Selex Sistemi Integrati DMEL2 User Manual

1.1 Introduction
This section contains a technical description of the single and dual 2160 and 2170 DME. This includes, simplified system block diagram theory and block diagram and detailed circuit theory of the Circuit Card Assemblies (CCA) contained in the system.
1.2 DME Operation Principles
Refer to Figure 1-1. The DME system requires a single-channel receiver-transmitter combination (transponder beacon) in conjunction with a special omni-directional antenna as the ground station, and a multichannel receiver-transmitter combination (interrogator) on board the aircraft. One multichannel airborne receiver-transmitter (transmitting and receiving coded, pulsed information) provides both the distance and identification functions.
The DME system has 252 operating channels, with the adjacent channels spaced one megahertz apart. For air-to-ground transmission (interrogation), there are 126 channels within the frequency band of 1025 MHz to 1150 MHz. For ground-to-air transmission (reply), there are 63 channels in the frequency of 960 MHz to 1024 MHz, plus 63 channels in the frequency band of 1151 MHz to 1215 MHz.
The DME system utilizes pulse -coding techniques in the transmission of its intelligence. The transmissions are composed of pulse groups with a prearranged spacing between the pulses of the group. For X­Channels, the interrogation pulses and the transponder reply pulses are both spaced 12 µs apart. For Y­Channels, the interrogation pulses are spaced at 36 µs; and the transponder reply pulses are spaced at 30 µs.
Both the interrogator and transponder receivers employ pulse decoders, which are set to pass only pulse pairs of the prescribed spacing. The purpose of the two -pulse technique is to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and to discriminate against pulse interference, such as might be produced by radar transmission and other extraneous sources of RF energy on the frequency. The intelligence supplied to the aircraft by the DME transponder is both identity and distance information. The identity information is necessary for the pilot to positively identify the station that has been selected. Identity information is provided to th e aircraft approximately every 30 seconds. The distance information, however, is provided to the aircraft only upon demand. Each aircraft must interrogate the ground facility by means of the coded interrogation pulse pairs, before the transponder beacon can generate and transmit distance information.
Figure 1-1 Basic X-Channel DME System Block Diagram
Refer to Figure 2-2. As stated, the transponder beacon must be interrogated by the aircraft before the ground facility can transmit usable distance information. Assuming an aircraft has interrogated the ground facility; the interrogation signal is received at the beacon antenna, and then routed to the receiver through the Circulator and Preselector. The signal is then amplified and fed to the Receiver Transmitter Controller (RTC) for verification of proper pulse spacing. Once receive pulses are validated the RTC encodes a reply with the proper pulse spacing and delay.
The shaped pulses modulate the gated RF in the transmitter power amplifier (PA) to produce the RF output pulses. The output pulses are then sent to the antenna and radiated to the aircraft as reply pulse pairs.
Figure 1-2 DME Transpon der Block Diagram
Three separate signals are transmitted by the beacon as a train of pulse pairs. These signals, in order of priority, are: identification, replies to interrogations, and squitter pulse pairs (used as fill -in pulses). This priority system prevents any interference between the three signals in the overall pulse train.
The identification of the ground facility is important to the using aircraft; therefore, it has been assigned first priority in the priority system. The generation of identification intelligence is a function of the RTC. Identification is transmitted periodically in International Morse Code with the characters of the code consisting of a periodic train of pulse pairs. Identification keying occurs approximately every 30 seconds. When keyed, the priority logic circuit input is disabled; and the circuits will not accept any decodes from the receiver.
The replies to an interrogation signal are second in the order of priority. Their induction into the pulse train must be controlled (to prevent interference with the identity cycle and to establish priority over the squitter pulses). This is accomplished by allowing them to enter the pulse train only during a time interval not occupied by the identity cycle. This is a major portion of the time, since the identity cycle only occurs approximately every 30 seconds. Once the receiver accepts an interrogation and decodes it, a blanking gate is generated (the so-called dead-time gate). The dead-time gate is used to inhibit the transponder decoder for approximately 60 µs. During this period, the decoded interrogation is delayed a predetermined amount of time and transmitted back as a reply. The total delay from the time of a received interrogation to transmission of a reply is typically set for 50 µs for an X-Channel DME.
