Handset Features
3. Caller I D(For DuraFon PRO
a. Displa ys incom ing call p hone num ber and na me on the LC D(need s
Caller ID s ervice f rom loca l teleph one comp any).
Note: If be hind a PBX o r Key system, Caller ID information will only
be recogn ized if th e PBX or Key system passes that
informa tion through the analog ports.
Note: If be hind a PBX o r Key system, Caller ID information will only
be recognized if the PBX or Key system passes th at
information through the analog ports.
Note: If be hind a PBX o r Key system, Caller ID information will only
be recognized if the PBX or Key system p asses th at
information through th e analog p orts.
Note: If be hind a PBX o r Key system, Caller ID information will only
be recogn ized if th e PBX or Key system passes that
informa tion through the analog ports.
4. Call Waiting with Ca ller ID( For DuraFon PRO only)
a. Displa ys 2 inco ming cal l inform ation on the same phone line when
1 call is i n progre ss (need s Call Waiting with Caller ID service fr om
local tel ephone c ompany ).
5. Name Tagging wi th Caller ID(For DuraFon PRO only)
a. Matche s the Call er ID with the phone book entries; once matched,
the LCD scr een will d isplay t he name or n icknam e instea d of pure
Caller ID i nfo (nee ds Call Waiting with Caller ID service f rom loca l
telepho ne compa ny).
6. DND (Do No t Distur b, i.e., Silent R ing)
Silence s the inco ming cal l ring for current call only.
7. Three Ca ll Logs(For DuraFon PRO )
a. Called L og: Stor es 10 phon e number s (up to 28 digits each) dialed
most rece ntly. Can perfo rm last- number r edial on a ll 10 numb ers.
b. Receiv ed Call Lo g: 10 entr ies (14- digit phone number, 14-character
names, an d time stamp), needs Caller ID service from local
telepho ne compa ny.