Sensus Metering Systems FLEXELS User Manual

Rev No. Date Description
Rev 1 6/26/2008 Updated for hardware and firmware updates to SmartPoint Module.
This document contains proprietary information. It is to be used only for the purpose for which it is intended. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Sensus Metering Systems­North America, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means, without the written permission of Sensus Metering Systems Inc.
© Copyright 2008, Sensus Metering Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. FlexNet® and associated logos are trademarks of Sensus Metering Systems Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents i

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 Purpose .....................................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Safety ........................................................................................................................................1-1
2 SmartPoint Module Overview............................................................................................ 2-1
2.1 FlexNet SmartPoint Assembly .................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Labels .......................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2.1FCC Label ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 FlexNet System Overview ......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3.1Description of Operation ................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3.2FlexNet AMI Local RF Network ........................................................................................................ 2-2 Meter Endpoints ..................................................................................................................... 2-2 Tower Gateway Base Station ................................................................................................. 2-3
2.3.3FlexNet AMI Regional Network Interface ......................................................................................... 2-3
3 On Air Message Format ..................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Field Definitions ........................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1Message Leader ............................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2Sync .................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.3Meter ID Number............................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.4Customer ID ...................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.5Control............................................................................................................................................... 3-2 RF Sequence Number ............................................................................................................ 3-2 AC Power Fail......................................................................................................................... 3-2 Battery Low............................................................................................................................. 3-2 Power Restore........................................................................................................................ 3-2 Payload Encrypted ................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.6Length .............................................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.7Repeat Level / Status ....................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.8Application Sequence ....................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.9Application Code ............................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.10Application Data .............................................................................................................................. 3-3
3.1.11CRC ................................................................................................................................................ 3-3
3.2 On Air Time Requirements ....................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 Addressing ................................................................................................................................3-4
3.3.1Command Addressing....................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.3.2Broadcast Addressing ....................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.3.3Group Addressing ............................................................................................................................. 3-4 Group Addressing, Preferred Method..................................................................................... 3-4 Group Addressing, Legacy Method (deprecated)................................................................... 3-4
4 On Air Message Types....................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 On Air Message Types .............................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Testing Message – App Code 220 ............................................................................................4-1
4.3 Meter Setup / Configuration Message—App Code 1 ................................................................ 4-2
4.4 Meter Serial Number/Position Binding—App Code 5 ............................................................... 4-3
4.4.1Message Format ............................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.4.2Status Flags ...................................................................................................................................... 4-3
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
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4.4.3Meter Serial Number ......................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.4.4Latitude / Longitude........................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.4.5Programmer ID.................................................................................................................................. 4-4 Setup Flags ............................................................................................................................ 4-4
4.5 GPS Mapping Message ............................................................................................................4-4
4.5.1Message Format ............................................................................................................................... 4-4 Latitude................................................................................................................................... 4-5 Speed ..................................................................................................................................... 4-5 Heading .................................................................................................................................. 4-5 Altitude.................................................................................................................................... 4-5
4.6 Command Message—App Code 7 ...........................................................................................4-5
4.6.1Message Format ............................................................................................................................... 4-5
4.6.2Command Type................................................................................................................................. 4-5
4.7 Buddy Message—App Code 8 ..................................................................................................4-6
4.7.1Message Format ............................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.7.2Buddy Id ............................................................................................................................................ 4-6
4.7.3Buddy Fields ..................................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.7.4Queue Time ...................................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.7.5Meter Reading Fields ........................................................................................................................ 4-7
4.8 C&I Meter Read With History—App Code 13 ..........................................................................4-8
4.8.1Message Format ............................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.8.2Relative Time Stamp......................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.8.3Delta Data Type ................................................................................................................................ 4-8
4.8.4Compression Enabled....................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.8.5Current Meter Reading...................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.8.6Peak Demand Reading ..................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.8.7Phase A, B and C Meter Voltages ................................................................................................... 4-9
4.8.8Compression Enabled History Samples............................................................................................ 4-9