The squitter pulses are third in the order of priority. In the absence of interrogations or identity information, random squitter pulses are generated to maintain an average output pulse train of 800 Pulses Pairs Per Second (PPS). The purpose of transmitting squitter pulses is to stabilize the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) circuits in the aircraft interrogator.
The process of distance measuring originates in the airborne unit with the generation and transmission of pulse signals called interrogations. The airborne transmitter repeatedly initiates and transmits pulse signals consisting of pulse pairs having 12 µs spacing, a pulse width of 3.5 µs, and a gaussian or sine-squared shape. These pulse pairs are recovered by the transponder beacon receiver, whose output triggers the associated transmitter into transmitting reply pulse pairs. The reply pulse pairs are received by the airborne receiver and timing circuits, which automatically measure round-trip travel time (the time interval between interrogation and reply pulses) and convert this time into the electrical signals that operate the distance meter.
Using the block diagram of the system in Figure 2-2, the distance measurement function can be examined from the system stand point. The range circuits of the airborne interrogator initiate the distance measuring process. They formulate and transmit an interrogation pulse pair, which is received at a ground station antenna and sent to the RTC. The RTC then triggers the encoded pulse generator where the shaped pulses are amplified and routed to the PA for modulation of the gated RF. The output RF pulses are then radiated into space (as replies) via the antenna. The reply pulses are received by the aircraft, decoded by the airborne receiver, and examined by the range circuits for synchronism with the airborne unit's own randomly generated interrogation pulses.
The airborne unit measures the elapsed time between the transmission of the interrogation pulse pair and the receipt of the reply pulse pair. It then, converts this time into a distance indication. In other words, the distance indication is a measurement of the range time of the pulse pairs. This timing sequence is easily seen by means of the system timing diagram of Figure 2-3. Timing starts (in the range circuits of the airborne unit) with the first pulse of the interrogation pulse pair. After a time delay, depending upon the distance between the aircraft and the ground station, the interrogation pulses are received at the antenna of the ground transponder beacon. The interrogation pulses are decoded, and the reply is encoded and transmitted after a preset time delay (the reply delay of the ground station).
This nominal reply delay duration is 50 µs, for which the airborne range circuits automatically account. Thus, the total time lapse for any interrogation response cycle is the sum of reply pulse spacing, the two-way transit time (range time), and the reply delay.
1.3 Theory of Operation
1.3.1 Simplified System Block Diagram Theory
Figure 2-4 is a simplified block diagram of the 2160 DME. The 2170 DME differs only by the addition of
a high power amplifier module in the signal path between the lo w power amplifier / synthesizer and the output circulator. The Transponder portion of the DME consists of the Directional Coupler (1A6), Circulator, Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA), Receiver Transmitter Controller (RTC), and the Low Power Amplifier / Synthesize r (LPA). Aircraft interrogations are picked up by the antenna and routed through the Directional Coupler to the Circulator. Additional interrogations from the Monitor/Interrogator are injected into the Directional Coupler. The responses to these interro gations are sampled by the monitor port within the antenna and are used to monitor the reply delay and reply efficiency. The Directional Coupler also provides a sample of the transponder reply to the Monitor/Interrogator. The Monitor/Interrogator also us es these samples to provide power output measurement.
Figure 1-3 System Timing Diagram
The Circulator provides isolation between the transmitted and received signals, since a common antenna is used for both. Signals applied to any of the ports will experience the least insertion loss or minimum resistance when traveling to the adjacent port in a clockwise direction. Signals traveling in a counterclockwise direction will be attenuated by at least 20 dB. Aircraft interrogations and monitor interrogations arriving from the Directional Coupler are directed to the Preselector Assembly by the circulator.
The Preselector Assembly is a narrow-band, three-pole, mechanically-tuned filter that discriminates again st undesired frequencies and provides additional attenuation of transmitter energy. From the Preselector, the received interrogations are directed to the receiver input of the Receiver Transmitter Controller (RTC) after being amplified by the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA).
Within the receiver is a low-noise high stability local oscillator that is generated by an internal synthesizer. This signal is mixed with the incoming RF to provide a 125 MHz first IF signal that is log detected and digitally processed fo r accurate interrogation time of arrival. The 125MHz IF is further down converted to a 10.7 MHz IF signal. This 10.7 MHz signal is narrow-band filtered and used to determine if the received interrogation was on-channel or from an adjacent channel.
