Customer Service
Customer Service: 1-800-828-1438
Fax: 585-381-2940
900 Linden Avenue / Rochester, New York / 14625-2784 USA
Please go to our website www.sentrysafe.com to find the necessary replacement form.
If you are unable to use a computer please call the number above or fax us for a copy of
replacement form.
Find your safe’s serial number and model number. The serial number and model number are
printed on the small label on the right side and on the door near the hinge.
Please fill out the form in its entirety.
Send the following to Sentry Group: Check or money order and replacement form. For current
pricing please go to www.sentrysafe.com/customercare. If you are unable to use a
computer please call the number above or fax us.
Mail to: Sentry Group, Dept. 200, 882 Linden Avenue, Rochester, NY 14625-2784, USA-OR-
Fax statement (notary seal must be legible) to 1-585-381-2940.
Paying by credit card:
Payment may also be made using your VISA or Mastercard credit card by phone only.
Call 1-800-828-1438 to make credit card payment. Do not fax credit card information.
NOTE: Prices subject to change without prior notification.
NOTE: Key and combination orders may be placed on a Saturday or Sunday, however, those orders
will not be processed until the following work day. Our customer service center is open
Monday thru Friday, 8 AM until 6 PM.
To optimize your safes’ organization consider purchasing SentrySafe accessories for your safe.
Accessories include a locking drawer, tray, shelf, and file rack. For more items please go to our
website www.sentrysafe.com/CustomerCare/Buy_Safe_Accessories or call our customer
service number 1-800-828-1438.
How to get replacement key/combo
How to order accessories
Customer Service