Sentryway CurveTrack System Installation Manual

Installation Guide
Install Guide P/N : 0309-0218-00
CT V2 001
Les Carrés du Parc
10 rue des Rosiéristes
69410 Champagne au Mont d’Or
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System Installation Guide
Installation Guide
Installation Guide Revision Status :
Rev. Description of Change Date Approval
Sentryway - Les carrés du Parc - 10 rue des Rosiéristes - 69410 Champagne-au-Mont-d’Or Phone : 06 64 78 59 57 - Website :
e CurveTrack® is a product of Sentryway, and is protected patents.
is document discloses information proprietary to Sentryway, and no intent to abandon such proprietary information or to grant any rights to the recipient, is to be inferred from any transfer of this document. All transfers of this document, except where express written consent has been granted, are made subject to the conditions that the document not be reproduced, copied, or otherwise represented either in whole or in part, and that no part of its contents or any embodiment thereof will be divulged or used in connection with any matters other than for Sentryway
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It is essential that safety precautions noted throughout this manual be followed along with OSHA Safety Standards and local electrical codes at the installation site. To prevent personal injury, use the safety equipment specied in the Recommended Tool list elsewhere in this manual.
SENTRYWAY reserves the right to modify the contents of this manual at any time. Sentryway shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or for inci­dental or consequential damages in connection with furnishing, performance, or the use of material in this manual.
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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................7
1.1 Explanation of Symbols.............................................................................................................................8
1.2 Technical Specications............................................................................................................................9
1.2.1 Physical Dimensions of the camera carriage..........................................................................................10
1.3 Units of measure.........................................................................................................................................10
1.4 General safety precautions.........................................................................................................................10
1.5 Responsibilities of the Installer.................................................................................................................11
2.1 System Components...................................................................................................................................12
2.2 Rail Components........................................................................................................................................14
2.3 Carriage Components................................................................................................................................17
2.4 Power supply assembly (power end cap) Components..............................................................................18
3.1 Overview.....................................................................................................................................................23
3.2 Setting Up A Schedule................................................................................................................................21
3.3 Planning Installation of the System Run...................................................................................................21
3.4 Material Inspection and Inventory............................................................................................................22
3.5 Material Storage.........................................................................................................................................22
3.6 Recommended Tool
4. SUPPORT STRUCTURE INSTALLATION........................................................................24
4.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................24
4.2 Fastening Support Hardware to Bar
4.3 Fastening Support Hardware to Bar
4.4 Fastening Support Hardware to Steel Beams—Perpendicular.................................................................26
4.5 Fastening Support Hardware to Steel
4.6 Fastening Support Hardware to C–Purlin
4.7 Fastening Support Hardware to C–Purlin Beams—Parallel....................................................................30
4.8 Fastening Support Hardware to Flush Concrete–Parallel and Perpendicular.........................................31
4.9 Fastening Support Hardware to Reinforced Concrete
5. THREADED ROD INSTALLATION..................................................................................34
5.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................34
5.2 Cutting the readed Rod.........................................................................................................................34
5.3 Installing readed Rod in Channel for Parallel Runs............................................................................36
5.4 Installing Turnbuckles on readed Rods...............................................................................................38
6.1 Rail Section Inspection..............................................................................................................................40
6.2 Rail Section Cleaning.................................................................................................................................40
6.3 Rail Section Preparation............................................................................................................................40
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6.4 Connecting rail Sections to readed Rod Assemblies–Method 1..........................................................42
6.5 Connecting rail Sections to readed Rod Assemblies–Method 2..........................................................43
6.6 Alignment of System Run..........................................................................................................................43
6.7 Guy Wire Suspension.................................................................................................................................51
7. INSTALLATION OF COPPER CONDUCTORS............................................................53
7.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................53
7.2 Soldering copper conductors ....................................................................................................................54
7.3 Inserting conductors into plastic track.....................................................................................................58
8.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................59
8.2 Installation.................................................................................................................................................59
9.1 RF Adapter PCB Installation....................................................................................................................60
9.2 Terminator Board Installation..................................................................................................................60
10. INSTALLATION OF LIMIT SWITCH ACTUATORS....................................................61
10.1 General....................................................................................................................................................61
10.2 Installing limit switch actuators.............................................................................................................61
11. SYSTEM CABLING WITH POWER END CAP ASSEMBLY.........................................66
12. INSTALLING THE CARRIAGE.....................................................................................63
12.1 Carriage inspection.................................................................................................................................63
12.2 Installing the carriage in the system run................................................................................................63
12.3 Inspecting the system run.......................................................................................................................64
13. SYSTEM INITIALIZATION AND POWERING UP.......................................................65
13.1 Power up / Initialization.........................................................................................................................65
13.2 Programming instructions....................................................................................................................65
14. WINDOWS.....................................................................................................................66
14.1 General description.................................................................................................................................66
14.2 Windows installation on straight rails...................................................................................................66
14.3 Windows installation on curved section of rail.....................................................................................68
15. FIELD REPLACEABLE PARTS LIST..............................................................................69
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1. Introduction
Sentryway has designed and built this state-of-the-art Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Traveling Camera System using the nest materials and components available. e CurveTrack® consists of a CCTV camera, with pan, tilt, and zoom capability, which moves along a rail on a carriage concealed from view within a transparent, mirrored enclosure. e carriage is not tethered to any power or video cables. Because the camera moves on a rail, line-of-sight and blind spot issues are eliminated and total coverage can be achieved using fewer cameras.