The Low Power Amplifier Module delivers 125 watts peak Gaussian shaped pulses at the output connector when used in the Low Power DME. This translates to a minimum 100 W output at the antenna connector of the station allowing for normal losses in the connecting cables, directional couplers, etc. The output power is attainable on any DME channel from 960-MHz to 1215-MHz without requiring re -tuning of the amplifier. The Low Power Amplifier module provides in nearly 200 watts shaped pulses when used as the driver amplifier in either the 2170 High Power DME system, or the TACAN system.
The Low Power Amplifier Assembly consists of three major circuits: the transmitter RF synthesizer, the Modulator and the RF Amplifier. The RF synthesizer is programmed via a serial interface to the station transmit frequency. A sample of the CW output of the synthesizer is available on the front panel of the Low Power Amplifier module to allow verification of transmitter frequency by external test equipment. The CW output of the synthesizer is pulse modulated by an RF switch controlled by the gate pulses from the RTC, then amplified to 26.5 dBm at the output of the synthesizer CCA within the Low Power Amplifier module. The synthesizer assembly also contains a DC/DC converter to provide the high voltage (~51 volt) supply used within the Low Power Amplifier module. This DC/DC converter will operate over an input range in excess of 40 to 60 volts DC, providing a stable supply voltage for the RF amplifiers even when the DME system is operating on batteries and is nearing the end of the useful battery life.
The pulse modulated RF signal is then routed through a 4-stage RF amplifier to achieve the final output power of =200 watts peak. The Modulator CCA within the Low Power Amplifie r assembly performs the required pulse shape modulation and output power control. The Gaussian shape desired when used as a stand-alone low power transmitter (2160 DME) is achieved by a linear modulator under control of the RTC module within the DME system. Detected output pulses from the low power amplifier module are routed to the RTC, where they are compared to the desired pulse shape, and pre -distorted Gaussian shaped control pulses are sent from the RTC to the Low Power Amplifier assembly where they control the outputs of the Modulator CCA. When the Low Power Amplifier module is used in either the 2170 High Power DME or the TACAN, the output is amplitude controlled by the RTC, and the pulse shaping is done in the low -power amplifier modulator.
The High Power Amplifier module (used only in the 2170 High Power DME and the TACAN, not shown in Figure 2-4) consists of three major circuits, the Modulator and the RF amplifier, and the DC/DC converter. There is a slight difference in the TACAN version of the High Power Amplifier RF Amplifier and the DME version of the High Power Amplifier. In the TACAN version, there is an additional driver amplifier stage to compensate for the reduction in input power because the output of the Low Power Amplifier is split 5-ways. In the DME application, the full output of the Low Power amplifier is applied to the input of the High Power amplifier, hence this additional stage is not needed. The DME version of the High Power Amplifier has two gain stages, a 500 watt ampli fier followed by a 4-wide 2000 watt peak
amplifier (4 x 500). The modulator within the High Power Amplifier module operates in a similar fashion as the modulator in the low power amplifier above. It receives square -pulse input signals from the RTC, and provides the collector voltage modulation to achieve the final RF output pulse shaping. The High Power amplifier provides in excess of 2000 watts peak power across the full DME/TACAN transmitter band with no tuning required.
The DC/DC converter located within the High Power amplifier provides a constant high voltage power supply (approximately 53 volts) independent of the DME/TACAN system 48 volt power supply status. This allows full power operation, even when the system is operating on battery backup and is nearing the end of the batteries’ useful life. Energy storage capacitance to provide the large peak current requirements of the RF amplifier stages is also located on the DC/DC converter CCA.
The Monitor portion of the DME consists of two majo r sections: the Interrogator (for interrogating the transponder) and the Monitor (to evaluate the reply parameters). Both of these functions are located on the Monitor/Interrogator/Synthesizer module in the 2160/2170 DME system. The Monitor CCA is actually two separate printed wiring boards but they are plugged into the other; forming one module. The main board is dedicated mainly to digital circuitry and is the card -cage support of the module, going from the back plane to the front panel. The second board is dedicated to Interrogator (RF) circuitry.
