SentryNet would like to thank everyone that played a role with the release of
NetConnect v2.1.
To the SentryNet employees and our contract programmers that spent many hours of
editing, de-bugging and programming – thank you for a job well done!
Also, we thank the dealers who spent valuable time helping to “de-bug” the beta version
and reviewing this manual. Your input helped us create a superior product. Your time
and effort is greatly appreciated! And a special thank you to Tom G. for your time and
great ideas.
Contributing Dealers:
Advanced Design Technologies Garden State Fire & Security
Advanced Security NET Systems
All Safe Technologies OmniTech Communications
Atlantic Detection Systems SCT Systems
Florida Fire & Sound Security Engineering
Updates to this manual will be available for download from the NetConnect website.
Dealer Access Website
SENTRYNET is proud to release the newest version of NetConnect. With a dramatic new look,
NetConnect v2 now allows dealers much more control in maintaining their dealer and subscriber
information. New features include – multiple user IDs for dealer employees, management of “On
Call” technician list and technician passcodes, updating subscriber zone information and
open/close schedules and much more. The history report for individual accounts now allows date
range and other filtering options.
We have also
enhanced the Contract
Entry pages for new
subscribers and added
a Watch Scroll utility
to monitor subscriber
activity. In addition to
these new features, a
Report Manager has
been added, allowing
dealers many more
reporting options.
Categories can be
used for reports on
“chain” accounts.
Custom reports can
be created and saved
along with several
standard reports.
This manual will
overview the new
functions of
NetConnect v2 and
will provide a useful
guide in using
NetConnect v2 daily.
Updated versions of
the manual will be
made available for download from the website.
Table of Contents
2. Dealer Home Page
3. Dealer Information Page
………………………………... 1
………………….. 3
……………. 5
a. Technician Pass Codes
b. On Call Tech
i. Reorder Call List
c. Messages
d. Categories
e. Contacts
f. Defaults
4. Customer Information Page
a. Search Page
b. Passcode
c. Call List
d. No Action / Test
e. Category Page
………… 15
f. Related Accounts
g. Zone Descriptions
h. Open/Close Schedule
i. Test Schedule
j. History Report
5. New Contract Page
a. Adding Zones
b. Adding Phone Numbers
6. Watch Scroll
7. Reports Page
………………………… 31
………………………... 33
a. Custom Reports
b. Report Formats
8. Contact Us
…………………………... 37
………………….. 27
1… NetConnect v2 Login
A User ID or Account number and password is required for access. IDs currently used for NetConnect v1.x will
not work on version 2. To obtain a user ID and password call the data entry department of your “home” central
The initial access to the secure URL will display a mirror image of the SentryNet commercial site.
The URL for access is
On the right hand side of this page
are the login boxes. Enter your
assigned user ID/Acct# in the top
box and your password in the box
below. Then click on the
Subsequent returns will take you
back to the login page. If the
“Remember Login” box is checked
the user name and password will be
“remembered.” This can save some
time but also may provide a security
risk because anyone that accesses the
site from this computer will be able
to login using the “remembered”
information. It is recommended that
this box be unchecked if there is any
chance that an unauthorized person
can access the computer in which the login
information is saved.
After the user has logged in, the Dealer Home Page
will be displayed.
The Dealer Information
Page allows dealers to
perform several common
and important tasks.
The Contacts page allows
dealers to manage IDs
that receive reports and
how they are delivered.
The Default page allows
the viewing of the
templates used to create
dealer accounts.
Dealers can upload their
Logo and can view
summary information for
Account Activity.
Updates to Technician
Pass Codes and the On
Call Tech list can be
easily accessed.
Also, Categories can be
created for custom
reports and Florida
dealers can retrieve
Answering Service
Messages any time.
Four commonly used tasks are at the bottom of the screen – Passcodes, On Call Tech, Messages, and
Category. Other tasks are accessed from the buttons at the top of the screen – Users, Contacts, and
Updates for these fields should be written to the live database within two to three minutes.
Pass codes are used for placing accounts on test and retrieving account activity/account details. As many
entries can be added as necessary. We encourage one pass code for each employee.
There are four fields that are to be completed when adding a pass code.
¾ The User ID can be any alpha/numeric entry. ¾The Passcode can be any 2-10 character alpha/numeric entry. (No profanity)
¾ The “Level” for passcodes will allow the dealer to determine who in the company can perform certain tasks
when they call the central station.
These tasks include…
• Adding temporary data
• Modifying Open/Close schedules
• Checking account history
• Placing account on test
(IMPORTANT NOTE: This setting DOES NOT grant levels of access within NetConnect . “Web
Users” are set up by SentryNet.)
Setting the access level to “10” will allow the user to perform all above and future tasks when calling into the
central station. “10” is the highest level and is the most common selection. This option may be expanded over
time to take advantage of the different levels. Currently, however, we are keeping this simple.
Set level to: Allows:
10 Place account on test, Check account history, Make
temporary time adjustments, Add temporary data
5 Cannot place accounts on test – can do other listed tasks
1 Will disable passcode
To add a
passcode click
on the “Add row” button.
A new line will appear allowing you to enter the data. (Remember, this is for those who need to call into the central station and is not for NetConnect Users.) The User ID can be any alpha/numeric entry and the
passcode must be at least 2 characters and no more than 10 characters long. (No profanity) Enter the name of
the technician, or if
more than one
person will use the
passcode you can
enter multiple
names, or “Any
Enter the proper
“Level,” then click
“Insert” and repeat
as needed for your
technician/employee list.
3.b) On Call Tech
The “On Call Tech” section allows dealers to maintain the list of people that are to be contacted by the station
operators when subscribers require service after business hours. This list should contain only those who are to
The On Call list can be added to, edited and reordered. SENTRYNET operators will call the list in order – top to
bottom. To add to the list, click on the Add Row button and enter the new information, then click Insert. The
phone number can be
entered as shown; the
program will format the
number automatically.
3.b.1) Reorder Call List
In this example Phillip Towns is to be called
last. His entry needs to be moved to the
bottom of the list. Click on the Reorder
button and the “Reorder Call List” window
will appear. Highlight the entry to be
moved – Phillip Towns – then click the
Bottom button to move the entry to the
bottom of the list. Then click Ok.
Other entries can be reordered using the same
process – highlight the entry then click the
appropriate position buttons.