MKE 1 - Care and Cleaning Instructions
The MKE 1 is a high-quality, sub-miniature clip-on microphone which combines
outstanding sound quality and rugged design with extremely small dimensions.
To ensure continuous optimum performance, please observe the following care and
cleaning instructions.
General care instructions
f Use the MZC 1-1 and MZC 1-2 frequency response caps and
the MZC 1-3 make-up protectors to avoid soiling and dysfunctions.
f Store the MKE 1 in a dry, dust-free environment.
f Avoid extreme bending and tearing of the cable.
f Avoid knots in the cable.
The MZC 1-1 and MZC 1-2 frequency response caps
f To wear the MKE 1 directly on the skin, use the large MZC 1-2 frequency response
cap which offers an extended protection against the ingress of sweat.
f Regularly clean or replace the frequency response caps to avoid sound alterations.
Cleaning after use
f Remove the frequency response cap from the microphone capsule. Hold the micro-
phone by the cable and not by the anti-kink sleeve.
f Use a fine bristle brush and isopropanol to remove make-up residues and other
buildup from the gauze.
Mikrophone head
Mikrophone sound inlet
Anti-kink sleeve
Make-up protector
Frequency response cap
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The microphone capsule
The microphone capsule features an overmold which only serves as an anti-kink sleeve.
The microphone capsule itself is protected from moisture.
Cleaning after use
f Remove the frequency response cap from the microphone
capsule. Hold the microphone by the cable and not by the
anti-kink sleeve.
The cable
The anti-kink sleeve on the connector and the microphone is designed to meet the highest
requirements in quality. The use of additional adhesive tapes or shrink-on tubes can damage the material and reduce the service life of the cable.
f Only use lavalier tape (LAV-Tape) to attach the cable to the skin.
Lavalier tape (LAV-Tape) is available as an original Sennheiser accessory.
H₂O dist.
f Shake the microphone capsule to remove excess moisture.
Cleaning after use
f Use a cloth or a fine bristle brush and isopropanol to remo-
ve make-up residues or other soiling.
f Bathe the microphone capsule in distilled water to loosen
make-up residues and other soiling.
NOTE: Particular hints for MKE 1 - musical (M) variants
12 h
f Do not use a cloth or a bristle brush to clean the micro-
phone sound inlet.
f Dry the microphone for approx. 12 hours. The microphone
sound inlet has to point downwards during drying.
H2O dist.
f Only use distilled water and a slightly damp cloth for
cleaning the cable.
f When cleaning be extremely careful, only use low
pressure, only clean little sections at a time.
Otherwise beads may occur.
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Am Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany, www.sennheiser.com
Publ. 05/20, 540099/A04
f Do not use isopropanol! It may damage the surface of the
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