Each monitor in the system is capable of monitoring all the critical parameters of two transponders on a dual DME, and is capable of performing monitor integrity. One monitor interrogator interrogates the transponders 50 times per second, therefore in a dual system the total rate is 100 interrogations on each transponder for monitor purposes. The interrogation signals are fed into the transponder via the directional coupler in the DME/TACAN system, and the trans ponder replies are routed to the monitor by the forward coupled transmitter RF signals from the system directional coupler. In dual-equipment stations, the Standby RF input is obtained from the output of the attenuator load connected to the transfer switch. The monitor can vary the signal level, the pulse shape and timing and the frequency of the interrogations, so the monitor sends different interrogations to measure different parameters. In normal mode different interrogations are mixed together to measure all the critical parameters, if any of these parameters are out of range for an amount of time, the condition is reported to the LCU using the alarm signals. Upon request from the RMS other parameters can be measured and reported to the RMS. While a monitor is disabled to interrogate the transponders (which is half of the time), the monitor uses this time to send certification signals to itself and verifies that the circuitry and the software are working properly.
The Monitor(s) measure the signals and compare against the operator set limits. If parameters fall outside the preset limits the alarm indication to the Local Control Unit (LCU) is changed. The LCU examines the outputs from the Monitor(s) and determine whether to transfer or shutdown the transmitter based on the present settings such as station bypass, and/or voting logic and whether the equipment is single or dual transmitter equipment.
The standard PMDT consists of a laptop computer and is the input/output device for controlling and communicating with the TACAN system. Station control, adjustment and monitoring functions are available through the computer, and are accessed via a Windows-based operator interface. An external mouse is supplied with the laptop computer for ease in operation. An optional desktop PC is available as a substitute for the standard laptop computer. Also, an optional printer is available for use with either the laptop or desktop PC.
Station security control is provided through a four -level password system. Complete access to the system for adjustments and measurements is provided at level 3. Modification of non-critical parameters is available at level 2, and read-only access is available at level 1. Password and account administration is accomplished at level 4.
All functions available on the local PMDT are available remotely via a modem and dial-up telephone line to an optional remote laptop or desktop PC running PMDT software.
Figure 1-4 DME Simplified Block Diagram
1.3.2 Detailed Theory of Operation Low Power Backplane CCA Block Diagram Theory
Refer to Figure 1-5. The Low Power Backplane CCA provides interconnection and configuration for a Model 2160/2170 DME System. The Low Power Backplane is an 84HP (approximately 16.8”) wide, 9 slot card cage intended to fit in a standard 19” rack. The Low Power Backplane will accommodate both a single or dual controlled/monitored DME system. It’s referred to as a Low Power Backplane because only low power amplifiers may be inserted, while a high power DME or TACAN will have a separate, dedicated High Power Backplane.
Configuration of the DME system resides on the Low Power Backplane CCA in the form of DIP switches. Sixteen individual switches determine system configuration and eight switches set operating frequency.
System1 and System2 Low Power Amplifiers (LPA) connect to the backplane via J1 and J16 DB37 connectors with blind mate adapters (BMA). Each LPA also has an RF_OUT signal which eventually connects to couplers for further processing.
The remaining circuit cards that insert into slots of the Low Power Backplane utilize both 96 pin and 60 pin DIN41612 connectors. The 60 pin connectors have openings for RF connectors which carry RF signals to and from the Monitor CCAs and RTC CCAs. For circuit cards such as the RMS and Facilities CCAs that do no have RF signals, these RF connector positions are not populated.
System1 and System2 Receiver/Transmitter Controller (RTC) CCAs connect via J2/J3 and J14/J15 as well as their RF connectors.
System1 and System2 Monitor / Interrogator CCAs connect to the backplane via J4/J5 and J12/J13 as well as their RF connectors.
The RMS CCA connects to the backplane via J8/J9 and the Facilities CCA connects to the backplane via J10/J11.
Connections between the Low Power Backplane CCA and a High Power Backplane CCA are accomplished by 50 pin headers P5 and P6.
The J17 DB9 connector facilitates interface between the Low Power Backplane CCA and the Battery Charge Power Supply (BCPS) modules for System1 and System2.
Power for the backplane enters via terminals E1 through E4 block TB1.
The LCU CCA is attached via 60 pin header P4.
The Interface CCA has two possible connections; the 60 pin header P1 for general purpose signals and the 40 pin header P1 if a TACAN antenna system must be controlled.
The Fan Control CCA is connected by 14 pin header P7.
Figure 1-5 Low Power Backplane CCA Block Diagram High Power Backplane CCA Block Diagram Theory
Refer to Figure 1-6. The High Power Backplane CCA provides interconnection and configuration for a Model 2170 DME System. The High Power Backplane is an 84HP (approximately 16.8”) wide, 5 slot card cage intended to fit in a standard 19” rack. The High Power Backplane will accommodate up to five High Power Amplifier Assemblies.