4.8.9Fixed Bin Width History Samples.................................................................................................... 4-10
4.9 C&I Tier Data—App Code 14 .................................................................................................4-10
4.9.1Message Format ............................................................................................................................. 4-10
4.9.2Tier Information ............................................................................................................................... 4-11 Tier ....................................................................................................................................... 4-11 Sub Tier ................................................................................................................................ 4-11
4.9.3Meter Type ...................................................................................................................................... 4-12
4.9.4Selected Data Table........................................................................................................................ 4-12
4.9.5Data Flags / Peak Demand Time .................................................................................................... 4-12
4.9.6Summation Reading (103 resolution).............................................................................................. 4-13
4.9.7Demand Reading (100 resolution) .................................................................................................. 4-13
4.9.8Cumulative Demand Reading (103 resolution) ............................................................................... 4-13
4.9.9Coincident Reading (103 resolution)............................................................................................... 4-13
4.9.10# Demand Resets ......................................................................................................................... 4-13
4.9.11Source Indices .............................................................................................................................. 4-13
4.9.12Quantity of Tier Information........................................................................................................... 4-14 Number of Tiers.................................................................................................................. 4-14 Number of Sub Tier ............................................................................................................ 4-14
4.9.13Service Quality Message Format .................................................................................................. 4-14
4.10 C&I Tunneling Read—App Code 15 .................................................................................... 4-15
4.11 C&I Alarm Message – App Code 16 ..................................................................................... 4-16
4.11.1Application Data ............................................................................................................................ 4-16
4.11.2Voltage Phase A,B, and C ............................................................................................................ 4-16
4.11.3Click Count.................................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.11.4Time Since Event .......................................................................................................................... 4-16
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
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4.11.5Current Meter Reading.................................................................................................................. 4-17
4.11.6Extended Time Since Event.......................................................................................................... 4-17
4.11.7Device Temperature...................................................................................................................... 4-17
4.11.8µP Status ...................................................................................................................................... 4-17
4.11.9Lock Errors.................................................................................................................................... 4-17
4.11.10Alarm Data .................................................................................................................................. 4-18
4.11.11Time of Last Power Failure ......................................................................................................... 4-18
4.11.12Total # of Outages....................................................................................................................... 4-18
4.11.13Flags ........................................................................................................................................... 4-19
4.12 Demand History Message—App Code 25 ............................................................................ 4-19
4.12.1Message Format ........................................................................................................................... 4-19
4.12.2Number of Demand Resets........................................................................................................... 4-20
4.12.3Last Demand Reset Date and Time.............................................................................................. 4-20
4.12.4Last Peak Demand Date and Time ............................................................................................... 4-20
4.12.5Last Peak Demand........................................................................................................................ 4-20
4.12.6Last Consumption Reading........................................................................................................... 4-20
4.12.72nd Demand Reset Date and Time............................................................................................... 4-20
4.12.82nd Peak Demand Date and Time................................................................................................ 4-20
4.12.92nd Peak Demand ........................................................................................................................ 4-20
4.12.102nd Consumption Reading.......................................................................................................... 4-20
4.13 Load Profile Metadata Message—App Code 28 ...................................................................4-21
4.14 Load Profile Block Data Message—App Code 29 ................................................................4-21
4.15 Firmware Image Check Response—App Code 30 ............................................................... 4-23
4.16 High Res C&I Meter Read with History—App Code 38 ........................................................4-23
4.17 Generic Ping Response—App Code 48 ............................................................................... 4-23
4.17.1Demand Enable Status/Interval Configuration .............................................................................. 4-24
4.17.2TOU Enable Status/Tier and Season Configuration ..................................................................... 4-24
4.17.3TOU Current Year Holidays .......................................................................................................... 4-26
4.17.4TOU Next Year Holidays............................................................................................................... 4-26
4.17.5Click History .................................................................................................................................. 4-28
4.17.6Load Limit Status/Threshold ......................................................................................................... 4-28
4.17.7Advanced Voltage Quality Settings............................................................................................... 4-28
4.17.8TOU Auto-Push Options ............................................................................................................... 4-29
4.18 C&I High Res Read with History Data—App Code 55 .......................................................... 4-30
4.18.1Application Data ............................................................................................................................ 4-30
4.18.2Relative Time Stamp..................................................................................................................... 4-30
4.18.3Delta Data Type ............................................................................................................................ 4-30
4.18.4Click Count.................................................................................................................................... 4-31
4.18.5Current Consumption (wH resolution)........................................................................................... 4-31
4.18.6Peak Demand Reading ................................................................................................................. 4-31
4.18.7RMS Volts Phase A-C................................................................................................................... 4-31
4.18.8History Data .................................................................................................................................. 4-31
