Before using the system
1. How to use the DIP switch
2. Product wiring diagram
3. 6 Pin main wire(CON1)
4. Signal Output Connector(CON 2)
5. Door Control Output Connector(CON 3)
6. Valet Switch Module Ass’y(CON4)
7. LED Module Assiy(CON5)
8. Shock sensor(CON6)
9. Trigger Input Connector(CON 7)
10. Using relay
11. Registering the remote control ID
12. Configuring time data
13. Configuration summary table
14. Antenna location
Thank you for choosing AIRWOLF, a remote engine starter system
manufactured by Semi Korea Inc. You are about to experience the
convenience and the various carefully designed functions for customer
satisfaction. To fully benefit from the capabilities of your AIRWOLF
system, we encourage you to read this user manual thoroughly before
using the system.
※ Caution
1. Read this manual carefully and ensure safety before you install the
2. Make sure to install the equipment by an authorized dealer.
3. In order to prevent safety accidents, users shall be attentive of the
following precautions:
- In the manual mode, do not attempt remote start as the gear is
being applied.
- Do not attempt remote start as the key is being inserted (that is,
while the ignition is on).
- Do not attempt remote start when the car is shut in or in poor
ventilated location.
- Do not attempt remote start when there is someone or a pet
inside the car.
- Do not attempt remote start when there is someone standing in
front of or rear of the car.
- Always apply the parking brake, and put your car in neutral or
P (park) gear.
4. Stop operating the equipment if the gear is applied, or the
equipment malfunctions, to prevent loss of lives and property.
5. Please contact the dealer for other problems.
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ttwwoo ccoonnddiittiioonnss::
(1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications in construction of this device which are not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the