Connections between the High Power Backplane CCA and the Low Power Backplane CCA are accomplished by 50 pin headers A2P1 and A2P2. These connectors are keyed to prevent incorrect installation.
The control signals of A2P1 and A2P2 are distributed to the five possible amplifier connectors A3P1 through A7P1. Connectors A3P1 through A7P1 are DB37 female connectors with blind-mate adapters (BMA).
+48 volts and ground power for each of the five possible amplifiers is routed via screw terminals A2E1 through A2E10. These terminals are each rated for 30 amps of continuous current.
Each amplifier has an RF_OUT signal, routed via connectors A3J2 through A7J2, which eventually connect to couplers for further processing.
Figure 1-6 High Power Backplane CCA Block Diagram Low Power Amplifier Block Diagram Theory
Refer to Figure 1-7 for a block diagram of the Low Power Amplifier module. The 030802-0001 Low Power Module is used in the 2160 Low Power DME as the complete transmitter module, and in the 2170 High Power DME and the TACAN as the transmitter RF signal source/driver amplifier. It is comprised of three major sections. Within the module are the Synthesizer CCA which generates a pulsed RF signal for the DME/TACAN transmitters, the RF amplifier/transmitter assembly boards which provide the necessary amplification of the Synthesizer signal, and the Modulator CCA which processes the control signals from the RTC (Receiver Transmitter Controller) module to properly control the desired output RF pulse shape and amplitude. The synthesizer CCA also contains the DC/DC power supply which regulates the various supply voltages used within the module. Analog control signals from the RTC are routed via high speed differential analog paths through the low power backplane to the Low Power Amplifier. Differential analog signals are used to suppress the effects of common mode noise on the signal paths and to maintain the integrity of the analog control signals. Similarly, the detected video outputs of the Low Power Amplifier assembly are routed through similar high speed differential analog paths back to the RTC, for the same reasons. Synthesizer CCA Block Diagram Theory
Refer to Figure 2-7. The Synthesizer Assembly contains only one CCA which generates a pulsed RF signal across the full DME/TACAN transmit band. This CCA also provides a sample of the RF signal to the RTC for BITE considerations. The circuit card contains the Low Power Module’s temperature sensor and all of the input/output control signals for this module.
The Synthesizer CCA contains a DC/DC converter which accepts an input voltage range of 40Vdc – 60VDC and generates a nominal output voltage of 51VDC using the converters output “trim” pin to alter the output voltage. This nominal voltage is passed to the Modulator CCA for modulation and power control of the RF transistors. This nominal voltage is also DC/DC converted to 20VDC using an additional switching regulator. The other required DC voltages used within the module are linear regulated from the 20VDC voltage. The DC/DC converter and switching regulator voltages are monitored for proper DC levels using a window comparator circuit. This output signal from this comparator is sent to the RTC for BITE monitoring with a logic level “0” indicating a “POWER GOOD” condition. A front panel status LED is also illuminated green to indicate this power good condition. The LED can also be illuminated by the RMS for lamp test and troubleshooting purposes.
The RF synthesizer portion of this CCA generates a CW or pulsed RF output power of 26.5dBm ±0.5dB on any DME ground station transmit frequency from 960 MHz to 1215 MHz. Synthesis of the transmit frequencies is accomplished by controlling the tuning voltage on a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). A phase lock loop is used to control the tuning voltage. The PLL uses an active gain loop filter and is frequency referenced to a 10 MHz standard provided by a temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO). This TCXO reference provides the required transmitter frequency stability over all environmental conditions. Programming of the desired frequency is done through serial control lines from the RTC. The output RF signal from the VCO is buffered, amplified, and split three ways using a resistive divider. One of these paths is used as feedback for the phase lock loop. The second path routes the signal to a fixed frequency divider. The output of this divider is monitored by the DME system for frequency integrity. The final RF signal path is amplified to the proper signal level, pulse modulated and is fed to the power amplifier. The CW RF signal is pulse modulated using a non-reflective switch by the gate controls from the RTC, and is fed to the Pre -Driver CCA (012175) of the power amplifier. Prior to the RF switch and the final gain block, a sample of the CW signal is provided for use by external test equipment via a resistive coupler. This port is AC coupled and is properly terminated internally (50 ohm load) to provide sufficient isolation to avoid disruption of the transmitted signal by external influences, and made available on a front panel connector.
