectl y to th e MVG400 unit. If you use an IA relay board, as
described above, you can connect an add itional 16 a c t ivators via th e unit’ s RS232/485 connector. Note: If you connec t a touc hscreen monitor to t he MVG400, you cannot also connect an IA r e lay board. In
this case, you can only connec t up to t wo dry-contact activators to the unit.
Up to t wo mi crophone s (see Connecting Microphones, page 23)
• Speaker or headphones (th e un it already contains a built -in speaker ; see Connecting a Speaker or Headphones,
page 24)
CCTV monitor for closed-circuit video display (see Connecting a CCTV Monitor, page 24)
Push-button switch to change the display in a connected CCTV monitor (see Connecting a Switch, page 26)
Toggle (on-off) switch to change the active out line (see Connecting Sensors, page 17)
Insul ated plastic container with two built-in fans in which the MVG400 unit can be placed (s ee Preventing
Overheating, page 8)
Additional hard drives (see Appendix 1: Removing the Unit’s Hard Drive, pa ge
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
Installing the MVG400 System 7
Installing the MVG400 System
These are the steps that you will typically follow in order to install the MVG400 system:
1. Install the MVG400 unit in it s d es ired location using the supplied supports; see Selecting a Location for the Unit, page 8.
Note: If you are inst alling the MVG400 in an in sul ated container (see Preventing Overheating, page 8), you must install the container in th e veh icle and the MVG400 in th e con tain er.
2. Install the video cam er as in their d es ired loca tions.
3. Install the sensors in their desired locations (optional). Note: Four sensors can be connected dir ectly to th e un it; another 1 6 can be conn ected thr ou gh an ADAM
module or an IA relay board; see Connecting Sensors, page 17.
4. Install a toggle switch in its desired location (optional); the toggle-button switch can be used to change the active outlin e; see Connecting Sensors, page 17.
5. Install the activators in their desired locations (optional). Note: Two activators can be connected directly to the unit; another 16 can be connect ed th rough an IA relay
board; see Connecting Activators, page 21.
6. Install a CCTV monitor in its desired location (optional).
7. Install a push-button switch in its desired location (optional); the push-button switch can be u sed to change the display on the CCTV monitor, if a monitor is connected t o the un it; see Connecting Sensors, page 17.
8. Connect the cameras and other d evi ces to the MVG400, as required; see Connecting Devices to the MVG400, page 15.
9. Connect the cameras and other d evi ces to the vehicle battery, as required ; see Supplying Power to Devices Connected to the Unit, page 12.
10. Place the cellul ar modem in an appropriat e locati on in the vehicl e and connect it to the unit using a USB extension cord (optional); see Connecting the MVG400 to an External Network, page 27.
11. Connect the WiFi antennas to the uni t ; see Connecting the MVG400 to an External Network, page 27.
12. Connect the unit to a LAN using an Ethernet cable ( optional); see Connecting the MVG400 to an External Network, page 27.
13. Install the GPS an tenna in an a ppr op r iate loca tion in the vehicle an d con nect it to th e unit (optional); see Connecting the GPS Antenna, page 29.
14. Install any devices that will be connected to th e MVG400's internal network in their desired locations. Connect them to a power source and to the unit (optional); see Connecting Devices to the MVG400’s Internal Network, page 27.
15. Connect the MVG400 unit to a power source; see
Connecting the MVG400 to a Pow er Source, page 30.
NOTE: The unit, the devices connect ed to it, an d the cables used t o connect them, must all be securely fasten ed
to the veh icle to ens ure they do not becom e d etach ed from their locations when the vehicle is in motion.
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
Installing the MVG400 System 8
NOTE: Installing the unit and its peripheral equipment in a vehicle is a complex process. It is highly
recomm ended tha t it be p erformed b y a trained s p ecialist in vehicle in s tallati ons.