4.19 Scratch Pad Image Check Response—App Code 57 .......................................................... 4-31
5 Setup and Configuration ................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Electrical Configuration Interface .............................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.1Magnetic Loop................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2Optical Direct Serial Connection (optional) ...................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Configurable Parameters ..........................................................................................................5-1
5.2.1End Point ID ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2.2Meter Sample Rate ........................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.3Supervisory Transmit Rate................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.4Base Frequency Channel.................................................................................................................. 5-3
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
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5.2.5Transmit Frequency Channels .......................................................................................................... 5-3
5.2.6Receive Frequency Channel............................................................................................................. 5-4
5.2.7C&I Mode Channel............................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.2.8Priority Mode Channel....................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.2.9Transmit Channel Mask .................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.2.10Transmit Operational Mode............................................................................................................. 5-5
5.2.11Receiver Operational Mode ............................................................................................................ 5-5
5.2.12Enable Encryption ........................................................................................................................... 5-6
5.2.13Programmer ID................................................................................................................................ 5-6
5.3 Setup Messages .......................................................................................................................5-6
5.3.1Setup Messages ............................................................................................................................... 5-6
5.3.2Basic Command Message Format.................................................................................................... 5-7
5.3.3Basic Reply Message Format ........................................................................................................... 5-9
5.3.4Command / Reply Message Definitions ............................................................................................ 5-9
5.4 Send Data Commands ............................................................................................................ 5-16
6 Receiver Section ................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1 Receiver Requirements ............................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1.1Operation Modes............................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.2RF Link Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.3Sensitivity .......................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.4Diversity ............................................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Receiver On Air Command Messages ......................................................................................6-1
6.2.1Command Types............................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2.2Command Acknowledge ................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.3Set Static Setup ................................................................................................................................ 6-3
6.2.4Set TCXO Correction ........................................................................................................................ 6-3
6.2.5Set Latitude and Longitude ............................................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.6Set VoltVoltage Quality settings:....................................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.7Set..................................................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.2.8On Demand Read / Drive By Read ................................................................................................... 6-5
6.2.9Ping ................................................................................................................................................... 6-6
6.2.10Set Transmitter Id............................................................................................................................ 6-7
6.2.11Set Customer Id .............................................................................................................................. 6-8
6.2.12Set Encryption Key.......................................................................................................................... 6-8
6.2.13Set Preferred Buddy Id.................................................................................................................... 6-9
6.2.14Set Company Meter Number .......................................................................................................... 6-9
6.2.15C&I Read C12.19 Data ................................................................................................................. 6-10
6.2.16C&I Write C12.19 Data.................................................................................................................. 6-10
6.2.17C&I Demand Reset ....................................................................................................................... 6-11
6.3 Command Addressing ............................................................................................................ 6-11
6.4 Receiver Miscellaneous ..........................................................................................................6-11
6.4.1Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................. 6-11
6.4.2Polling ............................................................................................................................................. 6-11
A FlexNet SmartPoint Radio Overview ............................................................................... A-1
A.1 SmartPoint Power Failure Detection and Alarm ......................................................................A-1
Power Fail Detection 1 Power Restoration Notication 1 Brown-Out Detection 1
A.2 Operating Frequencies of SmartPoint/TGB Devices ...............................................................A-1
Systems Operating Under Part 24 of FCC Rules
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
Table of Contents v
(Narrow-Band PCS) 2 Systems Operating Under RSS-134 in Canada (Narrow-Band PCS) 2
A.3 SmartPoint Radio Transmit Modes ..........................................................................................A-2
Normal Mode 3
A.3.1.1 Staggered Transmissions .....................................................................................................A-3
A.3.1.2 Poll-response Message Trafc ..............................................................................................A-3
Poll/Response Mode 3 mPass or “Buddy” Transmit Mode 3
A.3.3.1 Buddy Mode Using mPass Transmissions ............................................................................A-5
A.3.3.2 Tower mPass Buddy Mode to ORD Command Transmissions ............................................A-5
A.4 SmartPoint Data Security ........................................................................................................A-6
SmartPoint Radio Data Security 6 TGB Data Security 6 RNI Data Security 7 Separation of Customer Data 7
B Specifications ...................................................................................................................B-1
B.1 External AC Line Power ...........................................................................................................B-1
B.2 Current Consumption ...............................................................................................................B-1
B.3 Power Failure ...........................................................................................................................B-1
B.4 Internal Power Supplies ............................................................................................................B-2
B.4.1 Micro Power Regulator ....................................................................................................................B-2
B.4.2 DC to DC Converter.........................................................................................................................B-2
B.5 Start Up Timing Requirements .................................................................................................B-2
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
Introduction 1-1

