Sensor ICs ZMD31050 Operation Manual

Advanced Differential Sensor Signal Conditioner
Application Note PRELIMINARY
1. Startup
First you have to install driver and software form CD - refer KIT2 installation description “CB_descr_*.pdf” (former name “tech_desr_comm._board_revxxx.pdf”) in folder “Manual Evaluation Kit
2.0” on CD for details.
For a demo application without hardware access it is not necessary to install the USB port driver. After the end of software installation procedure you find two additional icons on your desktop or programs in program menu:
ZMD31050 (former ZMD31050 EV KIT)
ZMD31050_SSC2 (former ZMD31050 EV KIT2)
ZMD31050 is tool supporting all features and functions in detail – recommended for being familiar with the ZMD31050, design in a sensor, developing and verifying a configuration/application.
ZMD31050_SSC2 is tool, which is made for pre series calibration work. The configuration is displayed as configuration words only, but this tool supports “ZMD SSC Kit command language” (SSC_CML). SSC_CML enables to write command procedures for full automated calibration of sensor modules. SSC_CML is in development now. Additional ZMD31050_SSC2 software enables mass calibration using “ZMD SSC Mass Calibration Board” – a mass calibration solution, which calibrates up to 120 sensor modules in one batch.
1.1 ZMD31050 software
After starting ZMD31050 software has to be select desired interface (lower arrow).
ZMD31050 software is applicable for KIT1 (in software called “ParallelPort-Kit”) and KIT2 (“USBPort-Kit”).
ZMD recommends for first steps I2C interface.
Founded hardware and port is messaged in top of the window, if “Communication Board” and “ZMD31050 SSC Board” is connected at the computer and was found by the software (upper arrow). ZMD31050 circuit revision number is displayed in status line.
Copyright © 2005, ZMD AG, 2005-05-17
All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The Information furnished in this publication is preliminary and subject to changes without notice.
Advanced Differential Sensor Signal Conditioner
Application Note PRELIMINARY
To change type of interface select first “NULL” and then a new one. To verify command mode press “CmdMode” button, if applicable the “LED” near the “CmdMode” button is flashing green for some seconds.
1.2 ZMD31050_SSC software
ZMD31050_SSC software supports only KIT2 (USB).
After starting ZMD31050_SSC software connection status is displayed in header of window.
To access ZMD31050 has to be select desired interface and then power on.
Supply LED on SSC Board is flashing, if this successful and indicates, that ZMD31050 IC is supplied correct.
As next step current register content can be read out by pressing the “readRAM” button in RAM_EEPROM frame. RAM content is displayed then RAM register fields #1...31.
1.3 ZMD SSC Terminal
ZMD SSC terminal is the lowest level of communication, which transfers commands direct to communication board (CB) microcontroller. Controller command language is used for this and is described in “CB_descr_*.pdf” chapter 7 & 8.
Input a command in input line and press <CR> or “send”. Sent command and answer is displayed in terminal window. A practical communication example is displayed terminal program screenshot.
Copyright © 2005, ZMD AG, 2005-05-17
All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The Information furnished in this publication is preliminary and subject to changes without notice.
Advanced Differential Sensor Signal Conditioner
Application Note PRELIMINARY
T01100 set trigger, communication should start
100ms after power on
IWT7800172 I2C, power on & send cmd: "72"
= activate ZMD31050 command mode
IW_7800102 I2C, send cmd: "02" = start cylce ram
IR_78002 I2C, read 2 bytes of SIF output register
=> 0x2AEC digital readout result of conditioning
change adjustment of potentiometer on sensor replacement board now => changed input signal
IR_78002 I2C, read 2 bytes of SIF output register
=> 0x4C80 digital readout result of conditioning
changed input signal delivers also other output signal
IW_7800129 I2C, send cmd: "29"
= read content fof RAM register 0x19
content of addressed register is copied to SIF output, continuous conditioning (“cycle_ram”) is stopped
IR_78002 I2C, read 2 bytes of SIF output register
=> 0x9806 register content of RAM register 0x19
ZMC SSC Terminal
1.4 Troubleshooting
Communication problems:
If software don’t found the communication board check in “system control” of your computer for accessible COM ports etc. – refer “CB_descr_*.pdf” for details)
If software get no access to ZMD31050 (e.g. message “… Command Mode failed …”) verify power supply of the ZMD31050 (wrapped jumpers, measure supply voltage @ K10 Vsupply-GND, …). Software can detect type of connected SSC board - in headline of software type of founded SSC board is messaged. Verify board type …
Try it again with other software (ZMD31050_SSC2.exe).
A error code is displayed in case of communication errors in software. ZMD31050_SSC2 messages
errors in “SendCommand & ReadoutData” frame. An error code is an “e” with a number of three digits e.g. “e032”. Refer “tech_desr_comm._board_revxxx.pdf” for detailed error description. At using ZMD31050-software press “Read” button in “ReadOut Data” frame of main window “ or open “RAM-Register” dialogue (RAM_EEP-icon) and press also “Read” button. Error code is displayed in related output data fields.
If all this doesn’t help send problem description with screenshots of software, software version (about dialogue), error code etc. to ZMD support. Use mail task in about/support dialogue for this.
Copyright © 2005, ZMD AG, 2005-05-17
All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The Information furnished in this publication is preliminary and subject to changes without notice.
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