e CurveTrack® camera provides a continuous, high resolution, real-time, moving video picture while remaining hidden. e system can be operated in automatic or manual modes. An on-site system operator can easily tilt, pan, zoom, and focus the camera to monitor specic areas and follow activity.
Of primary importance is the fact that individual CurveTrack® systems can be accessed remotely via the internet. is capability enables, for instance, corporate headquarter’s personnel to observe and monitor on­going operations at multiple facilities in real time. Management can maintain total control over display, pricing, and stocking of merchandise while ensuring compliance with all operational directives and procedures.
e instructions presented in this manual are intended for technicians and comprise the recommended installation procedures for all components of the CurveTrack® system. Operating instructions for the system are contained in a separate User’s Manual available from Sentryway
Quiet, long lasting, trouble – free operation of the CurveTrack® system is dependent upon proper installation of all components. It is imperative that installation technicians read and understand this manual thoroughly before beginning an installation. Installers must use good judgment when slight deviations from these instructions are called for.
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1.1 Explanation of symbols
e Exclamation Mark is used as a general safety alert. Read and follow instructions carefully when this symbol appears.
A Note is a specic fact or time– saving tip that, if not followed, could aect the performance of the associated procedure.
A Caution is present when failure to properly perform a particular action or procedure could cause serious equipment damage or cost considerable time to correct. Complying with a Caution can help to prevent serious trouble.
A Danger statement is used to alert the user to the existence of the potential for serious bodily injury or death. Information presented under the Danger symbol MUST BE ACTED UPON.
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1.2 Technical specifications
Supplier’s name and address :
Model or Type :
Electrical rating : Input 1 Power Chassis Input 2 & 3 RF Modem & Video Demodulator
Atmospheric Specications Operating Temperature Humidity Atmospheric pressure Storage Temperature : Humidity : Atmospheric pressure :
Mode of operation :
Classication :
Type :
User accessible fuses : External IEC Module
Protective Earth terminals :
CE Contact’s name and address :
CE Contact’s telephone number :
Sentryway - Les carrés du parc - 10 rue des Rosiéristes 69410 Champagne-au-Mont-d’Or FRANCE
100-240VAC; 3A; 50-60Hz 100-240VAC; 0.33 - 0.19A; 50-60Hz
32 to 104 degrees F (0 to 40 degrees C) L. T. 30 to 75% 10-90% non condensign 700HPa to 1060HPa
-10 to +60 degrees Centigrade 0 to 95%, condensation should not occur 500HPa to 1060HPa
Class I
T3.15AH, 250V
No accessible outputs
Internal connections marked No external connections
Supplied on request
Supplied on request
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1.2.1 Physical dimensions of the camera carriage (see figure 1-1)
119 mm
575 mm
121 mm
194 mm
3.6 kg
Figure 1-1. CurveTrack® Camera Carriage
1.3 Units of measure
1.4 General Safety precautions
Dimensions and distances presented in this manual are expressed in metric units of measure.
If possible, avoid installing units in occupied buildings during regular business hours.
Installation area should be blocked o to keep bystanders safe from injury.
e track must be hung a minimum of 2.5 meters above the oor at its lowest point. e AC line providing power to the Power Supply Assembly must be installed by a licensed electrician and must be in total conformance with local electrical codes.