1 Introduction


This manual provides technical information for the FlexNet SmartPoint module installed in the Elster A3 meter.
This document is intended for technically qualified personnel of energy supply companies and their contractors who are responsible for the system planning, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, decommissioning, and/or disposal of meters.


Hazardous voltages are present while power is applied to meters, meter sockets, or other metering equipment. Any work on the energized equipment presents the danger of electrical shock and can result in death or serious injury. The information contained within this manual is intended to be an aid to qualified metering personnel. It is not intended to replace the extensive training necessary to handle metering equipment in a safe manner.
Use extreme care when servicing the meter while power is applied.
All work on this product should be performed by qualified electricians and metering specialists in accordance with local utility safety practices, utility requirements, and
You must observe all industry safety precautions during all phases of operation, service, and servicing of the meters. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and the intended use of the metering instrument. Sensus Metering Systems assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
procedures outlined in Chapter 14 of The Handbook for Electricity Metering, 10 Failure to comply with this caution can result in the destruction of or damage to the equipment.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
SmartPoint Module Overview 2-1

2 SmartPoint Module Overview

2.1 FlexNet SmartPoint Assembly

The SmartPoint assembly consists of a SmartPoint printed circuit board and a separate antenna printed circuit board. A 20-pin connector joins the SmartPoint module to the sensor board.
The SmartPoint module is installed on three plastic standoffs inserted in the sensor board. The antenna is fitted into a slot on the side of the base. A 20-pin connector joins the SmartPoint module to the sensor board.
The FlexNet SmartPoint module contains a micro-controller, a FlexNet transceiver, and a FlexNet AMI antenna. See Section 2.3 for more information on the FlexNet System, and see Appendix A for a more detailed FlexNet SmartPoint overview.
The transceiver operates between 800 and 960 MHz, with each 100 MHz operation band (800, 900 MHz) requiring a slightly different build, using alternate capacitors, inductors, possibility layouts, and antennas.
The authorized SmartPoint bandwidth is 25 kHz.
The transceiver is capable of multiple on-air modulation formats, including:
Normal mode, for standard transmissions,
Message Pass mode for messages optionally repeated by a receiver-capable meter, and
Poll/Response mode, for providing a clear channel for responses from tower commands.

2.2 Labels

2.2.1 FCC Label

The FCC label may:
contain patent and part numbers,
provide relevant FCC Part 15 compliance information for the integrated AMI card,
describe the operating conditions, or
contain a warning for disposal in the event that the AMI card contains Mercury.
If installing a new AMI card, this label is attached to the register cover.

2.3 FlexNet System Overview

The FlexNet System enhances the Elster meter by providing Advanced Metering Reading (AMR) capability. See Appendix A for a more detailed overview of the FlexNet SmartPoint.

2.3.1 Description of Operation

The FlexNet data collection and command network is comprised of two parts:
Local RF Network, and
Regional Network Interface (RNI).
: FlexNet Fixed Base AMI Network Overview2-1, FlexNet AMI Network Overview, exhibits the general structure of the communications network employed to access and retrieve meter data.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
SmartPoint Module Overview 2-2
Figure 2-1: FlexNet Fixed Base AMI Network Overview

2.3.2 FlexNet AMI Local RF Network

The Local RF network consists of FlexNet SmartPoint modules (transceivers) located at each meter, and a network of FlexNet Tower Gateway Base Stations (TGBs). Meter Endpoints
The integrated SmartPoint module communicates with the Elster A3 bus to provide internal AMR capability to the Elster meter for use on commercial services. The module:
directly reads the data in the meter (energy),
provides control capabilities to reset the meter Demand and operate control
relays, and
monitors service voltage to provide real-time outage and restoration alarms.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
SmartPoint Module Overview 2-3
Figure 2-2: Elster Meter with SmartPoint Module Installed
The SmartPoint modules transmit the meter consumption and status information at regular intervals. Critical meter status and power outage alarms are also monitored on a real-time basis. The SmartPoint module transmits the meter data to the fixed network using long-range, licensed, narrowband radio.
The SmartPoint is also able to use mPass Mode, which allows a SmartPoint module to repeat a data transmission from another SmartPoint device that is blocked from the TGB transceiver, and allows the TGB transceiver to communicate with a blocked SmartPoint module through another SmartPoint module. Tower Gateway Base Station
These transmissions are received by one or more TGBs. The TGBs use existing radio towers; antennas are installed at heights of 200’-650’, providing coverage of 75 to 300 sq. mi. The TGB includes a Linux computer that communicates to the RNI (see below) via modem. The TGB forwards the data to the Regional Network Interface (RNI) via phone line, ISDN, Satellite, or WiFi links, and stores the information locally in the event of RNI communications path interruption. The transceiver allows for two-way communication over the FlexNet AMI network, allowing commands to be issued to the SmartPoint modules.

