Senco XtremePro MWXP Specifications

Tool Specifications:
Item #: 120120N Contact Actuation (Dual Action) Weight: 7.4 lbs. ( 3.35 kg) Height: 9 ¾" (247.6 mm) Length: 12 ½" (317.5 mm) Staple Capacity: 140+ Operating Pressure: 80-120 psig Mode of Operation: Tool is available with either sequential or contact actuation trigger mechanism Hose Fitting: 3 ⁄8" NPT
16 Gauge Wide Crown Stapler
Fastener Specifications:
The MWXP wide crown stapler is lightweight and well balanced, minimizing operator fatigue, Has excellent power, speed to handle the most demanding applications.
For butt joints, lathing, insulation, and belt line attachment on mobile homes. Felt applications & foam insulation in building construction. Corrugated carton to skid, furniture & cabinet frames.
Features and Benefits:
• Five year limited warranty, XtremePro™ designed
• High load capacity (140 plus staples)
• Special wearplate and hardened safety
• EZ-clear™ latch provides quick and easy clearing of occasional jams
Choose the right trigger system for your s pecific needs!
Seq uential Actuatio n Trig ger (also kno wn as restricti ve trigg er or trigger fire)
op erates i n th e fol lowi ng a sequ ence - depress th e safety el ement at the nose o f tool against th e work surface th en p ull the trigg er. After each fastener i s driven, release the trigger and lift the tool off the w ork surface befo re starting th e sequen ce again. T hi s trigger is recommended and acceptabl e for most ap plicatio ns.
Con tact Actua tion Trigg er (also know n as d ual action, b ou nce or bottom fire) op erates i n th e fol lowi ng sequence- pull the trig ger first an d keep the trigger p ulled while moving the tool alon g th e work surface with a bou ncing motion, d epressing the safety el ement at the nose o f the to ol again st the work surface wh ere the fastener is to be driven. T his trig ger is recommended for use b y train ed professional s on ly i n hi gh prod uction or volu me ap plicatio ns.
Alw ays read the Operators Manu al and Safety In structio ns with all tools to ensure prop er use and safety precautio ns. For additio nal i nformation o n trigger systems and ho w SE NCO wil l save you time, redu ce co sts, and in crease quali ty, call ou r to ll-free Actio n L ine: 800 -543 -45 96 to find your nearest Authorized Sen co Dealer, Distrib utor or visit our web site at:
Crown 1" (25.4 mm) Width: .062 (1.6 mm) Thickness: .055 (1.4 mm) Capacity 140+ Staples: Drives 16 ga. staples from ¾" (19 mm) - 1 ½" (38 mm)
Carton Length Item Code
¾ P11BAB 10.0M Galv 7⁄8 P12BAB 10.0M Galv 1 P13BAB 10.0M Galv 1¼ P15BAB 10.0M Galv
1½ P17BAB 10.0M Galv
¾ P11BABB 10.0M Galv Band Line
7⁄8 P12BABB 10.0M Galv Band Line 1 P13BABB 10.0M Galv Band Line
1¼ P15BABB 10.0M Galv Band Line 1½ P17BABB 10.0M Galv Band Line ¾ P11BPE 10.0M Standard Galv 1 P13BGBN 5.0M Stainless
©2007 Senco Products, Inc.