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Socket outlets shall be installed nea r the equipment and be
readily accessible to the mains plug connections.
Use protective clothing such as a hard hat, safety shoes and heavy leather gloves when doing overhead construction or erection. Wear approved safety glasses at all times.
Make certain you are grounded before handling electronic circuit boards or their components to prevent static electricity from damaging sensitive electronic parts.
Keypad controllers used with this system must contain SELV circuits and be UL, CSA, CE, or ETL certied to UL1950.
Never allow an inexperienced or untrained person to operate the control devices or make adjustments to the unit.
Aer ensuring that the rail installation is straight, level and plumb, verify that all hardware has been securely fastened.
Comply with all local codes regarding the use of ladders, lis and scaolding.
1.5 Responsabilities of the installer
While installing the CurveTrack® system, it is important that the installer understands that he /she is installing a one-of-a-kind system. Installation must follow the guidelines and instructions presented in this manual in order for the system to operate reliably providing years of good service with low maintenance.
Since the stability and reliability of the carriage depends entirely upon the rail, it is important to make sure that the rail is installed straight, level and plumb. All associated components must be installed according to the specications described in this manual and all applicable Sentryway eld bulletins and Tech Tips. Shortcuts taken during installation with the intention of saving time or money can actually result in lost time and increased expense if personnel must subsequently return to make corrections.
Every successful installation is the result of good, thorough planning. It is important that the lead installer research all aspects of the installation before starting the actual, physical installation. is research includes: reviewing construction drawings and Sentryway documentation, verifying that all materials required are at the site, determining the needs of the installation team, and thoroughly reviewing the installation site itself. It is also impor- tant that the customer, and the electrical contractor (if any), are involved in this planning stage.
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2. Identification of major components
2.1 System components (see figure 2-1)
Figure 2-1. Major System Components
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Carriage – e carriage is the wheeled assembly that travels the length of the system run. e carriage provides mounting for the PTZ camera, control circuitry and the driving mechanism.
In manual mode, carriage movement and position are determined by the operator. In automatic mode, the carriage “patrols” by continuously traversing the system run at a preset speed. A progammable tour function makes it possible to have the cameras stopped and aimed at preset locations for specic lengths of time, in any desired sequence, while patrolling.
Controller – e Controller is the device used by the operator of the system to send coded command signals to the carriage.
Copper Conductors – Two lengths of copper tubing, pressed into the plastic track portions of the rail sections, extend the length of the system run. ese conductors carry control, power, and video signals.
Rail Section – Each straight rail section is 2.5 meter long, three- sided, aluminum structure. Available curved, 45-degree sections of rail can be combined to enable the system to be congured with 45, 90, or 180 degree bends and turns. Straight and curved rail sections are coupled together to form the system run. All rail sections house the plastic track on which the camera carriage rolls. Continuous grooves in the plastic track provide electrically isolated mounting for the copper conductors.
Rail Couplers – e rail couplers are shaped to snap over adjacent rail sections. readed studs on the couplers engage holes pre-drilled in the rails. Nylon insert lock nuts secure the assembly together. e short lengths of steel channel by which the rail is hung are secured to the top of each coupler.
Power Supply Assembly (Power End Cap) – is enclosure connects to the power source and converts (recties) AC to provide the necessary 24VDC power. e power supply is housed in the Power End Cap at the service end of the system run. e power output cable from the power supply is plugged directly into the RF Adapter PCB. A relay board is included to switch the DC output from a remote location.
RF Adapter Board – e RF Adapter board, located at the same end of the system run as the Power Supply Assembly, acts as an interface and relays video, power, and control signals between the Power Supply Assembly and Video Modem and the copper conductors.
System Run – e term system run refers to a single assembly of multiple rail sections joined together. Only one camera carriage may operate within each system run, and each system run must be operated from its own Power Supply Assembly. An installation site consists of one or more system runs.
Terminator Board – Provides electrical termination of the two copper conductors at the end of the system run opposite the RF Adapter board.
Windows – e window material, delivered to the job site in rolls, is a plastic material with a mirror nish. e windows are secured to the rail sections using small clips that pass through slots punched in the window material and engage a rib on the edge of the rail housing.
Foam Bumper – A foam bumper is installed at each end of the system run to protect the carriage in the event it strikes the end of the rail.