2.3.3 FlexNet AMI Regional Network Interface

The RNI consists of modems and Linux computers with backup power. The RNI controls the TGB sites and keeps a 60-day log of metering data. It also includes an SQL database that generates reports for billing and other external system elements. Interfaces are available to a variety of metering databases: Sensus SiMS, Itron MV-90 and Enterprise Edition. XML and customized interfaces are available.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
SmartPoint Module Overview 2-4

2.4 SmartPoint Terminology

On-Air Messages (see Chapters 3 and 4). This term is used to describe messages sent by FlexNet endpoint
devices. The exception to this is the command message, which carries On Air Commands from the RNI through the TGB to the endpoint (see Section 4.6).
Serial Commands (see Chapter 5). These messages are used to control a FlexNet endpoint device over a serial interface. Many devices have a receive-only inductive coupled interface (called the Mag Loop), while others feature a RS-232 serial interface. This creates a situation where devices receive commands over the serial interface but respond over RF. For example, devices will respond to Ping Commands received on the serial interface by sending a response out of the Flexnet RF interface. Devices that have RS232 interfaces support 2-way serial communications in certain cases, such as when supporting firmware upgrade over the srerial port.
On Air Commands (see Chapter 6): The various types of command messages are used for configuring and querying the endpoint devices.
Ping Commands (see Section 6.2.9): This is a specific On Air Command (Type 8) that is used to query status and readings from the endpoint devices.
For example, to get a meter to send a Setup/Configuration Message (defined in Section 4.3), you send it an On Air Command (7) message with a command-type of Ping (8) and a Ping type Setup (15); the meter will respond with the Setup/Command On Air Message.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Format 3-1

3 On Air Message Format

All fields are sent least-significant byte first.
The basic format of the on air message is as shown in the following table:
Field Description Value
0-18 Leader 0xAA
19 Sync Start of Msg 0x36
23(4:7) Customer ID 0x0
24 Control Control: 4 bits; Flags: 4 bits
25 Length 0x03 – 0xFF
26 Repeat Level/Sta-
27 App Sequence
28 App Code
29-56 App Data 0-252 bytes, currently fixed at 28
Meter ID
Repeat Level: 2 bits; Status: 6 bits
57-60 CRC

3.1 Field Definitions

3.1.1 Message Leader

This is a repeating stream of the value 0xAA used by the receiver to trip and synchronize to the transmitted message. The leader is 152 bits or 19 bytes long.

3.1.2 Sync

8 bit Start of Message signal (0x36).

3.1.3 Meter ID Number

A unique identifier, different and fixed for each end point device, 28 bits long.

3.1.4 Customer ID

4 Bits of Customer ID.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Format 3-2

3.1.5 Control

Provides status data to the receiver.
Bits Control
0-3 RF Sequence Number
4 AC Power Failed
5 Power Restored
6 Low Battery Detected
7 Payload Encrypted RF Sequence Number
A 4 bit modulo 16 counter, increments each RF transmission. AC Power Fail
Set if AC Power is not present. In AC only powered end point devices, set in Last Gasp messages. Battery Low
Tested under load, this bit is set if the input voltage is below a certain threshold. The bit is valid on next transmitted message. Power Restore
Set in the first new message after a power up, cleared otherwise. Payload Encrypted
Set if the payload data has on-air encryption turned on, cleared otherwise.

3.1.6 Length

The number of remaining data bytes in the on air message not including the CRC bytes. Initially, there will be 1 fixed value of length to facilitate receiver firmware functionality: 31 bytes.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Format 3-3

3.1.7 Repeat Level / Status

Bits Repeat Level / Status
0 History Overflow
1In Time Sync
3Brown Out
4 Meter Read Failure
5 RF Sequence Number MSB
6-7 Repeat Level

3.1.8 Application Sequence

An 8 bit modulo 256 counter that increments every time new application data is transmitted by the end point device.

3.1.9 Application Code

An 8 bit code used to determine the format of the data in the Application Data field.

3.1.10 Application Data

Between 0 and 252 bytes of application data in the future, fixed at 28 for now.

3.1.11 CRC

The 32 bit CCITT Cyclical Redundancy Check sum of all of the bytes from the ID field to the last Application Data field. Allows for bit error detection and single bit error correction.

