Seiko RP-E10 Operation Manual

First Edition May 2012 Second Edition July 2012
Copyright© 2012 by Seiko Instruments Inc.
All rights reserved.
MS-DOS®, Microsoft®, Win32®, Windows®, Windows Vista®, Visual Studio®, Visual Basic®, Visual C++® and Visual C#® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A., Jap an, and other countries. Seiko Instruments Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "SII") has prepared this technical reference for use by SII personnel, licensees, and customers. The information contained herein is the property of SII and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written approval of SII. SII reserves the right to make changes without notice to the specifications and materials contained he rein and shall not be responsible for any damages (including consequential) caused by reliance on the materials presented, including but not limited to typographical, arithmetic, or listing errors.
is a trademark of Seiko Instruments Inc.


This document describes the printer driver for the RP-E10 series (hereinafter referred to as
"printer driver") provided by Seiko Instruments Inc.
This document basically uses screenshots and display layouts of Windows 7 for explanation.
This section describes symbols used in this document.
Notes and limitations are described.
Supplemental information and related matters are described.
Introduction - 1
Target Printers
This section lists the printers (main body) supported by the printer driver.
Operating System Abbreviations
This section lists the operating system abbreviations used in this document.
General Microsoft® Windows® Windows
Microsoft® Windows® XP Windows XP
Microsoft® Windows® Embedded POSReady 2009 Windows POSReady
Microsoft® Windows Vista® Windows Vista
Windows® Server 2008 Windows Server 2008
Microsoft® Windows® 7 Windows 7
Microsoft® Windows® Embedded POSReady 7 Windows POSReady 7
For screens and terms of each operating system used later in this document, refer to:
Descriptions of Windows XP when using Windows POSReady 2009.
Descriptions of Windows Vista when using Windows Server 2008.
Descriptions of Windows 7 when using Windows POSReady 7.
Introduction - 2
This section describes terms used in this document.
Definition Description
Tool Various tools which can be started by the printer driver.
Dynamic link library (DLL) for application development provided
Communication library
Technical reference Technical reference for the printer main body.
Memory switch
NV image
IPD*1 font
Special font
with the printer driver, designed to directly communicate with a
printer to control it.
Feature for the [Function setting] described in the technical
Image data that is registered in the NV memory (non-volatile
memory) in the printer.
Generic name of the following fonts specific to the printer driver.
Device font
Barcode font
2D-barcode font
Control font
ControlA font
Generic name of the following fonts in the IPD font, which are
used to output printer commands.
Barcode font
2D-barcode font
Head drive
Maintenance counter
Printer command
Printer status
*1: Integrated Printer Driver (hereinafter called IPD)
Control font
ControlA font
Setting for the thermal head to be divided into several blocks for
Maintenance counter value which can be obtained by a printer
Instruction to control the printer, described in the technical
Response obtained by the "Automatic Status Back
Enable/Disable" command of the printer.
For details of response, see "5.2.3 Checking Printer Status
Introduction - 3
This section defines common names for OS-dependent items described in this document.
Printer folder
The "Printer folder" described in this document means the folder displayed by one of the
following operations.
For Windows 7
[Devices and Printers] folder displayed by selecting [Start] => [Devices and Printers]
For Windows Vista
[Printers] folder displayed by selecting [Start] => [Control Panel] => [Hardware and Sound] =>
For Windows XP
[Printers and Faxes] folder displayed by selecting [Start] => [Control Panel] => [Printers and
Other Hardware] => [Printers and Faxes]
Print server properties
The "Print server properties" described in this document mean the properties displayed by
one of the following operations.
For Windows 7
[Print Server Properties] displayed by clicking any printer icon in the Printer folder and
selecting [Print Server Properties] displayed on the toolbar at the top of the Printer folder.
For Windows XP and Windows Vista
[Print Server Properties] displayed by selecting [Server Properties] from the [File] menu in the
Printer folder.
Introduction - 4
Root folder
The "Root folder" described in this document means one of the following folders.
Windows XP
<Drive on which Windows is installed>:\Documents and Settings\<User name>\My
Documents\<Friendly name (SII RP-E10 etc.)>\
For Windows Vista and Windows 7
<Drive on which Windows is installed>:\Users\<User name>\Documents\<Friendly name (SII
RP-E10 etc.)>\
SII has carefully designed this product to ensure that it is problem-free.
However, SII is not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages or loss caused by
or related to the use of this software.
Introduction - 5
Introduction 1
Target Printers ......................................................................................................................................2
Operating System Abbreviations...........................................................................................................2
Terms ...................................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 1 Overview 1-1
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Operating Environment ............................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.1 Operating Systems ................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2.2 Computers .............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2.3 Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.3 Use Conditions of Memory Switch............................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Limitation..................................................................................................................... 1-3