Selecting a Locati o n for the U ni t
The unit should be installed in a cool and vent ilated l oca tion, pr ot ected from d irect sunlight and water (including liqui d s u s ed to cl ean the in si d e of the vehicle), and as far away from humidity as possible. It should not be installed in a closed location, such as the in the trunk or dashboard, or under the paneling, of a car. Ensure the unit has at least 20 centimeters (eight inches) of spa ce above it and on all sides for ventilation. It can be in st alled either hori zontally or vertic ally.
When choosing a location for the MVG400, bear in mind that th e un it must be connected t o th e vehicle ba ttery and ignit ion (if req uired), that other devices (cam eras, sen s ors, PC, et c.) must be connected both to it and to power sources, and tha t the GPS anten n a an d cellular modem mu st be lo cated relatively high up an d in ex posed locations (see Connecting the MVG400 to an External Network, page 27; Connecting the GPS Antenna, pag e 29). Choose a location in whi ch th es e connect ions are feasi ble.
Preventing Ove r heating
MVG400 units should be in s t alled in the pa s s e nger comp artment in a locati on th at is cooled by the vehicle's air ­conditioning when the air conditioner is on. Ideally, the units should be installed in insulated plastic containers with built-in fans. E ach conta i ner should have two fans, one to draw co ol air into the container and the other to push hot air out of it. Containers of this type are available for purchase from vehicle-accessory suppliers. The containers should be installed in the vehicles in accessible locations, with as much ventilation as possib le . Ce llular modems, and the ends of GPS an t enn as, shoul d be placed outside the con tainers. (Cell ul ar mod ems should be connected to MVG400 units using USB extension cords; see Connecting the MVG400 to an External Network, page 27.) If you plan to remove the hard-drive from the unit without removing the unit from the container, make sure to allow enough space to open the hard-drive compartment (see Appendix 1: Removing the Unit’s Hard Drive, page 36).
NOTE: Do not inst all the unit in a metal con tainer; metal interferes with wireless reception.
Figure 1: Video Gateway installed in an insulated plastic container with two fans
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
Installing the MVG400 System 9
Figure 2: Video Gateway installed in an insulated container attached to the back of a seat in a car
In buses and trains, the MVG400 can be installed in an air-conditioning duct or in the compartment above the driver's seat.
Figure 3: Video Gateway installed in the air-cond itioning duct of a bus
Figure 4: Video Gateway installed in the compartment above the driver's seat in a bus
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
Installing the MVG400 System 10
Installing the Unit
The unit should be fir mly secured to ensur e it d oes not move around when the vehicle is in motion; if the unit is dislodged from its location in the vehicle, it may be damaged, hit people in the vehicle, or harm other items with which it comes int o contact.
NOTE: To install th e uni t, you will n eed s crews to secu re th e unit to its anchoring s urface (not s u p pl ied; see
step 2 below).
To install the MVG400:
1. Connect the two side supports to either side of the bottom of the MVG400, using two screws and two washers for each support. (The screws and washers are supplied with the MVG400.)
Figure 5: Side support
Figure 6: S u pports attached to b ottom of the MVG400
Side support
Screw and washer
SerVision MVG400 Installation Guide
Installing the MVG400 System 11
2. Place the unit in the desired loca tion and attach it securely by conn ecting th e s i de supports to the anchor ing surfa ce with two or th ree screws on each sid e. (These screw s are not included with th e MVG400.)
Note: Th e unit can be pla ced horizontally or verticall y. I f i t is placed ver ticall y, the left sid e (the side contain i ng the har d drive) sh ould fa ce up.
Figure 7: Hard-drive compartment
Diagram of the Rear Panel
The rear of t he MVG400 unit contain s the connect ors described b elow.
Figure 8: MVG400 connectors
Audio Out (Aout)
Audio In2 (Ain2)
Audio In1 (Ain1)
TV Out
Video In
USB Port
12VDC Power Out
Out1, Out2
GPS Antenna
Hard-drive compartment
+ 28 hidden pages