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Because of continuing developments and improvements in design,
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from the use of this document.
SEQUANS Communications
Document Revision History
RevisionDateProduct Application
01November 2016First edition of the VZM20Q Module Integration Guide.
SEQUANS Communications
Purpose and Scope
This Application note is intended to help customers who want to deviate from
the Sequans’ Reference Designs to successfully integrate and test their
product based on module.
It presents Integration Guidelines for:
•All VZM20Q Interface Requirements
•Tips and “how-to”s for troubleshooting
Development of the Hardware should follow a process that ensures the
solution will be optimum and it is the purpose / goal of this document to reach
this. For this to occur it is recommended that these processes are followed in
order. This document is delivered as three sections:
About this Guide
1.System Overview
2.Hardware and software design guidelines
3.Bring-up verification and test
Caution:It is highly recommended that Sequans support teams are
involved during all processes to ensure the very best can be
achieved for the alternative design.
Who Should Read this Document
This Application Note is for hardware designers of user applications based on
Sequans VZM20Q Module.
Important: Reference design source files are based on the application PADS®
from Mentor Graphics® ( Customers using
the other CAD applications can use schematics translators and
viewers, such as Elgris® ( Such translators may
save time and prevent mistakes during manual PADs conversion.
SEQUANS Communications
Reference Documentation
1.DV Tool User Guide
2.Sequans Hardware Platform User Guide
3.mTools Reference Manual
4.Nimbelink™ Evaluation Kit User Manual
Changes in this Document
This is the first edition of the document.
SEQUANS Communications
Documentation Conventions
This section illustrates the conventions that are used in this document.
General Conventions
NoteImportant information requiring the user’s attention.
A condition or circumstance that may cause damage to the equipment or loss of
A condition or circumstance that may cause personal injury.
War ning
ItalicsItalic font style denotes
• emphasis of an important word;
• first use of a new term;
• title of a document.
Screen NameSans serif, bold font denotes
• on-screen name of a window, dialog box or field;
• keys on a keyboard;
• labels printed on the equipment.
Software Conventions
CodeRegular Courier font denotes code or text displayed on-screen.
CodeBold Courier font denotes commands and parameters that you enter exactly as
shown. Multiple parameters are grouped in brackets [ ]. If you are to choose only
one among grouped parameters, the choices are separated with a pipe: [parm1 |
parm2 | parm3] If there is no pipe separator, you must enter each parameter:
[parm1 parm2 parm3]
CodeItalic Courier font denotes parameters that require you to enter a value or
variable. Multiple parameters are grouped in brackets [ ]. If you are to choose
only one among grouped parameters, the choices are separated with a pipe:
[parm1 | parm2 | parm3] If there is no pipe separator, you must enter a value for
each parameter: [parm1 parm2 parm3]
Note:The hardware design package of VZM20Q reference design is
available from your Sequans local contact.
1.2Recommended Design Flow
To ensure that the customer benefits from the details of this document we
recommend to carefully take the following information into account during
the design process.
1.2.1Design Modifications
Compared to Nimbelink™ reference design, only the following modifications
to the BOM are allowed to designers:
•SIM connector
•Level shifter on UARTs
•Circuitry on RESETN
Note:Any GNSS/GPS function is out of scope of VZM20Q Reference
Consultancy with Sequans is highly recommended to verify these alternate
1.2.2Schematics Review
Ensuring that the circuit design by analysis will be compliant with the
Sequans’ chipset. It is recommended that the review of the design includes
Sequans’ technical support team.
1.2.3PCB Placement and Layout Review
To ensure the PCB layout is compliant, it is recommended that the review of
this CAD activity includes Sequans at several iterative steps such as
component placement, RF and digital routing, final layout levels etc. This
might avoid later rework.
SEQUANS Communications
When the design returns from the manufacture, it might occur that
improvements have to be made to the circuits. It is also recommended to
communicate such results to Sequans who can help to verify the
1.2.5Functional Validation
The test of the design performance should be done in thorough detail. This
will ensure the compliance with the test standard as the final design will be
subjected to a formal qualification. It is the designer’s responsibility to meet
this goal. Sharing the results with Sequans will help identify any particular
problem that could be fixed at an early stage to ensure strong confidence of
qualification. This should be done for all the tests that involve Sequans
Hardware Test Preparation on page 37 provides you with the hardware setup
required to proceed with test phases.
1.2.6Manufacturing Recommended Process
Manufacturing Process on page 5 provides information on the process
required to achieve the manufacturing of your product.
SEQUANS Communications
Manufacturing Process
2.1Manufacturing Process Overview
Note:The contents of this section will be provided in a future revision
of the document.
2.2Module Upgrade
Note:The contents of this section will be provided in a future revision
of the document.
SEQUANS Communications
Hardware Integration
This chapter provides the information necessary to understand the various
interface requirements to interconnect with the VZM20Q, associated
software-configurable items for the respective interface and, more generally,
good practices for board design when considering the various interface types.
Table 3-1 describes the requirements for trace characteristics.
Important: Different signals require different special needs. Please consider
carefully the interfacing requirement of each relevant connection.