Arpeggiator Beat Sync
is option quantizes keyboard performance of the arpeggiator so that notes are
quantized to the current clock divide setting. Previously, changing notes or chords
on the keyboard during arpeggiator playback would retrigger notes whether or
not the note was played precisely on the beat. With this option enabled, arpeggiator note playback occurs only on the beat — regardless of the precision of your
To enable Arpeggiator Beat Sync:
1. Press the globals button twice to activate the lower set of parameters.
2. Press program selector button 9.
3. Use the bank and tens buttons as decrement and increment buttons to step
through available settings and select on.
4. Once you’ve chosen the desired setting, press the globals button again to
MIDI Note Output from the Arpeggiator and Sequencer
e OB-6’s arpeggiator and sequencer can now output MIDI note numbers. Any
notes that you hold on the OB-6 keyboard will be arpeggiated according to the
current settings of the arpeggiator and output over MIDI (or USB) as MIDI notes.
Similarly, any notes output by the sequencer will be output over MIDI (or USB) as
MIDI notes. You can use this feature to drive other MIDI-equipped devices such
as synthesizers and drum machines.
To enable MIDI Note output from the arpeggiator and sequencer:
1. Press the globals button then press program selector button 5 (param xmit).
2. Use the bank and tens buttons as decrement and increment buttons to
step through available settings and select either
. Your choice
depends on whether you were previously using CC or NRPN to send MIDI
controller data to your external device, as either setting will send MIDI
notes out. Choose
if CC. Choose
if NRPN.
3. Once you’ve chosen the desired setting, press the globals button again to exit.