Version 1.0.0
Firmware version 1.0.X
Last revised on June 14, 2006
Printed in Korea
Copyright 2002, Sena Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Sena Technologies reserves the right to make changes and improvements to its product without
providing notice.
Parani™ is a trademark of Sena Technologies, Inc.
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Ethernet® is a registered trademark of XEROX Corporation.
Notice to Users
When a system failure may cause serious consequences, protecting life and property against such
consequences with a backup system or safety device is essential. The user agrees that protection
against consequences resulting from system failure is the user's responsibility.
This device is not approved for life-support or medical systems.
Changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by Sena Technologies will void the
user's authority to operate this device.
Precautions and Safety
Use only the supplie d AC a dapter . Use of un author ize d power ad apter is no t reco mm ended. Electr ica l
shock may result.
Do not kink or cr ease the po wer cab le or plac e he avy obj ects on th e po wer cab le. Fire c an resu lt fr om
damaged power cables.
Do not handle power plug and adapter with wet hands. Electrical shock may result.
Immediately power of f the pr oduct and u nplug the AC adapter if s m oke or odor s em it from the product
and adapter. Fire can result from improper use.
Immediately power off the produc t an d unp lu g the A C adap ter if water or other l iquids ar e pres e nt. Fire
can result from improper use.
Parani-ESD meets th e RS-232 standards. Do not wire with non-standard produ cts. Damage to your
products may result from improper use.
Do not drop or subject the device to impact. Damage to your products may result from improper use.
Keep away from harsh environments including humid, dusty, and smoky areas. Damage to your
products may result from improper use.
Do not use excessive force on the buttons or attempt to disassemble the device. Damage to your
products may result from improper use.
Do not place heavy objects on the product. Damage to your products may result from improper use.
Technical Support
Sena Technologies, Inc.
210 Yangjae-dong, Seocho - gu
Seoul 137-130, Korea
Tel: (+82-2) 573-5422
Fax: (+82-2) 573-7710
Appendix E: How make a RS232 interface Jig Board 48
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
Parani-ESD is a m odule device f or wireless serial com munication us ing the Bluet ooth technolo gy that
is international standard of short range wireless communications. Parani-ESD accomplishes more
reliable wireless comm unication. As P arani-ESD c an comm unicate with oth er Blueto oth devices, user
may construct various communications with it.
Parani-ESD provides several models with different communication ranges from 30m (ParaniESD200/210) up to 100m (Parani-ESD100/110) for user’s various applications. In terms of noise,
Parani-ESD delivers better quality of communication than standard RS232 cables.
Parani-ESD has the m ost compact design of the sam e kind devices and can be placed convenientl y
into any devices or e qui pm ents. Its d etacha bl e a nte nn a of v ar iety optimizes the q ual ity and distance of
wireless communications.
Parani-ESD can be configured and controlled by typical AT commands. User can easily configure
Parani-ESD on the terminal program such as HyperTerminal and implements the wireless
communication without modifying user’s existing serial communication program. In addition to the
basic AT commands, Parani-ESD provides som e expanded AT comm ands for its various functions.
User friendly ParaniWizard and ParaniWIN are also provided for easy setup on Microsoft Windows.
The FHSS (Frequenc y Hopping Spread Spectrum) techniq ue of Bluetooth lets Parani-ESD h ave less
radio interference and no danger of hack ing in air. Parani-ESD also supports aut hentication an d data
1.2. Package Check List
- Parani-ESD100/110/200/210
- A hardcopy of
- CD-ROM including the HelloDevice Manager and User Guide
Quick Start Guide
1.3. Product Specification
ESD100/110 ESD200/210
Serial Interface
Bluetooth Interface
Serial speeds 1200bps to 230400bps
Flow Control: None, Hardware RTS/CTS
2.54mm Header 2X6 2.54mm Header 1X4X2
Bluetooth v1.2
Protocol: RFCOMM, L2CAP, SDP
Profile: General Acc es s Profile, Ser i al Por t Pr of il e
Class 1 Class 2
Level: 18dBm Level: 2dBm
ESD100-Working distance:
ParaniWIN, ParaniWizard, Modem AT command set
ParaniUpdater for SD&ESD
Supply voltage: DC3.3V
Operating temperature: -20 ~ 70
Humidity : 95% (Non-condensing)
- ESD100
27.5 mm L (1.08 in.)
