VXU Operator’s Manual
Invensys RadioRead System

Metering Systems
VXU Operator’s Manual
Table of Contents
1. Components of the VXU System: ............................................................... 3
2. Setting up the VXU for Reading:................................................................. 4
3. Instructions for AutoVu:.............................................................................. 6
4. VXU System Specification and Description:............................................ 11
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Metering Systems
VXU Operator’s Manual
1. Components of the VXU System:
The components that make up your vehicle read system are the following:
1. VXU (Vehicle Transceiver Unit). This is the big gray box with the cooling
fins and two handles on the front.
2. Laptop computer. The model of your laptop may vary, but Invensys
currently supplies the Dell™ Latitude laptop computer with the VXU system.
3. Laptop Power Supply and cables. The laptop will have two power supply
options. One set of charging cables plugs into a standard wall outlet, and the
other set is a special converter box and cable that connects directly to the
VXU chassis. For general charging when the VXU is not in use, use the
standard wall outlet charger. To keep the laptop charged while using the
VXU, use the converter and cable that connects directly to the VXU chassis.
4. Magnetic mount antenna. This antenna connects directly to the VXU and
can be mounted on the top of your vehicle.
5. Serial Cable. The serial cable connects the VXU and laptop computer, and
is used to transfer data between the VXU and laptop.
6. Attenuator cap. This cap is supplied to fit on the Antenna connector on the
VXU chassis when the VXU is not in use.
7. VXU Carrying Case. This case is designed to protect your VXU from
damage during transit, and has room for the other components in the system.
The VXU should be stored in its case, in a dry, well-ventilated place when not
in use.
Note: It is important to always begin your vehicle reading process with a fully charged laptop
battery. For this reason, it is advisable to keep your laptop plugged in to a wall outlet, using the
supplied charging pack, whenever it is not being used for meter reading. By doing so, you can
ensure that the laptop always has a full charge when you begin the reading process. The laptop
does get power from the VXU when it is properly connected to the VXU, but often the vehicle
itself cannot supply enough power to run the VXU, the laptop, and charge the battery at the same
time. By starting with a fully charged laptop battery, you can significantly lower the risk of your
laptop shutting off due to a low battery.
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Metering Systems
VXU Operator’s Manual
2. Setting up the VXU for Reading:
Note: It is important to always begin the reading process with a fully charged laptop battery. The
VXU system is designed to keep your laptop charged while in use, but often times the vehicle
electrical system is unable to supply enough current to adequately run the VXU, the laptop, and
charge the laptop battery at the same time. For this reason, it is recommended that you keep the
laptop plugged in to a wall outlet with the supplied charging cables, when it is not being used for
meter reading. At very least, plug in the laptop to a wall outlet for several hours prior to reading
meters, to allow time for the battery to become fully charged. This will greatly reduce the chances
of losing readings due to a laptop failure during the reading process.
Setting up the Vehicle Read system is a relatively simple process, and involves
just a few cable connections. There are a couple of important things to
remember when setting up the system, however:
A. NEVER run the VXU (interrogate or read meters) without first connecting the
antenna cable to the VXU chassis. This can seriously damage the VXU
transmitter, and may result in the VXU becoming inoperable. To avoid such
a possibility, always connect the antenna cable to the VXU chassis FIRST,
and the power to the VXU chassis LAST.
B. Place the VXU chassis in the vehicle so that the cooling fan hole (on the right
side) and the cooling fins (on the back) are not obstructed.
1. To begin setting up the Vehicle Read system, place the VXU chassis in a
convenient location inside the vehicle. Keep in mind that the power cables
will need to reach the power port on the vehicle. It is helpful for the operator
to be able to see the face of the VXU chassis when operating the system.
2. Connect the Antenna cable to the connector on the VXU chassis. This is
clearly marked with a red warning label reminding you to do this before
applying power to the VXU.
3. Connect the Serial cable to the VXU and laptop computer. The cable should
only fit one way to the VXU chassis (the male end to the VXU, the female end
to the laptop). Secure the cable with the twist screws on each side of the plug
to prevent the cable from becoming dislodged during use.
4. Connect the laptop power supply cable and transformer to the VXU and
laptop. Notice that the location of this connector on the VXU is clearly
marked “Computer Power Out”. The cable provided has a special connector
that will lock into place. This connector will only fit one way, and is a different
size than the main VXU chassis power connector. There should be a
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Metering Systems
VXU Operator’s Manual
transformer box and cable that connects between the VXU and laptop. There
will be a special end to the cable that connects to the back or side of the
laptop. (It is on the back of the Dell™ Latitude). Note: If your laptop computer
does not have a power cable that connects to the “Computer Power Out” port on the VXU
chassis, you should be able to purchase a cable from the computer vendor. This will allow
you to connect the laptop directly to a second power port (cigarette lighter receptacle) on the
vehicle. In some cases it can be beneficial to connect to a separate power port to power the
laptop, especially if the vehicle electrical system is weak, or cannot supply enough current
through one power port (cigarette lighter receptacle) to run the entire Vehicle Read system.
5. Connect the main VXU chassis power cable to the VXU “Power In”
connector, and connect it to the vehicle power port (cigarette lighter
receptacle). Test the power connection by turning on the VXU at the main
power switch on the face of the VXU chassis, and check that the switch glows
red. This indicates if the system is receiving power. Depending on the
vehicle, you may need to have the vehicle running in order to get current from
the power port (cigarette lighter receptacle).
6. Power up the laptop computer, and open the AutoVu ™ application. You are
now ready to retrieve the route information from the route diskette and begin
reading meters.
VXU Chassis Face
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