BBlluueettooootthh MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa MMoodduullee AApppplliiccaattiioonn NNootte
Bluetooth® Serial Module
Application Note
Bluetooth Class 2 OEM Module
Model: Parani-BCD210
Ver 1.0
Sena Technologies, Inc.
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BBlluueettooootthh MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa MMoodduullee AApppplliiccaattiioonn NNootte
1. General
The Parani-BCD210 is a Bluetooth Class 2 OEM module for OEM manufacturers who want to
implement Bluetooth Class 2 functionality with their products cost effectively and also in timely
manner. Users can build their own antenna circuit around the BCD210 to lower the overall cost
while benefit from the BCD210’s field-proven standard SPP (Serial Port Profile) firmware
provided with no additional cost.
The BCD210 supports Class 1 Bluetooth transmission level for longer communication distance
typically ranges from 100 m up to 1 km. The BCD210 supports UART, USB, I2C, PCM, PIO
interfaces for the communication with the OEM products.
The BCD210 is provided with Bluetooth v2.0 compatible firmware runs internally for SPP (Serial
Port Profile) applications by default. The SPP firmware supports up to 4 simultaneous multiple
connections and is designed to work out-of-box for real world SPP applications such as POS
(Point-of-sales), industrial automation, remote metering and other various applications.
Optionally, the BCD210 can be supplied with only software stack up to HCI level so entire
Bluetooth stack runs on the host side for the application such as USB dongles for computers, or
OEM manufacturers can even develop and embed their own firmware into the BCD210.
The BCD210 is fully qualified with Bluetooth v.2.0+EDR specification so OEM manufacturers
can save cost and time for overall OEM product certifications, which makes the BCD210 ideal
solution for larger volume and cost sensitive applications.
To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, the antenna used for this
transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons
and must not be co-located or operate in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”
As such, the radio component of this device is intended only for OEM integrators under the
following two conditions: The antenna must be installed such that 20 cm is maintained between
the antenna and users.
The transmitter module may not be co-located with any other transmitter or antenna.
As long as the two conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required.
However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end product for any additional
compliance requirements required with this module installed (e.g., digital device emissions, PC
peripheral requirements).
In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for example, co-location with another
transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID cannot be
used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be responsible for re-
evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC
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End Product Labeling The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following : “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: S7AIW03”. The radio component is an integral part of the Parani-BCD210DU and cannot be removed.
BBlluueettooootthh MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa MMoodduullee AApppplliiccaattiioonn NNootte
1.1 Features
Fully qualified Bluetooth v2.0 + EDR
Full-speed Bluetooth operation
Full piconet and scatternet support
Minimum external components
Low-power 1.8V operation
1.8V core, 1.8 to 3.6V I/O
Integrated 1.8V regulator
8 x 8mm, 96-ball TFBGA and 6 x 6mm, 96-ball, VFBGA package options
USB v2.0 and dual UART ports
Support for IEEE 802.11 coexistence
Support for 8Mbit external Flash
Green (RoHS and no antimony or halogenated flame retardants)
1.2 Applications
Computer accessories (compact Flash cards, PCMCIA cards, SD cards and USB dongles)
Access points
Digital cameras
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Model despription
BBlluueettooootthh MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa MMoodduullee AApppplliiccaattiioonn NNootte
Model name Interface Connector
Parani-BCD210DU DIP, pin U.FL 5dBi dipole 3dBi dipole 1dBi stub
Parani-BCD210DS DIP, pin RPSMA 5dBi dipole 3dBi dipole 1dBi stub
Parani-BCD210DC DIP, pin CHIP 0dBi Chip
Parani-BCD210SU SMD, pad U.FL 5dBi dipole 3dBi dipole 1dBi stub
Parani-BCD210SC SMD, pad CHIP 0dBi Chip
Type1 Type2 Type3
Use Antenna
Dipole antenna (M/N: R-AN2400-1901RS) Max Gain 5.37 dBi Dipole antenna (M/N: R-AN2400-5801RS) Max Gain 3.27 dBi
Dipole antenna (M/N: AN2400-3306RS) Max Gain 1.40 dBi
Chip antenna (SENA_F0615) Max Gain: 0.2dBi
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1.3 Device Diagram
BBlluueettooootthh MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa MMoodduullee AApppplliiccaattiioonn NNootte
1.4 Pin Diagram
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BBlluueettooootthh MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa MMoodduullee AApppplliiccaattiioonn NNootte
1.5 Pin Descriptions
Function Pin Name Pin Number Description
USB Interface
UART Interface
PCM Interface
SPI Interface
PIO Interface
USB_DP 8 USB data plus
USB_DN 7 USB data minus
UART_TXD 11 UART data output
UART_RXD 12 UART data input
UART_RTS 10 UART request to send active low
UART_CTS 9 UART clear to send active low
PCM_OUT 25 Synchronous data output
PCM_IN 24 Synchronous data input
PCM_SYNC 23 Synchronous data sync
PCM_CLK 22 Synchronous data clock
SPI_MISO 30 SPI data output
SPI_MOSI 32 SPI data input
SPI_CSB 29 Chip select for SPI, active low
SPI_CLK 31 SPI clock
PIO_0 50 Programmable input/output line
PIO_1 49 Programmable input/output line
PIO_2 52 Programmable input/output line
PIO_3 51 Programmable input/output line
PIO_4 1 Programmable input/output line
PIO_5 20 Programmable input/output line
PIO_6 4 Programmable input/output line
PIO_7 3 Programmable input/output line
PIO_8 19 Programmable input/output line
PIO_9 13 Programmable input/output line
PIO_10 6 Programmable input/output line
PIO_11 14 Programmable input/output line
PIO_12 2 Programmable input/output line
PIO_13 15 Programmable input/output line
PIO_14 5 Programmable input/output line
PIO_15 21 Programmable input/output line
AIO_0 54 Analogue programmable input/output line
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AIO_1 55 Analogue programmable input/output line
BBlluueettooootthh MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa MMoodduullee AApppplliiccaattiioonn NNootte
LED Drivers
VCC 16 Power supply for system, I/O, 3.3V
VCHG 35 Lithium ion/polymer battery charger input
VBAT 34 Lithium ion/polymer battery positive terminal
VREG_EN 33 Take high to enable internal regulators
GND 17 Ground
GND 18 Ground
GND 28 Ground
GND 36 Ground
GND 46 Ground
GND 48 Ground
GND 56 Ground
LED_0 26 LED driver
LED_1 27 LED driver
RF_I/O 47 Transmitter output/receiver input
RESETB 53 Reset, active low, > 5ms to cause a reset
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BBlluueettooootthh MMuullttiimmeeddiiaa MMoodduullee AApppplliiccaattiioonn NNootte
2. Electrical characteristics
2.1 Absolute maximum ratings
Ratings Min Max Unit
Storage Temperature -40 +85 °C
Operating Temperature -40 +85 °C
Supply voltage VCC -0.4 3.6 V
VREG_EN -0.4 4.9 V
VBAT -0.4 4.4 V
LED[1:0] -0.4 4.4 V
VCHG -0.4 6.5 V
Other terminal voltages GND – 0.4 VCC + 0.4 V
2.2 Recommended operating conditions
Ratings Min Typ Max Unit
Operating Temperature -30 20 +70 °C
Supply voltage VCC 3.1 3.3 3.5 V
VREG_EN 2.8 4.2 4.4 V
VBAT 2.8 4.2 4.4 V
LED[1:0] 2.8 4.2 4.4 V
VCHG 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
2.3 Power Consumption
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