27.7 mm W (1.09 in.)
14.0 mm H (0.55 in.)
- ESD110
27.5 mm L (1.08 in.)
30.0 mm W (1.18 in.)
14.0 mm H (0.55 in.)
5 g
1-year limited warrant y
- ESD200
- ESD210
18.0 mm L (0.7 in.)
20.0 mm W (0.78 in.)
11.7 mm H (0.47 in.)
18.0 mm L (0.7 in.)
20.0 mm W (0.78 in.)
11.7 mm H (0.47 in.)
2 g
2. Getting Started
This chapter describes how to set up the Parani-ESD Series for the first time.
- 2.1 Panel Layout explains the panel layout.
- 2.2 Conn ecting the Hardware descr ibes how to connect the Paran i-ESD Series, the power, a nd the
serial device to the Jig Board.
Following items are pre-required to get started.
- One Jig Board (included in the Starter Kit package).
- One DC power adapter or one USB power cable (included in the Starter Kit package).
- One serial console cable for configuration (included in the Starter Kit package).
- One PC with RS232 serial port.
- Terminal emulation program running on the PC
2.1. Panel Layout
This section describes the panel layout of the Jig Board.
Figure 2-1 The panel layout of Jig Board
2.2. Connecting the Hardware
This section descr ibes how to connect the Par ani-ESD Series to the Jig Boar d and the Jig Board to
the serial device for initial testing.
- Connect the Parani-ESD Series to Jig Board.
- Connect a power source to Jig Board for the Parani-ESD Series.
- Connect Jig Board for the Parani-ESD Series to a serial device.
2.2.1. Connecting Parani-ESD to Jig Board
Connect the Parani-ESD Series to the Jig Board as shown below.
Figure 2-2 Connecting Parani-ESD to Jig Board
2.2.2. Connecting Power to Jig Board
Connect the power jac k to the power c onnector of the Jig Board for the Parani-ESD Ser ies using the
DC power adapter or USB power cable that is included in the package.
Figure 2-3 Connecting Power to Jig Board
2.2.3. Connecting a Device to Jig Board
Connect the serial data c able between the Jig Board and the serial device. If neces sary, s upply the
power to the serial device attached to the Jig Board.
Figure 2-4 Connecting a Device to Jig Board
3. Configuration
3.1. Operation Modes
In addition to the s erial port configuratio ns such as bit/second, data b it, parity, stop bit, flow co ntrol,
Parani-ESD has some configurations for Bluetooth. For getting the most out of Parani-ESD, user
should understand the following Bluetooth connection schemes.
A Bluetooth device can play a role as a master or slave. Master tries to connect itself to other
Bluetooth device, and slave is waiting to be connected from other Bluetooth devices. A Bluetooth
connection is al ways made b y a pair of m aster and sl ave. A slave can be in t wo modes , Inquiry Scan
or Page Scan m ode. Inquiry Sc an mode is waiting the pack et of inquir y from other Bluet ooth devices
and Page Scan mode is waiting the packet of connection from other Bluetooth devices. Every
Bluetooth device h as its uni que ad dress , calle d BD ( Bl uetooth Device) ad dress , whic h is com posed of
12 hexa-decimal numbers.
Parani-ESD has 4 oper ation modes as follows. Eac h mode can be identified with LED indicators as
illustrated in next section.
Table 3-1 The Parani-ESD Operati on Mod es
Mode Description
Parani-ESD must be in Mode0, when it is directly controlled by AT commands.
In this mode, there is no response when power on or software reset, and Parani-ESD is just
waiting for AT command input. Neither master nor slave is assigned to Parani-ESD in mode0.
User can change the configurations of Parani-ESD in this mode.
The factory default is set to Mode0.
Parani-ESD tries to connect the last connected Bluetooth device.
Parani-ESD in Mode1 is to be a master and tries to connect the last connected Bluetooth
device. Parani-ESD always stores the BD address of the Bluetooth device to which ParaniESD has connected last time. When Parani-ESD is initially used or after hardware reset, there
is no BD address stored in Parani-ESD. In this case, Mode1 does not make any sense and
mode change from other operation modes to Mode1 is not allowed. The mode change to
Mode1 can be made after Parani-ESD succeeds to connect to other Bluetooth device in
Mode0. Once changed to Mode1, Parani-ESD will try to connect automatically the last
connected Bluetooth device whenever power on or software reset.