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2.2 Rail components
WEIGHT: 1041 g
Weight specied is for each single 5 m section of copper conductor. Remember that two such conductors, mounted parallel to each other, as shown to the right, are pressed into the plastic track and run the entire length of the rail.
e copper conductor tubes are 9.5mm OUTSIDE diameter by
5 meters long and have a wall thickness of 0.762mm.
Figure 2-3. Copper Conductors.
5 m
0.762 mm
9.5 mm
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2.5 m
165.5 mm
150 mm
255 mm
185 mm
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1.35 m
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2.3 Carriage components (See figure 2-6)
Any time you li the carriage, it must be supported with both hands. Li
the carriage by the frame and idler plate ONLY! Do not apply any liing
forces to the pan and tilt assembly or to the electronics enclosure.
Do not rest the carriage on the brushes, pan and tilt assembly, or slip ring. If the carriage must be rested on a hard surface, lay it GENTLY on its side.
Alternatively, lean the carriage on end against the wall.
Figure 2-6. CurveTrack® Camera Carriage
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2.4 Power supply assembly (Power End) components (See figure 2-7)
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3. Site evaluation and planning
3.1 Overview
A good installation is always preceded by good preliminary planning. A comprehensive site survey and a set of oor plans are valuable assets for system planning. It is essential to determine the location best suited for the system run(s), and to identify the type of ceiling or roof structure from which it will be suspended, prior to specifying the required mounting materials. Proper planning will ensure that you have an adequate supply of mounting materials on hand, before starting the installation, to minimize delays.
A system run can be installed either in parallel with, or perpendicular to, bar joists, steel beams, preformed
concrete beams, or C– Purlin beams. A at corrugated steel roof is yet another possibility which will require its own alternative method of installation.
e instructions in Sections 3 and 4 detail specic installation methods suitable for the majority of roof and ceiling types.
Figure 3-1 illustrates a typical steel beam type of roof support structure. Since spacing between beams and the distance between the beams and the oor can vary greatly, close attention to these variables is important when planning for sucient mounting material. Read the following installation instructions rst before deciding on the best mounting method and materials to use.
Figure 3-2 illustrates a typical bar joist type of roof support structure. Mounting to this type of support will not require drilling into the bar joist
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Figure 3-3 illustrates a typical type of C – Purlin roof support structure. Special clamps, which require no drilling, are available from STC.
Figure 3-4 illustrates a typical reinforced concrete type of roof support structure. is type of construction will require drilling into the concrete and the use of bolt anchors or the use of special beam clamps. Installing into at concrete will always require drilling and inserting bolt anchors.
ere are some buildings, that have at corrugated steel roofs which may or may not have additional support structures. If a steel roof has a thickness between 0.8 mm) and 4.76 mm, it is possible to use Vertical Hangers (P/N 0044-0213-00, HANGER, BOX BEAM 3/8” ) to hang the rail. (See Figure 3-5.) is hanger has a 38 mm long mounting sha and a M10 x1.5 female thread to accept the threaded rod end. One advantage to using Vertical Hangers is that there are more options available when orienting the system run. If there is a support structure to contend with, the run can be oriented in a parallel or perpendicular direction without regard to the structure. Hangers can be installed wherever necessary. As with all installations, rst establish a centerline for the system run.
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Locate two rod drops to align with the rst and last rail coupler mounting channel. Locate the remaining rod drops along the centerline and placed no more than 5 meters (the length of two rail sections) apart. Drill a mounting hole for each hanger. Hole diameter should equal the thickness of the steel, e.g., 0.8 mm diameter hole for 20 gauge (.036”) steel, and 4.76 mm diameter hole for steel that is 3/16” thick (maximum). e remainder of the hanging procedure is the same as it would be when dealing with any roof support structure.
Installation will progress smoothly if work can be scheduled for when there is little or no outside activity in the work area. Reserve special equipment that may be needed, such as lis, scaolding, etc., well in advance. Schedule a qualied electrician well in advance of when you anticipate needing his / her services.
Identify a straight, level, and unobstructed area for installing the entire system run. Refer to the engineering drawings for your particular installation to determine the service end of the system run. e Power End Cap (or Alternate Power Supply Assembly, as applicable) and the RF Adapter will need to be located at the service end of the run. Carefully inspect the area above and near the proposed system run for physical obstructions such as drop ceilings, lighting xtures, water pipes, electrical conduit, HVAC duct work, etc., which might have to be relocated or would force another location for the system run.
3.2 Setting up a schedule
3.3 Planning installation of the system run
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