Seiko S351 Instruction

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分時 秒
Button A
Mode selector
Hour, minute and second keys
Number entry keys (for numerals from 0 to 9)
Subtraction key
Addition key Equal key
Recall key [Call]
Time display key
Upper row : Time displayLower row : Measurement/calculation data display
Button B
The SEIKO Cal. S351 features timer and stopwatch functions designed for
broadcasting use. It is also equipped with a convenient function to calculate times entered in the sexagesimal form.
1. Addition and subtraction of times can be made simply by entering the hour, minute and second digits with the number entry and time (hour, minute and second) keys.
 can be used as the starting time in the timer and stopwatch functions.
2. The timer can be set for up to 99 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds in one second increments. Show the time elapsed from the end of the countdown with “” sign. While the timer is counting down, the time elapsed from the start of the count­down can also be displayed.
3. The stopwatch can measure up to 100 hours in one second increments. After 100 hours, it will start counting again from “0” repeatedly. Split time measurement is also possible.
4. Changeover between 12- and 24-hour indications is possible.
5. The watch will not give out any beeping sound such as sound for button operation confirmation, as it will disturb the broadcast.
Clear/clear entry key
Elapsed time display key
The watch is provided with 4 modes.The mode can be changed by turning the mode selector.
Mode selector
Positions of the mode marks for the mode selector
Time calculation mode: [CALC.] Time mode: [TIME]
Stopwatch mode: [STOP-W.]
The timer and stopwatch continue counting even if the mode is changed to another.
Timer mode: [TIMER]
The rear center of the
watch is dented so that a name sticker or the like can be attached.
Current time display
In the time calculation, timer and stopwatch modes, the
current time can be shown in the upper row of the display as required. With each press of the time display key, the current time appears and disappears alternately.
Notes: The current time can be displayed in any modes other than
the time.
Once the current time is displayed in one mode, it will also
be displayed in the other modes.
In the time mode, the current time is always displayed and
will not disappear even if the time display key is pressed.
Current time displayed〉 Current time not displayed〉
Use the number entry and time keys to set the desired time.The time you wish to set should be entered in the 24-hour indication.
The entered time, however, can be displayed in the 12-hour indication. Turn the mode selector to set the knob to “TIME”. With each press of button , the display changes as follows: Even while the display changes, the watch continues operating normally.
Second setting display〉*〈Time setting display〉*〈Changeover between 12-
and 24-hour indications
Time display
Note: If the watch is left untouched with the second digits flashing or with “--:-- --” or
  “24 hour” displayed, the display will automatically return to the TIME in 1 to 2    minutes.
Time display key
1 2
In the time setting display, set the desired time using the number entry and time keys. Ex.) To set 10:00 a.m.: [1] [0] [時 (HOUR)] [0] [ (MINUTE)] [0] [ (SECOND)] Or [1] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
 *In the first method, entering the minute and second digits is not
necessary if they are “0”.
 ・The time can be entered either by using the number entry and time keys or by using   the number entry keys alone according to the time you wish to set. (For details, see   “Entry of times” in “ HOW TO USE THE TIME CALCULATION MODE”.)  ・If a wrong number has been entered, press the clear/clear entry key and enter the   correct one.  ・The hour should be entered in the 24-hour indication. (If it is 2:00 p.m., for example,   enter “14” instead of “2”.)  ・Any digits left unentered will be regarded as “0”. (See “ HOW TO USE THE TIME   CALCULATION MODE”.)
Press button  in accordance with a time signal. The display will return to the TIME and the seconds will start immediately from the set time.
If the entered time exceeds “23:59 59”, the display will return to the time setting display.If digits greater than “60” are entered for the minutes or seconds and button is pressed, one hour or minute will be added, respectively.If the watch is set to show the time in the 12-hour indication, the set time will be display-ed in the 12-hour indication, though it should be entered in the 24-hour indication.When the time is not newly set and button  is pressed, the display will show the time set previously.
(Time set previously)
Second setting (Second setting can be made easily if the time displayed is less
        than 30 seconds ahead of or behind the correct time.)Follow the procedure below to reset the second digits to “00”.
In the time mode, press button  to show the second setting display.
Press button  in accordance with a time signal. The second digits are reset to “00”.
Notes: ・ When the second digits read any number from “30”to “59” and button  is pressed, one minute is added and the seconds are reset to “00”. ・ If the time is more than 30 seconds ahead of or behind the correct time, show the time setting display to set the correct time. ・ When button  is pressed, the watch will return to the time mode.
Changeover between 12-and 24-hour indications
As the 24-hour indication system is commonly used in the broadcasting stations, the watch is so designed that the time should be entered only in the 24-hour indication.It is also possible, however, to show the time in the 12-hour indication.
In the time mode, press button  three times to show the display for changeover between 12-and 24-hour indications. With each press of button  , the display changes over between the 12- and 24-hour indications alternately.
24-hour indication〉 12-hour indication〉
Once the desired time indication has been selected in the time mode, thecurrent time will be displayed in the selected indication in all modes.When the 12-hour indication is selected, there is no mark displayed to
distinguish between “AM” and “PM”.
1 2
The addition and subtraction of times can be made simply byentering the hour, minute and second digits.Up to ±99 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds can be enteredfor calculation.The time can be entered either by using the number entry andtime keys or by using the number entry keys only.The calculation result can be stored and recalled for use in thetimer and stopwatch modes as the starting time.
Entry of times
To enter the time digits, use the number entry and time keys as described below.
Follow either of the two methods below.  〈Entry with the number entry keys only〉   ・Use the number entry keys from [0] to [9] to enter the desired    time.   ・This method is useful for entering time with a few digits.  〈Entry with the number entry and time keys〉   ・Use the time keys ([ (HOUR)], [ (MINUTE)] and [秒    (SECOND)]) together with the number entry keys to enter    the desired time.   ・This method is useful for entering time having blank digits,    for instance, “2 hours”.
Before entering time, press the clear
/clear entry key to reset the digits to “0”.
The two methods above cannot be
used in combination to enter the time. See the following cases as examples.
Case 1To enter “2 hours and 15
minutes”: Once you have entered [2] and [時 (HOUR)] for the hour digits, you should not enter [1], [5], [0] and [0] but should enter [1], [5] and [ (MINUTE)].
Case 2To enter “2 hours and 15
minutes”: Once you have entered [2], [1], [5], you should not enter [ (MINUTE)] but should enter [0] and [0].
To set the starting time in the timer and
stopwatch modes, also use either of the two methods above.
分時 秒
If a wrong number has been entered, press the clear/clear entry key and enter the correct one.If a number greater than 60 is entered for the minute or second digits, one hour or minute is added when [], [] or [] is entered. (In this case,“″” mark will be displayed.) ・When a calculation result exceeds 99 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds, the error mark “Error”
is displayed, To clear the error mark, press the
clear/clear entry key. The digits are reset to “0”.
Enter from the upper digits in order.Start entering from the digits having numbers. It is not necessary to enter [0] and [0] for the hour digits.Enter [0] for the blank digits.
Detailed explanation of entry methods
Turn the mode selector to set the knob to “CALC.”.
Entry with the number entry keys only
 ・Use the number entry keys to enter numbers in the order of hour,   minute and second digits, entering [0] for the blank digits.Ex. 1) 2 hours 15 minutes 10    seconds              [2] [1] [5] [1] [0]   Ex. 2) 15 minutes 2 seconds     [1] [5] [0] [2]      Ex. 3) 10 hours 8 seconds
     [1] [0] [0] [0] [0] [8]
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