Semi Korea AIRWOLF User Manual

Before using the system AIRWOLF features
Thank you for choosing AIRWOLF, a remote engine starter system manufactured by Semi Korea Inc. You are about to experience convenience through the various carefully designed functions for customer satisfaction. To fully benefit from the capabilities of your AIRWOLF system, we encourage you to read this user manual thoroughly before using the system.
※ Caution
2. Even though this product provides a theft deterrent function, Semi Korea gives no warranty against the theft or damage of any vehicle.
3. The manufacturer is not responsible for any accident caused by unauthorized installation or modification of the equipment.
4. The repair cost of this equipment due to the damage caused by natural calamity or customer fault will be charged. In addition to that, exchanging expendable supplies such as motor, remote control case, and battery will be charged regardless of the warranty period.
5. The battery for the remote control lasts about 100 days if it is used 10 times a day (It might be different depending on the type of the battery). User is responsible for purchasing and exchanging the battery (AAA Size V)
Provides easy-to-use menu-driven user interface that allows easier function operation for user's convenience.
Immediately displays the answer from the vehicle to the user commands through the LCD and the beeper of the remote control so that user would not be anxious about the current status of the vehicle.
Displays the signal sensitivity between the vehicle and the remote control by using 4-step signal sensitivity antenna.
Allows detailed time configuration in all menus to meet customer's various needs.
Displays the current vehicle status on the LCD, when an alarm occurs so those users can easily recognize the status of the vehicle. Also different beeping sound is provided for each individual status of the vehicle by the remote control for easier distinction of the status.
Saves all user configurations even if power is not supplied. Therefore, reconfiguration is not needed after replacing batteries.
Notifies by sound if the vehicle is unreachable area from the remote control.
Provides easy-to-use time data configuration function (INITIAL SETUP) designed to meet various requirements of vehicles including special­purpose, and imported vehicles in which other remote starter systems could not be installed.
Adopted the most advanced code hopping technology.
※ Code hopping technology offers the most advanced protection available against "code-grabbing" devices that thieves may use to record the digital code transmitted by your remote control. When you leave the area, a thief can then play back the code to start or stop your system. The remote control of AIRWOLF randomly changes the code every time you use it by using the code hopping technology, and makes code­grabbing devices useless.
TThhiiss ddeevviiccee ccoommpplliieess wwiitthh ppaarrtt 1155 ooff tthhee FFCCCC RRuulleess.. OOppeerraattiioonn iiss ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttwwoo ccoonnddiittiioonnss:: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation. ccaauuttiioonn:: Any changes or modifications in construction of this device which are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Contents 1. The contents of the package
11.. TThhee ccoonntteennttss ooff tthhee ppaacckkaaggee
22.. BBuuttttoonn ddeessccrriippttiioonnss
33.. FFuunnccttiioonnss ooff tthhee bbuuttttoonnss
3-1. Remote engine start 3-2. Door Lock/Unlock 3-3. Emergency siren 3-4. Status check including finding the vehicle,
checking the communication status, and checking the vehicle status. 3-5. Opening the trunk 3-6. Turning the LCD lamp on 3-7. Configuring auxiliary output 1/2/3
44.. FFuunnccttiioonnss ooff tthhee iiccoonnss oonn tthhee LLCCDD
Signal sensitivity 4-2.
Configuring valet mode 4-3.
Configuring siren 4-4.
Configuring cold start 4-5.
Configuring engine start time 4-6.
Configuring run time 4-7.
Configuring turbo stop 4-8.
Configuring current remote control time 4-9.
Configuring remote control alarm 4-10.
Configuring automatic door lock 4-11.
Parking/driving time display 4-12.
Configuring auxiliary output 1, 2, and 3 4-13.
Command failure notification 4-14.
Low-battery warning 4-15.
Current time display
55.. AAllaarrmmss
5-1. Weak shock detection 5-2. Serious shock detection 5-3. Door open detection 5-4. Engine start detection 5-5. Hood open detection 5-6. Trunk open detection 5-7. Error occurr detection
66.. IInn ccaassee ooff mmaannuuaall ttrraannssmmiissssiioonn vveehhiicclleess
77.. VVaalleett mmooddee bbuuttttoonn
88.. FFuunnccttiioonn SSuummmmaarryy
99.. MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss ffuunnccttiioonnss
1100.. FFAAQQ
5 6
22 23 23 24 25
brain(main Control Box)
valet mode button LED antenna battery
shock sensor
user guide
33--11.. RReemmoottee eennggiinnee ssttaarrtt ((PPrreessss bbuuttttoonn DD ffoorr sseeccoonnddss))
The remote started engine will stop when you press the brake without placing the key to‘ON’position.
In case of starting failure, the unit attempts to start engine 2 times continuously.(Total 3 times engin Start attempt.)
3. Functions of the buttons
33--22.. DDoooorr LLoocckk//UUnnlloocckk ((PPrreessss bbuuttttoonn BB ffoorr aa mmoommeenntt))
If the engine is started, headlight and tire will blink. Even if the doors are unlocked, they are locked automatically. The engine runs for the configured time in the run time configuration
for few seconds
If the door is closed, a shield appears and the vehicle enters precaution mode in 20 seconds turning the red LED of the driver's seat on.
※ To adjust the 20 seconds waiting time, ask your installation dealer
If the shield disappears, precaution mode is released and the LED is turned off
Press for a moment
(4× times)
(× one time)
(×2 times)
Blink & Sound
Blink & Sound
Blink & Sound
2. Button descriptions
/ /
■ Functions of the buttons
Press for a moment
Press for few seconds
※ Press for a moment means press for about 0.5 second or more, and press for few seconds means
press for more than 2 seconds.
To display menu
To lock or
unlock door
Finding vehicle
To turn
the LED lamp on
to start engine
To operate
emergency siren
To open trunk
To configure auxiliary
output 1/2/3
+ 5 hidden pages