Senao Co SN 920U User Manual

SN - 920 UL TRA
s U
Table of C ontents
H andset
Diagram Features
Base U nit
Diagram Features
C harging Cradle
Diagram Features
G e tting Started
Ba s e Un it S e t-u p C harging Cradle Set-u p
B asic O perations
Modes Making Calls M anual Dail Pre-dial tone M anual Dail Pos t-d i al tone Re dial Dire c to ry D i al M e m o ry Dial Answering C alls H andset in C harg ing Cradle H andset not C har ging Cradle Voice Vo lum e
10 11
12-13 13-15
21 21-22 22-23
25 25 26
Call On-Hold Muting a Call
3 4
8 9
Call Waiting T ra n s fe rring a Calls Disco nnecting Calls
Advanced O perations
2-W ay Radio H andset-to-H and set Ba s e-to -H and set H andset-to -B a s e Ba s e Un it Options Ring Volum e Voice Vo lum e Main M enu Function C hart H andset / B a s e Registra t ion Re giste ring a H and set
De-registe ring Handset
Re giste ring additional Bas e Units H andset M enu O ptions K ey G uar d Dire c to ry Ca ller ID Sounds Ring Volum e Ring T y pe Key Volum e Key Tone S e tting s Ar ea C ode T one/P ulse B acklight Re s et
m Nam
26 27 28
32 33 34
35 35 36
42-50 50-53
54 54
55 56 56
57 57
Call M anager C o n tra s t Dial Prefix
Product Specifications
S a fe ty In s tru c tion
Regulator y Infor m ation
EnG enius Product G uide
This device co m plies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. O p eration is su b ject to the follow ing tw o co n ditions:
1)this device may not cause harm ful interference, and
2)this device must accept any interference receive d , includ ing interference that may cause un desire d operation.
Priva cy of co m m u n ica tions m ay not be en su red w hen using th is ph one.
W hen selecting a location fo r th e base unit, it is be tte r to locate th e base un it as high as possible to avoid o bstruction s th a t might interfere with the ra d i o tra n s m i ssion and g e tting a clear signal.
In any case, the b ase un it must be lo cated 8 in ches (20cm ) fro m any p erson to be in co m p lian ce of FCC s a fe ty re g u latio ns.
In any case, the b ase un it must be lo cated 8 in ches (20cm ) fro m any p erson to be in co m p lian ce of FCC s a fe ty re g u latio ns.
Person with pacem aker: Should alw ays keep th e handset more than 20 cm (6 inches) fro m th e ir p acem aker w h en th e hand set is sw itc h on. Should not c a rry th e han d set in a b reast pocket. If you have an y reason to suspe ct th a t interfe rence is ta lking place, sw itch off you hand set immediately.
For body-w orn h a n d s -fre e operation of th e handset, the device has b een tested for RF exposure co m p liance with the E nG enius provided belt-c lip and leather po uch . O ther belt­clips, ho lsters or similar accessories th a t have not b een tested m ay no t co m p ly with RF exposure requirem ents and sh ou ld not be used .
C ong ratulations!
and flexibility of this unique telecom m unica tions system cannot be overlooked fo r the Sm all Offi ce / Ho m e en vironm en t.
You have p urchased an exceptional b usine ss com m unications tool fro m the leading Industrial Cordles s Phone System
m anufacturer. The EnG enius SN-9 20 UL T RA Industri al C o rd less P hone
System is th e s econd ge neration of the Cordles s Phone and 2-W ay Radio
Long est R an ge
system . EnG enius system s
are ideal for th e Sm all Office Hom e Office (SO H O ) user. The expand able design allow s the system to grow w ith your busin ess. With sophisticated digital signal proc essing and s ix ti m es th e pow er of typ ical cord less phon es, the EnG enius syst em prov ides cordless p hone and tw o -w ay com m unications in a wid e v a ri ety of business set ti ngs fro m multi-l evel office buildings, construction sites, w ar ehouses, fa rm s , b usine ss co m p lexes and other dem anding business environm ents. The E nG enius system is capable of supporting up to 4 lines (4 base units) and 36 handsets. The E nG enius system is able to provide you inc re a sed mobility with in your b usine ss e nvironm ent.