3.2 On Air Time Requirements

On air messages take differing amounts of airtime depending on modulation format. The message length of every message is fixed at 31 bytes. The table below shows the transmission time for each combination:
Modulation Error Correction
Normal Baud Interleaved, Convolutionally
mPass Baud Interleaved, Convolutionally
8044.5544 107.40
5000.0000 157.60
Msg Time
Boost Baud Interleaved, Convolutionally
Half Baud Interleaved, Convolutionally
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
804.4554 1074.02
4022.2772 214.80
On Air Message Format 3-4

3.3 Addressing

Endpoint addresses are also called Meter ID, FlexNet ID, or Tx ID. In a FlexNet protocol packet, the endpoint address is carried in the Meter ID field defined above.

3.3.1 Command Addressing

The Receiver will accept commands that are addressed to it via the Device ID of the on air message. The three accepted addresses are one that matches its own Device ID, one using the Broadcast Address, or, lastly, one using the Group Address.

3.3.2 Broadcast Addressing

A message sent with the Broadcast Address, which is all 1’s or 0xFFFFFFF = 268435455, is processed by all meters if the message is a command type that can be broadcast. Broadcast messages are not acknowledged.

3.3.3 Group Addressing

FlexNet group addressing can follow one of two conventions. Group Addressing, Preferred Method
The preferred method is to set the Group Address Indicator bit in the Repeat Level/Status byte as described in Section 3.1.7 and then place the destination group address in the Meter ID Number field as described in Section 3.1.3. All modern FlexNet endpoints support this method. This does not work with early FlexNet devices. Group Addressing, Legacy Method (deprecated)
A message sent with the Tx Id Number field set to Group Address, which is all 1’s except for the last bit or 0xFFFFFFE = 268435454 is a legacy Group Addressed message. For legacy group addressed messages except for Ping Command types, the group address is found at byte offset 23-26 of the application data. For Ping Command messages, the group address is found at byte offset 9-12 of the application data, see Section 5.3.4.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Types 4-1

4 On Air Message Types

All fields are sent least-significant byte first unless otherwise specified.
The format of the data in the Application Data field dependent on the value of the Application Code field as follows and is always 28 bytes in length.

4.1 On Air Message Types

Application Code Message
220 Testing Message
1 Meter Setup and Configuration
5 Serial #/Postition Binding
6 GPS Mapping Message
8 Buddy Information Message
13 C&I Meter Read with History
14 C&I Tier Data
15 C&I C12.19 Tunneling Read
16 C&I Alarm Message
22 Extended Setup Information
25 Demand History Message
28 Load Profil Meta Data
29 Load Profile Block Data
30 Firmware Image Check
38 High Res. C&I Meter Read with History
48 Generic Ping Response
55 C&I High Res Read with Pulse Data
57 Scratch Pad Image Check

4.2 Testing Message – App Code 220

Message Format: This is a test only message and has mostly static Application Data. Application Data byte 1
has a sequence counter field which counts up one every time the 4 bit sequence counter in the control byte
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Types 4-2
rolls over (every 16 messages). The Application Data below show an example of the Testing Message with a sequence number of 0x64:

4.3 Meter Setup / Configuration Message—App Code 1

Message Format: After an end point is configured to read meter data, it transmits a Meter Setup /
Configuration message containing a report on how it is configured; it has the following Application Data field format:
Byte (Bits) Field
0 Firmware Version
1 Device Type
2 (0:2) Meter Sample Rate
2 (3:7) Supervisory Transmit Rate
3 Base Frequency
4-5 Transmit Channel A
6-7 Transmit Channel B
8-9 Transmit Channel C
10-11 Transmit Channel D
12-13 Receiver Channel
14-15 Boost Mode Channel
16 (0:3) Boost Mode Sub-Channel
16 (4) Boost Mode Hopping
16 (5:7) Transmit Channel Mask
17 (0:3) Transmitter Operational Mode
17 (4:6) Receiver Operational Mode
17 (7) Enable Encryption
18-19 Real Time Clock
20-21 TXCO Correction
22-24 A/D Calibration
25 Minimum Click Duration
26 (0:5) Minimum Voltage Threshold
27 (0:3) Outage Time Threshold
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Types 4-3
Byte (Bits) Field
27 (0:3) Outage Time Threshold
27 (4:7) Restored Time Threshold
Specific definitions for these fields are shown in Chapter 5, with the exception of the first two fields, Firmware Version and Device Type. Firmware version contains the version of the firmware of the device. If the most significant bit of Firmware version is set, the firmware is a beta test set.
The Device Type is currently defined as Device Type 5.

4.4 Meter Serial Number/Position Binding—App Code 5

4.4.1 Message Format

This message contains the meter Serial Number and also the installation latitude and longitude (if position is programmed in at installation time). The message has the following format.
App Data Byte
0 1-13 14-17 18-21 22-23 24
Meter Serial
Latitude Longitude

4.4.2 Status Flags

Only bit 0 is currently used and is the Just Programmed Bit. It is set if the device has received a static setup in the last 5 minutes. The remaining bits are (reserved) and are set to 0.

