SEO Electronics CANblu immobilizer User Manual

CAR security systems
AVL and GPS/GSM systems
CAN BUS devices
Modrzewiowa 5 16-010 Wasilków POLAND
+48 85 652 56 61
SEO Electronics
Number of ID’s
button presses
ID’s LED indication
Press and hold
(for 5 seconds)
Turning the ID transmitter ON or OFF
5 blinks (in 2 sec) – ID has been switched ON Continuous illumination (in 2 sec) – ID has been
switched OFF
ID ON or OFF status info
5 blinks (in 2 sec) – ID is ON Continuous illumination (in 2 sec) – ID is OFF
Service mode ON or OFF status (while ID is ON and in range of main unit)
1 blink – service mode is OFF 2 blinks – service mode is ON No blink – out of range
ID status: connection with the main unit and whether the ID transmitter is in range of main unit (while ID is ON)
Single blinks for 20 seconds – ID out of range Double blinks for 20 seconds – ID in range of main unit 3 fast blinks – ID does not store any encryption keys
Checking ID’s battery level (while ID is ON)
1 blink – battery nearly discharged 2 blinks – low charge level 3 blinks – sufficient charge level 4 blinks – high charge level
Checking qty of IDs programmed into main unit (while ID is ON and in range of main unit)
Number of blinks = number of programmed IDs
Checking, if the sequence of buttons to disarm the immobilizer was set in the vehicle (i.e. PIN code, alternative to the ID transmitter) (while ID is ON and in range of main unit)
1 blink – NO 2 blinks – YES
Switching the service mode ON/OFF (while ID is ON and in range of the main unit; not later than 60 seconds after switching the ignition ON)
A series of very fast blinks confirms sending the request to the main unit. 5 blinks of dashboard indicator confirm setting the service mode ON; 1 blink confirms setting the service mode OFF
Checking current power of the ID transmitter (while ID is ON)
1 to 9 blinks indicate the transmitter signal level
Setting the transmitter emitted power, removing the encryption keys from the ID transmitter, removing lost ID from the main unit and PIN code from the main unit
Additional code
ID’s LED indication
1-1-1-1 + 1 press & hold to set power -40 dBm
LED will briefly go OFF and ON to confirm entering each digit. After entering all 4 digits of additional code, a press & hold action (until the LED goes OFF) is required for the settings to take effect. After releasing the button, LED will blink rapidly if the emitted power-level setting was set or if encryption keys were removed from the ID transmitter
1-1-1-2 + 1 press & hold to set power -20 dBm
1-1-1-3 + 1 press & hold to set power -16 dBm
1-1-1-4 + 1 press & hold to set power -12 dBm
1-1-1-5 + 1 press & hold to set power -8 dBm
1-1-1-6 + 1 press & hold to set power -4 dBm
1-1-1-7 + 1 press & hold to set power 0 dBm
1-1-1-8 + 1 press & hold to set power +3 dBm
1-1-1-9 + 1 press & hold to set power +4 dBm
1-2-3-1 + 1 press & hold to remove encryption keys (while ID is OFF)
1-2-3-5 + 1 press & hold to remove PIN code
The ID transmitter must be switched ON See the manual for details
1-2-3-9 +1 press & hold to remove ID transmitters keys from the main unit
Disarming – automatic when the ID transmitter is within the range of the main unit. Arming – automatic, 10 sec after losing connection between the ID transmitter and the main unit.
ID transmitter has a button in its right-hand hole, by which a user can operate it (use a paper clip). LED is located in the left-hand hole of the ID transmitter.
During normal operation, the ID transmitter does not signal its state by LED, which increases the battery life. For extra security we recommend you do not attach the ID to your car keys. v 1.0 150219
Disarming – automatic while the ID transmitter is within the range of the main unit. If a PIN code is defined and you
do not have your ID transmitter with you, the immobilizer may be disarmed by entering the previously set buttons combination. Single blink of dashboard indicator will confirm disarming of the immobilizer. The time between pressing consecutive buttons must be shorter than 5 sec; in some vehicles this time must be longer than 0.4 sec. Arming – automatic 10 sec. after losing connection between the ID transmitter and the main unit. If a PIN code has
been set, switching the ignition OFF and opening driver’s door will arm the immobilizer (2 blinks of a dashboard indicator)
Turning the ID transmitter ON or OFF
To switch the ID transmitter ON or OFF, press and hold the button for about 5 seconds. The LED will indicate if it has been switched ON or OFF:
a) 5 blinks in about 2 seconds – the ID transmitter has been switched ON, b) continuous light for about 2 seconds – the ID transmitter has been switched OFF.
1x Checking if the ID transmitter is switched ON or OFF
Press the button once to check if the ID transmitter is switched ON or OFF. The LED will indicate whether it is switched ON or OFF:
a) 5 blinks in about 2 seconds – ID transmitter is switched ON, b) continuous illumination for about 2 seconds – the ID transmitter is switched OFF.
2x Checking the status of the service mode
The service mode allows to temporarily disable the immobilizer function and is useful while servicing the vehicle. To check the status of the service mode (ON or OFF), the ID transmitter must be switched ON and within the range of the main unit. Press the ID transmitter button twice and the LED will indicate the status of the service mode:
a) one blink – service mode is OFF (the immobilizer must be authorized to drive away), b) two blinks – service mode is ON (the vehicle is not protected by the immobilizer), c) no blinks – the ID transmitter not in range of main unit.
3x Checking the connection status with the main unit and ID transmitter signal range
Pressing the ID transmitter button 3 times permits you to check whether the ID transmitter is programmed into the main unit and if it is within its signal range.
a) LED single blinks for 20 seconds – the ID transmitter is or has been programmed into the main unit,
but remains out of its range,
b) LED double blinks for about 20 seconds – the ID transmitter is programmed into the main unit and is
within its range. This information is useful when setting the desired signal range (see section 9). Press the button 3 times again to extend the time of indicating whether the ID transmitter is within signal range. NOTICE: signal range depends on the electromagnetic noise present in the surrounding environment,
c) three blinks – the ID transmitter has no encryption keys in its memory and can be programmed into
the main unit.
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