Chapter 2 Installation 2-1
2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 New Installation Method .............................................................................................. 2-2
2.2.1 Common Installation Procedure.............................................................................. 2-2
2.2.2 Installation with USB connection............................................................................. 2-3
2.2.3 Installation with serial connection............................................................................ 2-5
2.2.4 Installation with TCP/IP connection......................................................................... 2-6
2.2.5 Installation of the shared printer.............................................................................. 2-7
Chapter 3 Printing Preferences 3-1
3.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Layout.......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Displaying [Layout] Window .................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Paper/Quality............................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3.1 Displaying [Paper/Quality] Window ......................................................................... 3-3
3.4 Document Settings ...................................................................................................... 3-4
3.4.1 Displaying [Document Settings] Window................................................................. 3-4
3.4.2 Checking Settings in [Setting View]......................................................................... 3-5
3.4.3 Checking Categories in [Setting List] ...................................................................... 3-6
3.4.4 Using [Preset] ......................................................................................................... 3-7
3.4.5 Displaying [General Settings] Window .................................................................. 3-10
Table of Contents - 1
3.4.6 Displaying [Paper Cut/Marked Paper Settings] Window ....................................... 3-13
3.4.7 Displaying [Option Settings] Window .................................................................... 3-14
3.4.8 Using Binary Editor ............................................................................................... 3-16
3.5 Font ........................................................................................................................... 3-17
3.5.1 Displaying [Font] Window...................................................................................... 3-18
3.5.2 Checking Settings in [Setting View]....................................................................... 3-19
3.5.3 Checking Categories in [Setting List] .................................................................... 3-19
3.5.4 Displaying [Device Font Settings] Window............................................................ 3-20
3.5.5 Displaying [Barcode Font Settings] Window ......................................................... 3-22
3.5.6 Displaying [2D-Barcode Font Settings] Window.................................................... 3-25
3.5.7 Displaying [ControlA Font Settings] Window......................................................... 3-27
3.6 Watermark ................................................................................................................. 3-28
3.6.1 Displaying [Watermark] Window ........................................................................... 3-29
3.6.2 Checking Settings in [Setting View]....................................................................... 3-30
3.6.3 Checking Categories in [Setting List] .................................................................... 3-30
3.6.4 Displaying [Watermark Settings] Window ............................................................. 3-31
3.6.5 Using Watermark .................................................................................................. 3-32
3.7 Advanced Options ..................................................................................................... 3-33
3.7.1 Displaying [Advanced Options] Window................................................................ 3-33
Chapter 4 Property 4-1
4.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 General........................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.2.1 Displaying [General] Window .................................................................................. 4-2
4.3 Sharing........................................................................................................................ 4-3
4.3.1 Displaying [Sharing] Window .................................................................................. 4-3
4.4 Port.............................................................................................................................. 4-4
4.4.1 Displaying [Ports] Window ...................................................................................... 4-4
4.5 Tool.............................................................................................................................. 4-5
4.5.1 Displaying [Tool] Window ........................................................................................ 4-5
Chapter 5 Tool 5-1
5.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Information .................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.1 Displaying [Information] Window............................................................................. 5-2
5.2.2 Displaying [Printer Status] Window ......................................................................... 5-3
5.2.3 Checking Printer Status Data .................................................................................. 5-4
5.2.4 Saving Status History to File ................................................................................... 5-6
5.2.5 Displaying [Hardware] Window ............................................................................... 5-6