The low power amplifier temperature sensor is mounted on the back side of the final RF amplifier stage transistor. It is in close proximity to the transistor in order to maximize heat transfer to the sensor. The sensor is equipped with a serial programmable interface (SPI). The temperature data from this sensor is processed by the RMS and used for amplifier protection in the event of over temperature. Low Power Modulator CCA Block Diagram Theory
The Modulator CCA sends and receives control signals to the RTC (Receiver Transmitter Controller) via the Synthesizer CCA. This board controls the voltage to the RF amplifying transistors to obtain the proper transmitter power and pulse shape. The transmitter gate signal, supplied by the RTC, is applied to the first two RF amplifier stages through a high side MOSFET switch. The modulating transistor switches are controlled at two different voltage levels for a 3 dB transmitter power level change. The final two amplifying stages are also voltage controlled by a high side MOSFET, but these transistors are linear modulated with the signal from the RTC that is Gaussian shaped. The energy storage capacitor used to provide the short term peak current requirements of the RF amplifier stages is contained on the Modulator CCA board. The forward and reverse detected RF video outputs signals from the Final CCA (012184) are routed to the Modulator CCA where the signals are used to determine the RF pulse shape and level. These detected signals are also monitored on the Modulator CCA for excessive pulse width and high VSWR conditions. The output of the high pulse width and high VSWR monitor circuits are stretched and sent to the RTC for monitoring. In addition, in the event there is a detected pulse width fault or a high VSWR fault, the stretched outputs of these detectors will disable the Low Power Amplifier RF output for protection against damage. The forward detected video signal is also routed to the RTC to complete the control loop that provides the proper power level and pulse shape. The RTC compares this detected signal to the desired output pulse shape, calculates the necessary corrections, and pre-distorts the shaped pulse control signals used by the Low Power Amplifier module. RF Amplifier / Transmitter Assembly Theory
The RF Amplifier/Transmitter portion of the LPA Module provides amplification of the pulsed RF signal from the synthesizer CCA, and is comprised of three assemblies. The first assembly is the pre-driver amplifier stage, and the second assembly is the driver amplifier stage. The last assembly contains the final RF amplifier stage along with an output low pass filter and a dual directional coupler. The pre -driver and the driver stage are all square wave modulated by the modulator CCA, while the final amplification stage is square wave modulated for TACAN and High Power DME configurations or Gaussian shape modulated for Low Power DME configuration. All the RF amplifying transistors are bi-polar junction transistors (BJT) and are operated in Class-C mode, common base configuration. The module is capable of transmitting 225W peak at the output port of the module in either a Gaussian shape or square wave modulation. The transmitter’s circuit cards are described in the following paragraphs. Pre-Driver and Driver CCA Block Diagram Theory
Refer to Figure 1-7. The pre -driver is a single stage RF amplifier which receives a pulsed RF signal from the Synthesizer CCA. The RF signal is amplified and routed to the next stage, the “driver” CCA. The driver CCA contains two stages of RF amplification and feeds into an attenuator pad on the Final CCA. The voltage supplies of the transistors on the pre-driver and the driver stages are all square wave modulated in synchronization with the RF switch on the Synthesizer CCA, controlled by the gate pulses from the RTC. The pulse width, gain, and output RF signal level are controlled via the Modulator CCA. Final CCA Block Diagram Theory
Refer to Figure 1-7. The final stage of the RF transmitter includes the final RF amplifier stage, a low pass filter, and a dual directional coupler. The final transistor receives a square wave modulation signal and maintains a square wave output shape for the High Power DME and TACAN system configurations, or transforms the input signal into a Gaussian shaped RF signal for the Low Power DME system configuration. This shape is controlled by modulating the supply voltage of the final transistor. All modulation of the supply voltages are synchronized with the RF switch on the Synthesizer CCA. The signal shape and output level are controlled by the RTC via the Modulator CCA. An attenuator pad is used between the driver and the final RF amplifier stage in order to minimize voltage standing waves when modulating the input square wave into a Gaussian signal. This attenuator also provides impedance stability between these two RF amplifier stages.
