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Rev: 11/01/2012
OEM version name: INDI BOY
1. GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................................................2
1.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................2
1.2. Principle .......................................................................................................................................................................................2
2. INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENTS ...............................................................................................................................................3
2.1. Specific CRANE-BOY connections .............................................................................................................................................3
2.2. System calibration .......................................................................................................................................................................3
2.2.1. 1° Configuring the display and commissioning the limiter ..................................................................................................4
2.2.2. 2° Configuration of the triggering thresholds (set points) ....................................................................................................5
2.3. Correct operation test ..................................................................................................................................................................6
2.3.1. Verification of safety if one of the transducer wires breaks .................................................................................................6
2.3.2. Overload, slack cable and load verification .........................................................................................................................7
2.3.3. Periodic verification .............................................................................................................................................................7
2.3.4. Peak values registration ......................................................................................................................................................7
3. TROUBLESHOOTING.........................................................................................................................................................................8
4. EQUIPMENT REFERENCE AND OPTIONS ......................................................................................................................................8
5. SPECIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................................................................................9
This indicator can only be used for lifting if these instructions are carefully read, strictly applied and if
the legislation in force is respected.
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Rev: 11/01/2012
This manual describes the procedure to be followed to install and to adjust the CRANE-BOY, an electronic load system. The information in this manual is applicable for both CRANE-BOY and INDI-BOY. CRANE-BOY is an INDI-BOY mounted in an IP65 enclosure.
1.1. Introduction
The CRANE-BOY is an electronic system with a digital display and configurable threshold-based triggers. It has been modified, tested and qualified by SENSY S.A. to provide for a safe lifting operation.
CRANE-BOY has a monitoring circuit to warn the crane operator of a possible break in the measuring wires. Therefore, it is a self-monitoring device. In the case of a broken wire, a power cut or a short circuit in either the supply cable and/or in the transducer measuring cable, the device instantly switches into a positive safety mode.
It is possible to incorporate as options an analogue output (4-20 mA or 0-10V) and serial communication (RS232). All available options are listed at the end of the manual.
1.2. Principle
The CRANE-BOY is fitted with a 4-relay board that must be used according to the wiring diagram described below.
The relays are in the “open” position when the power is shut off (de-energised). When the CRANE-BOY is turned on and the applied load is within the safe operating range, the relays are activated in the "closed" position (SP1-SP2-SP3-SP4 are displayed in the front panel).
In normal operation, the relays are closed. (SP1-SP2-SP3-(SP4) are displayed in the front panel).
Relay allocation must be strictly respected :
- SP1 (measurement and transducer power supply safety)
- SP2 (overload threshold)
- SP3 (cable slack threshold or intermediate threshold)
- SP4 (optional threshold)
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Rev: 11/01/2012
Measuring bridge input
Signal + Green
Signal - White
Excitation - Yellow
Excitation + Brown
The CRANE-BOY is connected up and adjusted in compliance with the information contained in this manual.
To move around and through the CRANE-BOY's menus, use the buttons or keys on the front panel of the display.
The PAR key to accept, confirm or enter. The F1 and F2 keys to go up/down and increase/decrease. The RST key, in combination with F1 and F2 keys to increase/decrease in steps of 1000 (direct action
on the fourth digit)
The DSP key to quit.
To enter the menus, press the PAR key several times, until CodE appears. Then, using the F1 key, enter the value of “7, then press the PAR key. No and “Pro will then appear. You can move from one menu to another using the F1 and F2 keys.
2.1. Specific CRANE-BOY connections
2.2. System calibration
As the relays that are driven by the different thresholds depend directly on the display, you can only change some numerical values appearing in menus 1 and 6.
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