Table of Contents - 2
5.2.6 Displaying [Maintenance Counter] Window............................................................. 5-7
5.3 Memory Switch............................................................................................................ 5-8
5.3.1 Displaying [Memory Switch] Window ...................................................................... 5-8
5.3.2 Registering Memory Switch Settings to Printer ....................................................... 5-9
5.3.3 Saving Memory Switch Settings to File................................................................. 5-10
5.4 Log .............................................................................................................................5-11
5.4.1 Displaying [Log] Window........................................................................................5-11
5.4.2 Changing Log Output Settings .............................................................................. 5-13
5.4.3 Checking Log File ................................................................................................. 5-14
5.5 Tes t P ri n t ................................................................................................................... 5-15
5.5.1 Displaying [Test Print] Window .............................................................................. 5-15
5.5.2 Performing Test Print............................................................................................. 5-19
5.5.3 Saving Test Print Information to File...................................................................... 5-20
5.6 NV Image .................................................................................................................. 5-21
5.6.1 Displaying [NV Image] Window............................................................................. 5-21
5.6.2 Displaying [Registration] Window.......................................................................... 5-23
5.6.3 Displaying [Edit] Window....................................................................................... 5-25
5.6.4 Registering NV Image........................................................................................... 5-27
5.6.5 Editing Image Data................................................................................................ 5-27
5.6.6 Saving Setting and Image of Image Data to File................................................... 5-27
5.7 Codepage.................................................................................................................. 5-28
5.7.1 Displaying [Codepage] Window ............................................................................ 5-28
5.7.2 Displaying [Registration] Window.......................................................................... 5-30
5.7.3 Displaying [Character View] Window .................................................................... 5-33
5.7.4 Registering Codepage .......................................................................................... 5-34
5.7.5 Editing Font Data .................................................................................................. 5-35
5.7.6 Saving Setting and Image of Font Data to File...................................................... 5-35
5.8 Other ......................................................................................................................... 5-36
5.8.1 Displaying [Other] Window.................................................................................... 5-36
5.8.2 Importing Setting................................................................................................... 5-37
5.8.3 Exporting Setting................................................................................................... 5-37
Chapter 6 Page Setup 6-1
6.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Paper Size................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.3 Margin ......................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.4 How to Add a New Paper Size .................................................................................... 6-6
Table of Contents - 3
Chapter 7 Font 7-1
7.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Device font ........................................................................................................................7-2
7.2.1 Selecting Type of Device Font ................................................................................ 7-3
7.2.2 Printing Device Font................................................................................................ 7-4
7.3 Barcode Font............................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.1 Selecting Type of Barcode Font .............................................................................. 7-5
7.3.2 Printing Barcode Font ............................................................................................. 7-6
7.4 2D-Barcode Font ......................................................................................................... 7-9
7.4.1 Selecting Type of 2D-Barcode Font ........................................................................ 7-9
7.4.2 Printing 2D-Barcode Font...................................................................................... 7-10
7.5 Control Font................................................................................................................7-11
7.5.1 Selecting Type of Control Font...............................................................................7-11
7.5.2 Using Control Font .................................................................................................7-11
7.6 ControlA Font ............................................................................................................ 7-13
7.6.1 Selecting Type of ControlA Font............................................................................ 7-13
7.6.2 Using ControlA Font.............................................................................................. 7-13
Table of Contents - 4