Parani-ESD in Mode1 cannot be discovered or connected by other Bluetooth devices.
Parani-ESD is waiting for the connection from the last connected Bluetooth device.
Parani-ESD in Mode2 is to be a slave and waiting for the connection only from the last
connected Bluetooth device. Just like Mode1, if there is no BD address stored in Parani-ESD,
the mode change from other operation modes to Mode2 is not allowed. Once changed to
Mode2, Parani-ESD will wait for the connection from the last connected Bluetooth device
whenever power on or software reset.
Parani-ESD in Mode2 cannot be discovered or connected to Bluetooth devices other than the
last connected device.
Parani-ESD is waiting for the connection from any other Bluetooth devices.
Parani-ESD in Mode3 acts like in Mode2, but allows any connection from other Bluetooth
device. Most of general Bluetooth device is set to Mode3.
Parani-ESD in Mode3 can be discovered and connected from any other Bluetooth devices.
3.2. Serial Ports
The applicable settings for serial ports are as follows.
The values in box ar e the factory defaults. The flow contr ol setting is configurable only thro ugh dip
3.2.1. Data Bit
Parani-ESD supports only 8 data bit. In the case of 7 data bit, please contact the technical support.
3.2.2. Hardware Flow Control
Parani-ESD plugg ed into its host system transmits data from host to t he other side Bluetooth device.
These data is saved temporarily in the internal buffer of Parani-ESD and sent repeatedly until the
transmission is completed packet by packet. When the radio transmission condition is not good
enough to send data prom ptly, it can cause the transm ission dela y. If the host sends more data when
the buffer is full, buffer ove rflow will make Parani-E SD malfunction conseq uently. In order to prevent
this buffer overflow, Parani-ESD works as follows.
In case of using har dware flow control, Parani-ESD mak es RTS be ‘disable’ to stop receiv ing further
data from the host when the buffer becom es full. RTS will be ‘a ble’ to begin receiving data again f rom
the host when the buffer has some room for more data.
In case of not using hard ware flow control, Paran i-ESD clears the buffer to s ecure the room for next
data when the buffer becom es full. This means the l oss of data. As the transmiss ion data becomes
large, the possibility of data loss goes higher.
For large data transmission, use of hardware flow control is highly recommended.
3.2.3. Software and Utility
This configuration software and uti lity for firm ware update c omes with the product, wh ich also can be
downloaded from
Table 3-3 Configuration Software
Software Purpose Operating System
ParaniWIN Configuration MS Windows 98SE or Higher
ParaniWizard Pairing Configuration
ParaniUpdater Firmware Update MS Windows 98SE or Higher
3.2.4. ParaniWIN
ParaniWIN is a program running on Microsoft Windows for the configuration of Parani-ESD. Install
ParaniWIN on your computer. Plug a Parani- ESD into the s erial port of the computer and turn on t he
power. Run ParaniWIN.
Figure 3-1 Serial Port Setting
Set each option properl y and click [Confirm]. If the settings are differ ent from the host c omputer, error
message will pop up. If the Parani-ESD is in t he status of connection, warning message will po p up.
Then the current connection can be cancelled by [Disconnect] button on the main window.
Figure 3-2 Error Message Box
Figure 3-3 Main Window
Figure 3-4 Information Window
Serial port settings can be changed by <Start Configuration> and <ParaniWIN Configuration> of
ParaniWIN in the menu bar at upper left corner of the window without re-running the ParaniWIN
Figure 3-5 Menu Bar at Upper Left corner of ParaniWIN
The icons in the left side window come to the corresponding windows.
In device configurat ion window, hardware reset can be ex ecuted or operation m ode and RS232 can
be configured as well. Securit y option als o can be confi gur ed in this win do w.
Figure 3-6 Device Setting Window
Parani-ESD supports two security options, Authentication and Encryption. If you check the
Authentication op tion, you must also ent er the Pin Code valu e. If the authenticatio n is activated, the
connection, onl y between the Master and Slave dev ice that sh are the sam e Pin Code, is establish ed.
In case that Parani-ESD connects to other Bluetooth device that enables authentication, you must
know the other device’s Pin Code. In general Bluetooth devic es, 1234 or 0000 is used as a defaul t
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