4.4.3 Meter Serial Number

A 13 byte field containing the ASCII Serial Number reported by the end point device’s associated meter display board.

4.4.4 Latitude / Longitude

These fields contain a floating point representation in degrees of the end point device’s installation latitude and longitude. These fields are set using the installer with the installation tool, the end point has no on board GPS capability.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Types 4-4

4.4.5 Programmer ID

The 16 bit ID of the handheld programmer used to setup the device. Setup Flags
An 8 bit field indicating which setup messages have been received by the device. The individual bits in the byte are defined below:
0Set ID
1 Static Setup
2 Set Crystal Offset
3 Set Lat / Long
4 Set Meter Reading
5 Set Voltage Quality Levels
6 Set Encryption Key
7 (reserved)

4.5 GPS Mapping Message

4.5.1 Message Format

This is a special message used for radio coverage mapping and requires an attached GPS module. Bytes 16 to 27 are reserved.
Setup Message
App Data
0-2 Reserved
3-5 Latitude (MSB First)
6-8 Longitude (MSB First)
9-10 Speed
11-12 Heading
13-14 Altitude
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Types 4-5 Latitude
These fields contain a representation, in degrees of the end point device’s installation latitude as presented by the attached GPS module. The actual latitude can be calculated using the following formula:
Latitude (degrees) = (3 Byte App Data Latitude) * 90.0/8388608
Negative values are in the southern hemisphere; positive values are in the northern hemisphere.
These fields contain a representation in degrees of the end point device’s installation longitude as presented by the attached GPS module. The actual longitude can be calculated using the following formula:
Longitude(degrees) = (3 Byte App Data Longitude) * 180.0 / 8388608
Negative values are in the western hemisphere, positive values are in the eastern hemisphere. For example, an App Data Latitude of 0x bff2d7 yields a latitude in degrees of -90.07229, or
90.07229 West. Speed
This field contains the velocity of the endpoint device in 0.01 knot resolution and is sent LSB first. Heading
This field contains the device’s heading in 0.01 degree resolution and is sent LSB first. Altitude
This field contains the device’s altitude in 0.1 meter resolution.

4.6 Command Message—App Code 7

4.6.1 Message Format

This is a Command Message sent by a TGB ( Tower Gateway Basestation ) or a repeating two-way device. The format of bytes 1-27 are variable based upon command type.
App Data
Data Command Type Command Data

4.6.2 Command Type

This field contains the type of data in the command as shown below, specific formats for each message can be found in Section 6.2, Receiver On-Air Command Formats.
0 1 - 27
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On Air Message Types 4-6

4.7 Buddy Message—App Code 8

4.7.1 Message Format

This is a message sent by a relaying two way transmitter sent after repeating a message in order to build routing information in the central database. Meter reading data from the repeating device has been added to the previously unused portion of the Buddy Message for extra system redundancy. The format of the Buddy Message is shown below:
App Data
0-3 Buddy ID
4 Buddy App Code
5 Buddy RF Sequence
6 Buddy App Sequence
7 Received Signal Level
8 Received Noise Level
9 (0:6) Queue Time
9 (7) Extended Buddy Report
10-11 Relative Time Stamp
12-14 Current Reading
15-27 History Samples
If the Extended Buddy Report bit is set, bytes 10 to 27 are set as follows:
App Data
10 Embedded App Code (13)
11-12 Relatvie Time Stamp
16-19 Peak Demand
20-27 History Samples
Delta Data Type/Current Reading

4.7.2 Buddy Id

This field contains the Id of the unit that has been relayed.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Types 4-7

4.7.3 Buddy Fields

These fields represent the values received in the message from the device that has been buddy relayed.

4.7.4 Queue Time

The time in seconds that the buddy device stored the message before forwarding it.

4.7.5 Meter Reading Fields

These fields, Relative Time Stamp, Current Reading and History Samples have the same format as that defined in the Type 12 Meter Read Message.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Types 4-8

4.8 C&I Meter Read With History—App Code 13

4.8.1 Message Format

This is the standard meter reading message and has the following format:
App Data

4.8.2 Relative Time Stamp

16 bits of byte 0-1, elapsed time since last meter reading. Time is always represented in two-second resolution.