Another unique fe a ture of th e EnG enius system is t he a bility t o use t he handsets as digita l, full dup lex, tw o-w ay radios. The digita l two-way radio mo de allow s members of th e work group to be in contac t with th e i r c o -w o rk e rs while lea ving phone lines available for incom ing or outgoing ca lls. Users can designate their han ds ets to re c e i ve all incom ing calls or re c e i ve only intercom (2 -w a y ) a n d tra nsferred calls, with th e Call M anager fe a tu re . Additionally, an incom ing call can be answ ered, placed on-hold or transferred to th e approp riate perso n, fro m any handset.
The m any EnG enius syst em fe a tu re s include: long-range, 2-w ay radio and cor dless p hone operation, system expandability, milita ry level digital security, music or m essag e on- hol d capability, 80 minute batte ry recharge and th e new 4-line LC D disp lay w ith Caller ID/Call Waiti ng readout capability h ave given birth to a new prod uct c a te g o ry in t h e c o rd less p hone industry know n as Ind u stri al Cordless Phone S ystem s. The c o nvenience, m obility
In te lle c tu a l Pr oper ty Rig h ts N o tice
EnG enius SN -92 0 UL TRA Us er's M anual Copyrig ht 2000 EnGenius Technolog ies.
All ri ghts res erv ed.
No part of this U ser 's M anual m ay be reproduced, stored in a re tri evable system , or transm itted, i n an y form or by any m eans, electronic or m echanica l, i ncluding photocopying, re c o rd i ng, or otherw ise, without perm ission of EnG enius T echnologies.
EnG enius is a t radem ark used herein u nder exclusive licens e a nd Ind u stri al Cordless is a tra d e m a rk of E nG enius Technologies.
All ri ghts to paten ts, includ ing patents pending EnGenius prod ucts ar e the exclusive prop erties of EnG enius Technolog ies.
H andset Diagr am
H andset Featur es
1. Antenna
2. E a rp ie c e
17. Status LED
2. Earpiece
7. Volum e key
15. Sc r o lling Keys
6. Talk/Flas h
9. Dialing k eys
1. Antenna
4. LC D
14. Right Soft Key
16. End/O N /O FF
5. K e yp ad
8. 2 w ay/Intercom¡E
3. M icr ophone Functions as m o uthp iece.
4. Liquid C r yst al D isplay (LCD) *
The disp lay has Light Em itting D iod e (LE D ) fo r backlighting.
The fi rs t line of th e LC D consist s of eight icons.
The next tw o lines consist of user-p ro g ra m m a b l e alphanum eric C h a ra c te rs . *
The last line disp lay s the soft key fu n c ti ons.
* R eceive Signal Str engt h Indicator (RSSI) The num ber of bars is proportional to th e signal strength of th e RF signal r eceived .
* C a ll in- progr ess( O N / OFF Hook)
* Inter com M ode: Active
* Handset ID
3. M icr ophone
12. H eadse t Adapt e r Por t
* C a l le r I D Log Unread m essages: Clo sed Envelope Read m essages: O pen Envelope No inform ation or no Caller ID S e rv ice : No Env elope is Disp la yed .
7. Volum e key Located on side of hands et: up / dow n buttons contro l vo lum e
8. 2-W A Y /IN T E R C O M U sed to place an intercom ca ll to another handset or ba se.
* Tw o- d i gi t N um ber D isplay Tracks Caller ID log and Phone Dire c to ry re c o rd location.
* Line or Base Indicat or Ind ica tes th e b ase that is active. (E xa m p le: )
* B a tte ry Strength Nu mb e r o f bars is proportional to the am ount of battery time re m a ining.
5. K eypad 19 button face keypad. Ba ck light option can be se t to OFF, ON, or 8 seconds time out.
6. Ta l k / Flash Answer incom ing phone or tw o -w ay radio (interc om ) call. Place an outgoing phone call. This button also acts as the flash button fo r functions like ca ll waiti ng and togg ling between calls.
9. D i ali ng K eyp ad U sed for dialing phone n um bers a nd entering alphanum eric i nform ation into Phone D ire c tory.
