VZ120Q User’s Manual
SEQUANS Communications
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Document Revision History
Revision Date Product Application
V1.0 July 07 2015 First edition of the VZ120Q User Manual
V2.0 Apr 25 2016 Second edition of the VZ120Q User Manual, following FCC recommendations
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About this Document
Purpose and Scope
This user manual is intended for engineers who use the VZ120Q to run various qualification tests in Verizon
Who Should Read this User Manual
This document is intended for engineers who want to operate the evaluation kit based on the VZ120Q
module, for IOT and certification tests purposes.
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Table of Contents
1 VZ120Q PRODUCT DESCRIPTION....................................................................................... 6
1.1 PRODUCT FEATURES ............................................................................................................... 6
1.2 SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 7
2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ............................................................................................ 8
2.1 PREREQUISITES................................................................ ....................................................... 8
2.2 FIRST INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................... 9
2.3 VZ120Q BOARD CONNECTION ............................................................................................... 9
2.4 FIRMWARE UPGRADE .............................................................................................................. 9
2.5 SOFTWARE UNINSTALLATION ................................................................................................ 10
4 OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................ 15
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