Chapter 1 Overview

1.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the overview of the printer driver.

1.2 Operating Environment

This section describes the operating environment of the printer driver.

1.2.1 Operating Systems

The printer driver supports the following operating systems.
Supported architectures are described in parentheses.
Windows XP (32 bits)
Windows POSReady 2009
Windows Vista (32 bits)
Windows Server 2008 (32 bits)
Windows 7 (32 bits and 64 bits)
Windows POSReady 7 (32 bits and 64 bits)

1.2.2 Computers

The printer driver supports the following computers.
PC/AT compatible machines

1.2.3 Interfaces

The printer driver supports the following interfaces.
Serial (Standard: RS-232C)
USB (Standard: Full-Speed)
TCP/IP (Protocol: RAW)
If the 7 bits length is set in the serial communication settings, the printer driver cannot
be used.
For serial connection, the communication settings of the port should match those of
the printer. For the setting method, see "4.4 Port".
For TCP/IP connection, only RAW protocol is supported (LPR specification is
ignored). (Excluding when the bidirectional support is disabled.)
For TCP/IP connection, the socket ports of 9100/9101/9102/26100 are used.
If you install a firewall, allow the connection with these ports.

1.3 Use Conditions of Memory Switch

The memory switch needs the following settings.
The memory switch can be changed by the tool. For details, see "5.3 Memory Switch".
MS No. Item Settings
MS1 – 3
Automatic Status Response Selection
MS5 – 1
Mark Mode Selection
1 :Enable*1
(Mark Mode)
0 :Enable*2
(Auto Status Back)
MS5 – 2
MS5 – 3
Initialized Response Selection
(Init Response)
Print Data Handling When an Error
Occurs (Error Through)
0 :Enable
0 :Enable*4
*2 *3
MS No. Item Settings
MS40 – 5
1 :Hardware control*5
(Flow Control)
Printer Busy Control Selection
Flow Control Method Selection
MS40 – 6
1 :RTS control*5
(Printer Busy)
Host Busy Control Selection
MS40 – 7
0 :CTS and DSR control
(Host Busy)
Break Signal Selection
MS40 – 8
1 :RxD*5
*1: Required if executing Marked Paper Form Feed. *2: Use this setting usually. However, if you do not select the [Enable bidirectional
support] check box described in "4.4 Port", this setting shoul *3: Required only to get [Initialization Response] in the communication library. *4: Required condition for TCP/IP connection. *5: Required conditions to use the printer driver.
d be set to "Disable".
Although it is possible to use the tool to override above settings, it may prevent the
printer driver from working properly.

1.4 Limitation

When you use the printer driver, pay attention to the following limitations.
Abnormal printing in standby mode (Windows XP), sleep mode (Windows Vista and
Windows 7), or hibernate mode, which is a part of the Windows standard function, is not
guaranteed including garbled characters.
If the setting of dedicated print processor (SII Print Processor) including FILE output is
disabled, all reduction function is disabled.
If the printer is disabled in "Peripheral Equipment Selection" command, all function in the
printer driver is not available.
If the same IP address is specified with more than one computer for installing the printer
driver when using TCP/IP connection, the tool and the communication library are not
available with more than one computer at one time.
For TCP/IP connection, set Network Printer Receive Timeout(s) to 300 in the TCP/IP
port on the WEB settings screen.

Chapter 2 Installation

2.1 Overview

This chapter describes the installation of the printer driver.
There are the following installation methods.
Installation from [Add Printer] in the Printer folder
Installation from the dedicated installer
This chapter only describes the installation from the dedicated installer.
This installation requires logon to the computer with administrator privileges.
The [Windows Logo Test] warning may be displayed during installation, but proceed
with the installation.
If you want to use the provided communication library, you need to install it
separately. For details, refer to RP-E10 Series Communication Library Operations
If the printer driver is no longer needed, you can select "Uninstall" in the setup type
selection window of the installation program to remove it.

2.2 New Installation Method

This section describes the new installation method.
Do not install more than one driver for the same communication port.

2.2.1 Common Installation Procedure

This section describes the procedure of starting installation used for every connection.
1. Start the installation program (InstDrv.exe).
2. When the information on the printer driver to install is displayed, click the [Next>] button.
Screen 2-1 Information on printer driver to install
3. When the "SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT" is displayed, read it carefully, select "Agree", and then click the [Next>] button.
4. When the setup type selection window is displayed, select "Install or Setup", and then click the [Next>] button.
Screen 2-2 Select setup type
The subsequent procedure varies depending on the connection method with the printer. For
the USB connection, proceed to "2.2.2 Installation". For the serial connection, proceed to
"2.2.3 Installation". For TCP/IP
printer, proceed to "2.2.5 Installation of the shared printer".
connection, proceed to "2.2.4 Installation". For using shared