10. Ringer ( not show n) Em its several sounds to ind ica te various events or alarm s.
Single Beep
S u cce ssful operation
Double B eep
Failed operation or invalid key. Also , ind ica tes power on / off.
Periodic Shor t Single Beep
(every tw o seconds): Low battery warning.
Periodic Long Series of Beeps
(repeat every 30 s econ ds) : I ndica tes a call on-hold.
C ontinuous B eep
(2 second s): Ind ica tes out of range while in talk m ode.
11. Batter y Pack Slot ( on back of handset)
12. H eadset A dapt er Por t ( on bott om of handset)
13. Left Soft Key
14 . Right So ft Key
1 5 . S c ro llin g Keys
16. EN D On / Off for power and to e nd ( h ang-up) a call
17. Stat us LED Blinking: Stand by Solid: O n a call or the firs t 8 seconds after powe r on
(not show n)
Additional H andset Featur es
Call Waiting with C a l ler ID (re q u ires Call Waiting and Caller ID service s fro m local phone se rvice prov ider) *
Call M anager option: U ser p rogram m able option for hands et to allow all calls or only tra n s fe rre d and intercom calls *
Touch a ny key to answ er call *
Call tr ansfer to a nother hand set with in t he system *
Unique, system a ssigned Security ID (1 o f 65,000) *
P hone Dire c tory: up to 30 phone num bers (2 0 d i gits ) a n d na m es (14 characters)
30 num ber memory sp ee d dial fo r Phone Directo ry
L ast num ber redial
Caller ID (require s Caller ID ser vice from p hone service provider)
Caller ID log : stores up to 30 calls of ca ller inform ation includ ing
* caller's nam e, num ber, date an d time
Intercom com m unica tions w ith b a s e unit
H andset-to -h a n d se t com m unica tion independent of th e base
* (D igita l, fu ll duplex tw o -w a y ra d i o)
Three level ringer vo l um e ad justment (l ow, high & vib rate)
Four ri ng types
Six level voice v olum e contro l adjustm ent
Ring or vi bration alert op tion
To ne / pulse dial option
Low battery alarm and disp lay
C hange batte ry while call on-hold
Keypad illum ina tion
Three level ke y tone volum e contro l (l ow , high & off)
Four different key to n e sound selections
Auto pow er m anagem ent
* *
B ase U nit Diagram
6. A udio- in Jack
2. Speaker
7. Powe r L ED
8. In use LE D
9. In te r c o m L E D
3. Volum e
4. P a g e / In te rc o m
10. Line O ut
11. Line In
12.AC ada ptor
5. M icr ophone
1. A nt e nna
B ase U nit Features
1. A nt e nna Swivel base for ease of positioning . (N o te: R e v e rse th read antenna adapte r; to rem ov e, tu rn c lockw ise).
2. Speaker
3. Volum e
4. P a g e / In te rc o m
5. M icr ophone
6. A udio- in Jack(3.5 m m )
7. Powe r L ED LE D ind ica tes base unit has AC power.
8. In Us e L ED LE D ind ica tes a phone c all, base / handset i nter com call, or handset regis tra ti on is in p rog ress.
9. In te r c o m L E D LE D ind ica tes w hen bas e is in interco m m ode.
10. Line In
11. Line O ut
C harging Cradle Diagram
5. AC A dapter
2. S p a re B a tte ry Com p art m ent
1. H andset C har ger /Cr adle
12 . AC Ada pte r Por t
Additional Base Unit Features
Supports up to 9 handsets p er base unit. O ne handset can be registered to 4 b ase units. *
A ssigns handset security code during registra tion
Adjustab le four level ri nger and vo ice vo lum e control
3. H andset C har ging Indicator
4. S p a re B a tte ry Char ging I ndicator
~ 10~
Char ging Cr adle Featur es
1. H andset C har ging C r adle Ho lds handset Charges hand set batte ry pack each time handset is placed in cradle. 80 m inute rapid charge.
