Certification Exhibit
IC: 2220A-EZL01
FCC Rule Part: CFR 47 Part 24 Subpart D, Part 101, Subpart C
ISED Canada’s Radio Standards Specification: RSS-119, RSS-134
TÜV SÜD Project Number: 72129866
Manufacturer: Sensus Metering Systems, Inc.
Model: 5396390010001
2320 Presidential Drive, Suite 101, Durham, NC 27703 USA Voice: 919-381-4235

Revision History
Rev No. Date Description
Rev 01 22-SEP-2017 Initial Release
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© 2017, Sensus USA, Inc., a subsidiary of Xylem, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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FlexNet EasyLink™ is a trademark of Sensus.
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8601 Six Forks Road
Suite 700
Raleigh, NC 27615
Document: FlexNet EasyLink™ User Guide
Document Number: AUG-10061-01
Revision History | ii

Revision History.......................................................................ii
1 Introduction to FlexNet EasyLink™......................................4
2 Setup the FlexNet EasyLink Reader.................................... 6
Setup the FlexNet EasyLink WorkBook Application................................7
Initial Login........................................................................................8
Bluetooth Pairing...............................................................................9
Compliance Statements........................................................11
Contents | 3

1 Introduction to FlexNet
FlexNet EasyLink™ is a hardware and software solution that is capable of reading both
Sensus' FlexNet SmartPoint modules and ERT devices that operate with Standard
Consumption Message (SCM) packets. The FlexNet EasyLink™ Reader is a transceiver,
installed in a vehicle, running an application that can merge with your existing route
management and billing processes.
FlexNet EasyLink enables utilities to keep existing ERT devices while simultaneously
deploying and reading Sensus SmartPoint modules in the field. It provides an easy path for
upgrading from an AMR system to an AMI system.
The FlexNet EasyLink Reader contains two transceivers working with two antennas. One
transceiver supports wake up ERT modes for ERT device reading and one transceiver
supports mobile reading of FlexNet SmartPoint modules and bubble up ERT data collection.
The FlexNet EasyLink Reader transmits readings via a USB connection on the device
running the FlexNet EasyLink WorkBook Application or via Bluetooth to the FlexNet
EasyLink WorkBook Application.
The FlexNet EasyLink Reader and components come in a carrying case for ease of shipping
and carrying. The FlexNet EasyLink Reader can be ordered with a ToughPad running the
FlexNet EasyLink WorkBook Application along with a mounting kit and power cable for the
The FlexNet EasyLink Reader kit includes a carrying case and with the following
components inside the case:
FlexNet EasyLink Reader (transceiver)
FlexNet antenna with magnetic mount and antenna extender for sending tones to
FlexNet SmartPoint modules and receiving responses from FlexNet SmartPoint modules
and bubble up ERTs.
ERT antenna with magnetic mount for sending an interrogation tone to wake up ERT
Power cable
USB cable
Two nylon straps for carrying and securing the transceiver
(Optional) ToughPad Kit running the FlexNet EasyLink WorkBook Application, ToughPad
DC power, mounting kit
1 Introduction to FlexNet EasyLink™ | 4