Step up to the tough and dependable RoofPro 455XP Coil Nailer
It’s loaded with the features you asked for, yet is light enough for
one-handed operation. Simply the best roofing nailer money can buy.
Tool Specifications:
Item #: 3D0101N: Sequential Actuation (Restrictive)
Weight: 5.4 lbs. ( 2.5 kg)
Height: 9¾" (247.65 mm)
Length: 9¾" (247.65 mm)
Nail Capacity: 120
Collation: Conical wound, angled coil wire
Operating Pressure: 70-120 psig (4.8-8.3 bar)
Mode of Operation: Tool is available with either sequential
or contact actuation trigger mechanism.
Hose Fitting: ¼ " NPT
RoofPro™ 455XP
1¾" Coil Roofing Nailer
For asphalt and fiberglass shingle nailing, for both new roofs
and reroofing. Also for attaching waterproof tar paper, metal
drip edges, insulation board, and, with a special optional attachment,
vinyl and aluminum siding.
Features and Benefits:
• Aluminum main housing and cap – more durable than magnesium
for punishing roofing environments
• Weighs just 5.4 lbs. for easy one-handed operation
• Tool-free adjustable depth of drive for consistent and controllable
nail set
• Comfort and convenience features include: durable molded comfort
grip, 360 tool-free adjustable exhaust, and adjustable shingle guide
• Steel wearplates reduce shingle abrasion on tool
• Adjustable nail canister accommodates entire range of true
round-head roofing nails
• Tool includes case, tool oil and wrench
Fastener Specifications:
Drives 11 gauge (.120"), Full Round Head Nails ¾" 1¾" smooth shank.
Capacity 120.
HJ (Galv)
(Weatherex II)
.120 .120
Length Item Code
¾ x.120 M003101 7.2M Galv
⁄8 x.120 M003102 7.2M Galv
1 x.120 M003103 7.2M Galv
1¼ x.120 M003104 7.2M Galv
1½ x.120 M003105 7.2M Galv
1¾ x.120 M003106 7.2M Galv
⁄8 x.120 HM12ADAP 7.2M Weatherex II
1¼ x.120 HM15ADAP 7.2M Weatherex II
1½ x.120 HM17ADAP 7.2M Weatherex II
1¾ x.120 HM19ADAP 7.2M Weatherex II
©2007 Senco Products, Inc.
5-Year Limited Warranty –
XP Durability
Steel Wear Plates –
Reduces shingle abrasion on tool
360º Adjustable Exhaust
RoofPro™ 455XP
1¾" Coil Roofing Nailer
Comfort Molded Grip –
Reduces fatigue, increases productivity
Powerful and Fast –
Weighs just 5.4 lbs.
Thumb Wheel Adjustable –
Depth-of-Drive –
Drives nails to a consistent
and controllable depth
Replaceable Nose Piece –
Reduces downtime
Choose the right trigger system for your spec ific needs!
Seq uential Actuatio n Trigge r (also kno wn as restrictive trigg er or trigg er fire)
op erates in the fol lowin g a sequ ence - d epress the safety element at the n ose of too l
against the w ork surface then pu ll the trig ger. After each fastener is driven, release the
trigger and l ift the too l off the wo rk surface befo re starting th e sequ ence ag ain . Th is
trigger is recommend ed and acceptab le for most ap pl ication s.
Con tact Actua tion Trigge r (also known as dual actio n, b ou nce or botto m fire)
op erates in the fol lowin g sequence- pu ll th e trig ger first and keep the trigger pul led
whil e movin g the too l alo ng the wo rk surface wi th a b ou ncing motio n, d epressing
the safety element at th e n ose o f the to ol against the wo rk surface where the fastener is
to be d riven. T his trigg er is recommended for use b y train ed profession als on ly in
hi gh producti on or volume app licatio ns.
Alw ays read the Operators Manual and Safety Instructions with all too ls to ensure
prop er use and safety precau tio ns. For additi on al in formatio n on trigg er systems and
ho w SENCO will save you time, redu ce costs, and increase qu ali ty, cal l ou r tol l-free
Actio n Li ne: 800 -543-45 96 to fin d you r nearest Autho rized Sen co Dealer, Distributo r
or visit o ur web site at: www.sen
Adjustable Nail Canister –
Accommodates entire range
of roofing nails
Adjustable Shingle Guide –
For consistent shingle placement
Tool includes case, tool oil and wrench.
RoofPro 455XP Accessories Item #
Vinyl/Aluminum Siding attachment 21192900066
Parts Kit YK0424, YK0425
1.5hp, 2.5 gal. 110v, hand carry PC0968
2.5hp, 4.3 gal. 110v, hand carry PC1131
1.5hp 8 gal. 110v/230v, wheelbarrow PC2016
5.5hp, 8 gal. Honda gas, wheelbarrow PC2017
©2007 Senco Products, Inc.