The low pass filter is a lumped element design and is optimized for minimal insertion loss across the DME/TACAN transmitter band, while providing a nominal 40dB or more of attenuation for unwanted high frequency spurious signals. The filter is placed in a separate cavity for shielding purposes.
The output directional coupler is a discrete component with a nominal coupling of -20 dB and a minimum directivity of 20dB. The coupler is used to sample the transmitted RF signal and detect any reflected signals due to load mismatches. Both the forward and reflected signals are further attenuated by 10dB attenuators and are converted to video signals by differential diode detectors before being passed to the Modulator CCA. Both the forward and reflected detectors have 25dB of linearity. The coupler/detector section of this CCA is placed in a separate cavity for shielding purposes.
Figure 1-7 Low Power DME Amplifier Block Diagram Receiver Transmitter Controller Theory
The Receiver Transmitter Controller (RTC) is an integral part of the DME dedicated to receiving aircraft interrogations and controlling the transmitter replies. All of the receiver hardware is contained on the RTC assembly except for the pre-selector filter that is tuned to the station frequency.
The RTC Assembly (030805-0001) consists of two circuit card assemblies (CCA). First is the RTC CCA (012168-1001) that slides into the card cage assembly and plugs into the motherboard for power and signal connections. The Receiver RF CCA (012180-0001) is a second circuit card that plugs into the side of the RTC CCA. Power and signal lines come from the stacked circuit card connectors while the receiver RF signal enters through a SMA connector. The RF signal is routed from the backplane connector on the RTC CCA to the Receiver RF CCA using conformable RF cable. The Receiver RF CCA is housed in a completely shielded enclosure consisting of a backing plate, fence, and cover. CCA, Receiver Transmitter Controller Block Diagram Theory
This section describes the details of the RTC CCA. Throughout this section refer to Figure 1-8 and 012169-9001 schema tic.
A Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and two Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) comprise the heart of the RTC CCA. All of the timing critical functions of pulse reception and transmitter control are located in the FPGA hardware. Non critical tasks such as identification control, squitter/transmitter rate control, and transmitter pulse shaping are handled by the RTC software in the DSP. The DSP uses its speed to help the hardware handle tasks such as short and long distance echo suppression, decoder correlation, and CW desensitization.
Control of the transmitter is accomplished by the RTC CCA. LVDS hardware on the board provides differential gate pulses that enable the RF modulators and apply the synthesizer RF output to the transistor amplifiers. Additionally the RTC CCA provides differential Gaussian shaped pulses used to control the RF modulator amplitudes. With each pulse transmitted the RTC CCA samples the detected RF output and determines what, if any, errors exist in the pulse shape parameters. The RTC CCA then modifies the output waveform before transmission of the next pulse. This N-1 pulse shaping algorithm is used to ensure the transmitter meets critical spectral requirements. Pulse shaping is one of the transmitter control loops in the DME/TACAN equipment and does not require any user intervention.
Each RTC CCA has an associated low power amplifier and synthesizer. For high power DME operation the LP amp is followed by a HP amplifier. In this case the RTC CCA drives the LP amp wit h a trapezoidal shape pulse and performs the final pulse shaping in the high power amplifier. When operating as a TACAN, up to five HP amps are summed together with a RF combiner. In this case the RTC CCA shapes each HP amp individually and monitors the composite detected RF envelop for pulse corrections using the forward power detector input signal.
In addition to driving the RF modulators, the RTC CCA controls the transmitter pulse pair spacing and transmission rate. The transmission rate is monitore d in the FPGA hardware and randomly spaced pulse pairs are generated if necessary in order to meet a minimum transmission rate. When overloaded by too many aircraft interrogations, the RTC CCA limits the transmitter rate by reducing the receiver sensitivity.
Functions also accomplished by the RTC CCA include the decoder that correlates each received pulse with previous pulses to find a pair that meets the decoder aperture for the DME operation mode. Received pulse widths are monitored such that narrow radar pulses are rejected and wide out of tolerance pulses are rejected. The receiver also provides continuous wave (CW) interference rejection and suppression of transmission due to interrogation echoes.
Communications between the RTC CCA and the RMS is accomplished with a serial data link. Transmitter and receiver configurations are received from the RMS while operating data and maintenance alert signals are sent to the RMS for display on the PMDT. A serial data link between the RTC CCA and the Monitor CCA is provided so the RTC software can control the transmitter delay as well as provide a transmitter soft
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