SensorPush HT1 User Manual

User Manual
Product name: SensorPush HT1
New features of the 3.3 version Beacon firmware
Improved Security
Add the brute force prevention measures of the password: Beacon would lock automaticall y when th e input pa ss word e rror cons ecuti ve for te n times. Th e default lock time is half an hour, and the lock time can be dynamic configured up to ten hours.
Connection Time Limit
Limiting the user's connection time, and the longest is within five minutes.
Jaalee offers complete indoor Bluetooth BLE solutions for indoor navigation with beacon tag hardware and open Interface to support any indoor navigation deployment. We offer stand-alone tags and services or complete professional services, engineering, and custom beacon tag designs. Y ou can do everything you want without any limit of us. For the development documents matters, please contact us.
JAALEE Beacon is a sma ll BLE device which can be stuck on the it ems you want to track such as keys, pets, children, toys and so on. You can locate them with your ios devices which support BLE 4.0. The Beacon will alert you with buzz. W e offer stand-alone tags and services or complete professional services, engineering, and custom Beacon tag designs.
Product Details
Jaalee Beacon is developed and produced based on BLE 4.0 and Beacon has the same housing as Beacon. It can w or k as an independent system. For developers, we provide the Android and IOS SDK, and our hardware interface developed completely by us, so the developers can develop it without using SDK. For iBeacon agreement, all of the parameters can be reconfigured, including Proximity UUID, Major, Minor and Power. I n order t o meet d iffer ent cus tom ers’ n eeds, b roa dcas t inter val can als o be set, which ranges from 100 ms to 10 s. Besides, hardware transmitted power can be configured, configurable range is -5 dBm to -3 dBm. Low cost customizing housing would be provided to potential customers. JAALEE Beacon is developed and produced based on BLE 4.0. The JAALEE Beacon module is a circuit board. It can work as an independent system. For developers, we provide the Android and IOS SDK, and our firmware interface is completely open, s o th e developers can develop their Apps without SDK. In order to meet different needs of customers, broadcast interval can also be set, which ranges from 100 ms to 10 s. Besides, hardware transmitted power can be configured, configurable range is -5 dBm to -3 dBm. Low cost customizing housing would be provided to potential customers.
- Modes can be switched freely.
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