Senztek solastat-1, solastat-3 User Manual

An Intelligent Technology Solution for Water Heating
SolaStat™-1-3 User Guide
Table of Contents
Introducing your SolaStat™ Controller .......................................................................... 1
The Display Panel ......................................................................................................... 2
Using your SolaStat™ Controller .................................................................................. 3
Trouble Shooting Guide ................................................................................................ 8
Programming Table ....................................................................................................... 9
For technical help contact your installer or maintenance technician.
Distributor Details:
© Senztek Holdings Ltd. 2009
Version 1.0 – April 2011 Table of Contents
AAbboouutt yyoouurr SSoollaaSSttaatt™™ CCoonnttrroolllleerr
HHooww ddooeess iitt wwoorrkk??
Your SolaStat™ Controller has a microcomputer, which intelligently and automatically controls water flow and energy inputs into your hot water system.
Your SolaStat™ will balance water flow and energy inputs from solar, and electrical sources so you minimise your energy costs
It has two main aims –
B To make sure your hot water is being heated cost-efficiently B To make sure you don’t run out of hot water when you need it
Your SolaStat™ Controller works by measuring and comparing the temperature at three different places in the system:
1. the collector (ROOF),
2. the top of hot water cylinder (TANK) and
SolaStat™-1-3 User Guide
3. the bottom of your hot water cylinder (INLET). If the temperature at the ROOF is higher than the TANK temperature by a
pre-set amount, then the pump turns on automatically to transfer heated water from your solar collector to your hot water cylinder, and replace it with cooler water from the bottom of the cylinder.
This makes the hot water cylinder heat up and the collector on your roof cool down. When the temperature difference reduces to the pre-set level again, the pump automatically stops.
It can also optimise the timing of heating your water, so heat is only applied to the water in your cylinder when necessary, not all the time.
The SolaStat™ is also designed to protect your hot water system from very high or freezing temperatures.
Version 1.0 – April 2011 Page 1
SolaStat™-1-3 User Guide
The ROOF, TANK and INLET lights
indicate which temperature is being displayed. If any of these lights flashes, the unit is in Smart Shutdown mode and SSd will be displayed.
PUMP Button
Press and hold this button to turn the pump on. Repeat this again to turn the pump off. After the pump has run for ten minutes, it automatically switches off for one minute, to let air escape and prevent overheating
When in Programming Mode, use this to increase the display value on the screen.
The DISPLAY PANEL shows the temperatures of the relevant sensors in
C or 0F.
HWC Button
Normally used to activate a one-off heat up of the Hot water cylinder element. Note that this is not active in this model.
When in Programming Mode, use this button to decrease the display value on the screen.
The PUMP light comes on when the pump is on (in normal or FROST operation or when the PUMP button is pressed). The PUMP light flashes when the maximum tank temperature has been reached.
NEXT Button
Press to obtain the next displayed temperature.
TEST Button
Press to test the display of the screen. ‘888’ will be displayed and all the lights (except the PWR light) will be on at the same time for about two seconds. All the lights will then flash and the display will show the number of times the pump has been on (up to
The HWC light is not active in this model.
The TOPOUT light is on when
the hot water tank has reached its maximum temperature.
The FROST (and PUMP) light is on when the pump is
circulating water to stop the collector from freezing.
CAUTION: Do not turn the power off when the FROST light is on.
Helping you to achieve Power Savings
Your SolaStat™ helps you save power by controlling the amount of hot water that enters your tank.
Your SolaStat™ is set to make the pump automatically turn on or turn off, depending on the temperature in the tank and at the collector.
You can manually alter the amount of water entering your tank by using the PUMP button.
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