2. S p a re B a tte ry C om partm ent Spa re battery recharged w hen placed in this slot. 80 minute ra p id char ge.
3. H andset C har ging Indicator LE D is not l it: Slot is em pty or prope r connect ion is not m ade. LED is blinking red: Batte ry is charg ing. LED is green: Batte ry is fully charged.
4. S p a re B a tte ry C harging Indicator LED is not lit: Slot is em pty or pr oper connection is not m ade. LED is blinking red: Batte ry is charg ing. LED is green: Batte ry is fully charged.
5. AC A dapter Port
Additional Cha rgin g Cra dle Feat ur es
H andset and a spare battery p a ck can be c ha rge d at th e sam e ti me *
Fully dischar ged batter y packs can be charged in app roximately 80 minu tes *
A trickle char ge fe a tu re will maintain charge on a nearly fu lly charged battery *
I t is im p o ssible to overcharge th e batteries using this charg er
Fully char ge battery packs before firs t use
B ase U nit Setup
Ther e ar e thr ee p o s s ib le base unit setups:
B ase unit alone
B ase unit plus telephone a nsw ering device
B ase unit plus standard telephone
Basic Instr uctions
1. Plug the sm a ll end of th e 9V DC power adapter into the "DC IN" port on the bac k of the base unit.
2. Plug the tw o-pronged 9V DC power adapter into a standard 120 V AC e le c trical o u tl et.
3. Plug telephone lin e c o rd into the next r e ceptacle on the back m arked LINE.
4. Plug the telephone lin e c o rd i nto the te lep hone wall outlet.
5. A s tandard te l ephone or answ e ring machine can be plugg ed into the adjacent recep tacle on th e back of the base unit m arked TEL.
6. The M usic/M e ssag e On-Hold feature can be achieved by plugging either end of th e i ncluded audio cable into th e audio-in port on the bac k of the base unit.
7. For best perform ance, com puters, faxes, te lep hone a nsw e ring machines, televisions, stereos and other c o rd less devic es s hould be at l ea st 1 m eter (approximately 3 fe e t) fro m th e base unit.
~ 11~
~ 12~
Follow instru c tions that ca m e with th e answ ering
NOTE: device or telephone if diffe re n t fro m thos e des cribed here.
Charging SetupCradle
The location for the handset charging
require s a standard 120V AC
cradle electri cal wall o u tlet.
1. Plug the s m all end of the 12V DC adapter into the re c e p tacle on th e back of th e charger unit.
2. The tw o -p ro n g e d 12V DC adapter is then plugg ed into th e wall outlet.
Chargin g a B a tte ry
The batte ry charger can char ge th e hand set and a spare battery pack at th e sam e time. The charging unit has spare battery charging slot behind th e hand set charg ing slot.
1. To charge the handset, simply p lace th e handset, with batter y pac k attached, i nto th e charging slot with the hands et facing th e fro n t of the charger. If th e hand set i s p roperly in the cradle, the cradle's PHO NE indica tor light will be illum ina ted.
2. To simultaneously charg e a spare battery, inse rt th e sp are batte ry pack with pa ck contacts facing down and to w a rd s the re a r into the re a r charging slot.
It ta k e s about 80 m inu tes to fully charge a battery
NOTE: in eith e r the (front) hands et slot or th e (re a r) s p a re battery slot.
Bat ter y Light Indicators
LED is not lit: Slot is em pty or p roper
* connection is not made.
LE D is blinking re d : Batter y char ging.
LE D is green: Battery is fu lly char g ed.
In s ta lling N ew Batter y
1. To re m o ve th e hand set battery: T u rn the hands et face dow n and locate the batter y pac k re l ea se on th e bottom of the handset. Push the re lease tow ards th e top of the phone and lift up.
2. To install battery pack : Carefully slide the top batte ry pack tabs into batte ry pack area of handset aligning th e metal contacts of handset and battery pack. P ress down on th e bottom end of the battery pack. The battery p ack should "c l ick" into a sec ured pos iti on on th e hand set.
Low Battery In d icato r
C harge the batteries w hen one of th e fo llow ing happens:
P hone b eeps tw ice every two s econds
B a tte ry icon is em p t y
P hone d oes not respond w hen a key is pr essed
LCD an d b acklighting becom e dim
Bat ter y R eplace m ent
O per ation M odes
B o th the base unit and handset have levels of operation at which time only ce rtain procedures or functions can b e p e rfo rm e d . Thes e levels or m odes of oper a tion will b e re fe rre d to throughout this m anual a n d va ry fr om base unit to hands et.
You r EnG enius phone system uses rech arg ea ble Nickel Metal Hydride (N i-M H ) batte ry pa cks. Each batte ry provides up to th r e hours of ta lk-ti me, bas ed on r a nge, terra i n and environm ental conditions, or up to 40 hours of standby time. Th ese high perform ance battery p acks have an av er a ge life sp a n of about 300 charges (a charge is defined as going fro m em pty to fu lly charged). Additional or replacem ent new SN-92 0 UL T RA battery packs are available as p a rt num ber: S N -920 U LTRA-BA .
CAUTION! replaced. Replace only w ith th e sam e or eq ui valent type r ecom m ended by the m anufacturer. Disp o se of used batte ries according to th e manufa c tu re r' s instru ctions.
D anger of explosion if battery is incorrectly
Do not open th e plastic batte ry pa ck encasing.
Base O per at ion M odes
The base unit op erates in three different m o d es: IDLE, TA LK, and REG ISTRATION.
ID L E M O D E keys ar e active in ID LE m ode. The PO W ER LED is re d .
TA L K MODE incom ing or outgoing intercom call and an incom ing or outgoing phone c all. Volum e key is active in TA L K m ode. PO W ER, IN U SE and INTERCO M (during an intercom call) L E D s are re d .
REGIST RAT ION M ODE simultaneously holding down the inter com and volum e keys for three s ec onds. Th ere a re no active b ase unit keys o nce t his m ode has been entered. The IN USE and PO W ER LE D s are illum inated. The IN USE LED will com e on and stay active for app roximately 30 s ec onds a nd then tu rn o ff.
H andsetO peration M odes
The hand set oper a tes in one of five different m o d es: IDLE, MENU, TA LK , REG ISTRATION and CRADLE.
- this is th e default mo de. The intercom and vo lum e
- the base operates in this m ode during an
- the base enters this m ode by
~ 15~
~ 16~
This is th e default operating m ode .
* The LC D will s how the follow ing sc reen a nd icon placem ent in th e ID LE m ode :
* If th e re i s no on-going activity, the
EnG enius
handset autom atically goes into SLEEP/IDLE mod e to sa ve battery power.
* The handset can be turned off com pletely by h olding dow n th e END key for 3 seconds.
The idle screen disp lay ( custom nam e) can be
NOTE: edite d (i n th e m enu m ode) with the handset ow ner's nam e or other c ustom greeting .
The 2-digit num ber near th e top center of the LC D show s the handset's ID.
I n MENU m ode, th e hand set
* se tting s and inform ation contained in memory can be changed. (F o r e x am ple: the Caller ID log and Phone D ire c to ry).
All keys, except 2-W AY , ar e
(Intercom )
active in M EN U m ode
I f the handset re m a ins inactive in MENU mod e for 30 s ec onds
* (no ke ys are p ressed or no incom ing calls ), it will exit MENU m ode and re tur n to IDLE mode
The functions availab le through the MENU selection are covered in great e r detail under H andset Menu Options.
W hen the h andset is in IDLE mode, pressing the TALK k ey or a nsw ering an incom ing or intercom call will activa te TA LK Mode.
The screen will l ook like th i s in TAL K Mode:
All keys ar e active in th e TALK M ode.
00:00:08 Volum e 5
** Press ing th e RIGHT SO FT FUNCTION ke y activates MENU m ode.
The screen will l ook like th i s in MENU
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Main M enu: 1:KEY GUA D 2:D IRECTORY
In th e TA LK m ode the TALK key functions as a
NOTE: FLASH key. P ressing the TA LK key will tem porarily place the ca ll on hold w hile answ ering another call with the Call Waiting fe a tu re . P ressing th e TA L K ke y again will re tu rn you to the origina l call. Call Waiti ng require s te lephone service provider subscription.
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