4.8.3 Delta Data Type

3 bits, bits 0-2 of byte 2. Used to define the amount of time represented by each History Sample in bytes 8-27. The valid values for Delta Data Type are defined in the table below.
0-1 2-4 5-8 9-11 12-27
Data Type
Delta Data
Type / Current
Interval (min)
5 28.33 30 min
15 85.00 1 Hr
Peak Demand Reading
Max Pulses per Interval
Phase A, Phase B,
Phase C
History Samples
60 340.00 4 Hr
(6 Hours)
(12 Hours)
(24 Hours)
2040.00 6 Hr
4080.00 12 Hr
8160.00 12 Hr

4.8.4 Compression Enabled

1 bit, bit 3 of byte 2. If set, the History Sample in bytes 8-27 are sent in the data compression enabled format. If cleared, the History sample bytes are sent in the fixed bin width format.

4.8.5 Current Meter Reading

20 bits, bits 4-7 of byte 2 and all of bytes 3 and 4. The total power consumption represented in binary in kWh.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Types 4-9

4.8.6 Peak Demand Reading

32 bits, all of bytes 5-8. The peak demand reading is represented as a four byte floating point number in W.

4.8.7 Phase A, B and C Meter Voltages

Three 8 bit fields containing meter line voltage readings of the voltage for all available phases at the time of the meter reading. The values in the fields can be converted to voltage using the following formula which provides voltages from 50 to 560 volts:
Voltage = Value*2 + 50

4.8.8 Compression Enabled History Samples

All bits of bytes 12-27 compressed using a Huffman Binary Tree compression algorithm. As many History Sample bins as possible are packed into the remaining space in the on air message, up to 136 bins in the minimum case. Each history sample is stored as the difference from the last reading.
The Codex used to encode the histories is shown in the following table:
Key Bit Pattern
10 1 2
110 2 3
1110 3 4
11110 4 5
111110 5 6
6-37 11
38-8213 21
Number of
If 0x7E is detected, the next 5 bits + 6 = value
If 0xFE is detected, the next 13 bits + 38 = value
End of usable history, end history processing
Scanning begins at bit 0 of byte 0 and goes to ms bit of byte 0 before rolling down to the ls bit of byte 1 on through the history buffer..
To decode, scan through the buffer counting consecutive 1’s. When a 0 is reached, that denotes the end of the Key Bit Pattern. The number of consecutive ones indicates the specific symbol.
If the end of the buffer is reached before a complete valid symbol is reached, ignore that history value.
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
On Air Message Types 4-10

4.8.9 Fixed Bin Width History Samples

All bits of bytes 12-27. As many History Sample bins as possible are packed into the remaining space in the on air message. Each history sample is stored as the difference from the last reading. Note: A residential meter at maximum load can generate 346 counts per hour. The size and number of History Sample bins in the message are determined by the Delta Data Type field are shown in the following table (6-7 are reserved).
Delta Data
5 28.33 5 25 2.333 30 min
15 85.00 7 18 5 1 Hr
60 340.00 9 14 16 4 Hr
(6 Hours)
(12 Hours)
(24 Hours)
# Bits
2040.00 11 11
4080.00 12 10
8160.00 13 9

4.9 C&I Tier Data—App Code 14

4.9.1 Message Format

Tota l
(6 days)
(11 days)
6 Hr
12 Hr
12 Hr
This message is used to transmit tier data from the C12.19 Standard Table 23 and has the following format (Note that Tier 7 is a special case to report Service Quality and has a different format).
App Data Bytes Data
0 Tier Information
1 (0:5) Meter Type
1 (6:7) Selected Data Table
2-4 Data Flags / Peak Demand Time
SmartPoint Module for the Elster A3 Meter ECMTM40000
Summation Reading (10
Demand Reading (10
Cumulative Demand Reading
Coincident Reading (10
On Air Message Types 4-11
App Data Bytes Data
21 # Demand Resets
22 Summation Source Index
23 Demand Source Index
24 Coincident Source Index
25 Quantity of Tier Information

4.9.2 Tier Information

8 bits of byte 0 (bit 7 is reserved). Used to identify the tier and sub tier of the data in this message. A separate message is sent for each Tier and SubTier configured in the meter as defined in the following tables:
Bits Description
0-2 Tier
3-6 Sub Tier
7 (reserved) Tier
Bits 0-2 of the Tier Information byte is defined in the following table:
Value Tier
0 Totalization
1Tier A
2Tier B
3Tier C
4Tier D
5-6 (reserved)
7 Service Quality Sub Tier
Bits 3-6 of the Tier Information byte is used when individual Tiers have more than one Summation, Demand or Coincident reading in a single Tier
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