- set q power 0x20 - Sets power to 1.2 V automatically upon power up
- set q power 0x02 - Sets power to 1.2 V when a sampling event occurs
- set q power 0x40 - Sets power to 3.3 V automatically upon power up
- set q power 0x04 - Sets power to 3.3 V when a sampling event occurs
5.9 TIME Server Parameters
set time address <addr> - sets the time server address. (sNTP servers)
set time port <num> - sets the time server port number. Defaults to 123 which is almost always the sNTP server port.
set time enable <value> - enable or disable fetching time from the specified sNTP time server. Default=0= disabled. A value or
1 gets time only once on power up. Any value > 1 gets time continuously every <value> minutes.
set time raw <value> - setting parameter allows you to set the RTC raw value from the console, where <value> is a decimal
number in seconds. The RTC ticks at 32,768 Hz.
5.10 UART Parameters
set uart baud <rate> - sets the UART baud rate. Valid settings are {2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200,
Example: set u b 9600 sets the baud rate to 9600 baud.
NOTE: the RS-232 interface on the WiSnap does not work below 2400 or above 230400 baud.
set uart instant <rate> - this immediately changes the baud rate, where <value> is 2400,
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
115200, 230400, 460800, or
921600. This is useful when testing baud rate settings, or switching baud rate “on the fly”
remotely while connected over TCP. This setting does not affect configuration. Returns the AOK response, but will not exit
command mode.
NOTE: In firmware version 2.22 and lower, the module does NOT
return an AOK over telnet before exiting command
If used in local mode, the baud rate changes and the module sends AOK using the new baud rate. If the host switches to the
new baud rate immediately, the host may see the AOK string at the new baud rate. Depending on the baud rate, it takes at
least ten times the bit rate for the module to issue the first character.
set uart raw <value> - sets a RAW UART value, where <value> is a decimal number representing the baud rate. Used to set
non-standard rates. The lowest possible baud rate is 2400.
Using non-standard raw baud rates with hardware flow control can be more useful at speeds as the microcontroller interfaced
to the module may be able to better match the UART speed and get better results. The table below shows the supported raw
baud rates: