SEMIkorea AIR X1000B User Manual

Before using the system
1. How to use the DIP switch
2. Product wiring diagram
3. 6 Pin main wire(CON1)
4. Signal Output Connector(CON 2)
5. Door Control Output Connector(CON 3)
6. Valet Switch Module Ass’y(CON4)
8. Shock sensor(CON6)
9. Trigger Input Connector(CON 7)
10. Using relay
11. Registering the remote control ID
12. Configuring time data
13. Configuration summary table
14. Antenna location
Thank you for choosing AIRWOLF, a remote engine starter system manufactured by Semi Korea Inc. You are about to experience the convenience and the various carefully designed functions for customer satisfaction. To fully benefit from the capabilities of your AIRWOLF system, we encourage you to read this user manual thoroughly before using the system.
※ Caution
1. Read this manual carefully and ensure safety before you install the equipment.
2. Make sure to install the equipment by an authorized dealer.
3. In order to prevent safety accidents, users shall be attentive of the following precautions:
- In the manual mode, do not attempt remote start as the gear is being applied.
- Do not attempt remote start as the key is being inserted (that is, while the ignition is on).
- Do not attempt remote start when the car is shut in or in poor ventilated location.
- Do not attempt remote start when there is someone or a pet inside the car.
- Do not attempt remote start when there is someone standing in front of or rear of the car.
- Always apply the parking brake, and put your car in neutral or P (park) gear.
4. Stop operating the equipment if the gear is applied, or the equipment malfunctions, to prevent loss of lives and property.
5. Please contact the dealer for other problems.
TThhiiss ddeevviiccee ccoommpplliieess wwiitthh ppaarrtt 1155 ooff tthhee FFCCCC RRuulleess.. OOppeerraattiioonn iiss ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttwwoo ccoonnddiittiioonnss::
(1) This device may not󳚬cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may󳚬cause undesired operation. ccaauuttiioonn::
Any changes or modifications in construction of this device which are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Precautions for installation
1. How to use the DIP switch
- Air wolf operates in DC 12V in either automatic or manual car.
- Before you install the equipment, check the polarity of power door lock and power trunk release button.
- Use the multimeter rather than the test lamp, if possible. Overcurrent on the test lamp may cause damage to the computer system of the car.
- Switch off the dome light before installing the equipment. If you leave the car with the doors left open, the battery may be discharged.
- Solder the wires and apply the insulation tape.
- Fix the ground wire of Brain to the rarely used bolt.
- In preparation for unexpected discharge of battery, remove the dome light fuse while installing the equipment.
- When installing siren or TACH sensor, be careful not to have the wire uncovered by the chassis of the car.
- Do not place the wires or parts on the hot place or moving part of the car.
- Make sure to place the Auto/Manual selection switch “ON”for the manual car. The installer is responsible for any damage caused by mishandling of the switch.
Switch 1 : Used for selection of TACH / Alternator.
Switch 2 : Used for selection of Manual/Automatic. Place the switch On
for manual, or Off for automatic.
PPrreeccaauuttiioonn :: TThhee iinnssttaalllleerr iiss ffuullllyy rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr aannyy aacccciiddeenntt ccaauusseedd bbyy mmiisshhaannddlliinngg ooff tthhee sswwiittcchh..
Switch 3 : Used for setting of TACH learning.
Automatic Normal
Alternator Manual
2. Product wiring diagram
A. With starter
A. With starter
B. Without starter
Please refer to ‘wiring diagram of with starter chart’when you add ‘starter module’for option.
3. 6-pin main wire (CON1)
RReedd ((󳤔󳤔1122VV)):: 󳤔󳤔 1122VV mmaaiinn ppoowweerr iinnppuutt
Brain receives 󳤔12V from the car battery as the main power supply.
ppuurrppllee((ssttaarrtt)):: 󳤔󳤔 oouuttppuutt ffoorr ssttaarrtt mmoottoorr
The 󳤔12V output is used for start motor. Turn the key, find the wire that becomes 󳤔12V when the start motor starts running, and connect the wire to the violet. The output keeps 1~3V once the engine is started.
YYeellllooww(( IIGG 11)):: IIGGNN 11 󳤔󳤔 oouuttppuutt
The 󳤔12V output is used to start the engine. Find the wire that becomes 󳤔12V when the key is in the
“ON”position or when the start motor turns, and after the
engine is started. And connect the wire to the yellow wire.
OOrraannggee((IIGG 22)):: IIGGNN 22 󳤔󳤔 oouuttppuutt
The 󳤔 output is used to start the supplementary devices such as heater and air conditioner which are not related to the engine.Find the wire that becomes 󳤔12V when the key is in the “ON”position or when the engine is started. The output keeps 1~3V while the start motor turns.
BBllaacckk((GGNNDD)):: CCoonnnneecctt tthhee wwiirree ttoo tthhee cchhaassssiiss.. ((GGrroouunndd IInnppuutt))
BBlluuee//BBllaacckk:: AAuuxxiilliiaarryy IIGGNN 11󳤕󳤕oouuttppuutt
A reserved IG 1 output (-300MA) for cars of two IG 1s. In this case, an external relay is required. It works in the same ways as IG 1.
66PP MMaaiinn WWiirree((wwiirriinngg ddiiaaggrraamm))
Red purple Yellow
󳤔12V main power input 󳤔 output for start motor IGN 1 󳤔 output IGN 2 󳤔 output Ground Input Auxiliary IGN 1󳤕output
SSttaarrtteerr oonnllyy
4. Signal Output Connector(CON 2 )
wwhhiittee//BBllaacckk:: GGNNDD((GGrroouunndd ttoo tthhee VVeecchhiiccllee bbooddyy))
UUsseedd ffoorr wwiitthhoouutt ssttaarrtteerr oonnllyy
Connect the wire to the chassis ground.
GGrraayy:: TTrruunnkk RReelleeaassee oouuttppuutt((󳤔󳤔1100AA))
The 󳤔 output used to open the trunk.
YYeellllooww:: SSttaarrtt kkiillll SSiiggnnaall oouuttppuutt (( 󳤕󳤕 330000))
The 󳤕300㎃ output used to disable key-ignition when users enter the boundary. (An external relay is required.)
BBrroowwnn :: SSiirreenn oouuttppuutt wwiirree((󳤔󳤔 33AA))
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫
Gray Yellow Brown
󳤔 12V input
Used for without starter only.
Paking light output (󳤔10A) GND
(Ground to the Vechicle body)
Used for without starter only
Trunk Release output(󳤔10A) Start kill Signal output(󳤕300㎃) Siren output(󳤔3A) Rearm output for factory Alarm(󳤕300㎃) disarm output for factory Alarm(󳤕300㎃) Auxiliary 1 output(󳤕300㎃) Auxiliary 2 output(󳤕300㎃) Auxiliary 3output(󳤕300㎃) Dome light output(󳤕300㎃)
RReedd :: 󳤔󳤔 1122VV iinnppuutt
UUsseedd ffoorr wwiitthhoouutt ssttaarrtteerr oonnllyy
It always receives 󳤔12V from the car battery. Connect the red wire to the wire that is always 󳤔12V when the key is in either “ON”or “OFF”position.
wwhhiittee// RReedd:: PPaakkiinngg lliigghhtt oouuttppuutt ((󳤔󳤔1100AA))
Connect this wire to the parking light wire. In case there are two parking light wires, use the diode bridge. Especially, most of the European cars have two parking light wires.
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