2.2.2 Installation with USB connection

This section continues to describe the installation procedure of the USB connection.
For the USB connection, keep the printer power off until you are instructed to do so.
5. When the installation method selection window is displayed, select "Plug and play install (Uses usb port)", and then click the [Next>] button.
Screen 2-3 Select installation method (USB connection)
6. When the installation confirmation window is displayed, click the [Next>] button to start the installation.
Screen 2-4 Confirm installation
7. When the printer driver registration completion window is displayed, use the USB cable to connect the printer with the computer, and then turn the printer power on.
The subsequent procedure varies depending on the operating system.
For Windows 7 and Windows Vista
8. After the printer is recognized by the computer, the printer driver is automatically installed by the plug and play.
Screen 2-5 Driver software installation
For Windows XP
8. After the printer is recognized by the computer, [Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard] is displayed by the plug and play.
Screen 2-6 Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard
9. Select "Install the software automatically (Recommended)", and then click the [Next>] button to install the printer driver.
If you remove the USB cable after the printer driver was successfully installed,
connect it to the same USB port that you used to install the driver when you want to
reconnect it. If the printer is connected to a different USB port on the computer, the
host recognize it as another printer, and again prompt for printer driver installation.

2.2.3 Installation with serial connection

This section continues to describe the installation procedure of the serial connection.
5. When the installation method selection window is displayed, select "Manual install" and the connection port, and then click the [Next>] button.
Screen 2-7 Select installation method (serial connection)
6. When the driver selection window is displayed, select a driver to install, and then click the [Next>] button.
Screen 2-8 Driver selection
7. When the installation of the printer driver is completed, the completion window is displayed.
Screen 2-9 Exit installation

2.2.4 Installation with TCP/IP connection

This section continues to describe the installation procedure of the TCP/IP connection.
5. When the installation method selection window is displayed, select “Manual install” and "Add New Port...".
Screen 2-10 Select installation method (TCP/IP connection)
6. When the new port creation window is displayed, select "Standard TCP/IP Port" and specify [IP], [Port name], and [Port], and then click the [OK] button. When the port is added to the port list on the installation method selection window, click the [N button.
Screen 2-11 New port creation
7. When the driver selection window is displayed, select a driver to install, and then click
ext>] button.
the [N
Screen 2-12 Driver selection
8. When the installation of the printer driver is completed, the completion window is displayed.
Screen 2-13 Exit installation

2.2.5 Installation of the shared printer

This section continues to describe the installation procedure of the shared printer.
5. When the installation method selection window is displayed, select “Manual install” and "Add New Port...".
Screen 2-14 Select installation method (shared printer)
6. When the new port creation window is displayed, select "Network Printer Port" and specify [Printer], and then click the [OK] button. When the port is added to the port list on the installation method selection window, click the [N
ext>] button.
Screen 2-15 New port creation
7. When the driver selection window is displayed, select a driver to install, and then click
ext>] button.
the [N
Screen 2-16 Driver selection
8. When the installation of the printer driver is completed, the completion window is displayed.
Screen 2-17 Exit installation

Chapter 3 Printing Preferences

3.1 Overview

This chapter describes the printing preferences.
Various printing preferences can be displayed, reviewed, and changed in the [Printing
Preferences] dialog.
The following setting windows are displayed in the [Printing Preferences] dialog.
Layout : Sets the print direction, page order, and page format.
Document Settings
Font : Sets the IPD font.
atermark : Sets an overlapping image on the printed content.
To display the setting windows in the [Printing Preferences] dialog, follow the steps below.
Right-click a printer icon in the Printer folder to display the sub-menu.
2. Click [Printing Preferences] from the sub-menu.
Details of the windows are described in subsequent sections.
y : Sets the print mode.
: Sets the print format.

3.2 Layout

Sets the print direction, page order, and page format.

3.2.1 Displaying [Layout] Window

Select the [Layout] tab to display the window below.
Screen 3-1 [Layout] window
Item Description (" ": Initial Value)
Selects the print direction.* 1
Page Order
Page Format Sets the number of pages per sheet.
Pages per Sheet
Selects the order of pages to print.
·Front to Back
·Back to Front
Selects the number of pages to print per sheet.
Displays the advanced option dialog.
For details, see "3.7 Advanced Options".
*1: When you select "Landscape", the IPD font cannot be used.

3.3 Paper/Quality

Sets the print mode.

3.3.1 Displaying [Paper/Quality] Window

Select the [Paper/Quality] tab to display the window below.
Screen 3-2 [Paper/Quality] window
Item Description (" ": Initial Value)
Tray Selection Sets the paper source.
Paper Source
Selects the paper source (Fixed to "Automatically Select").
·Automatically Select
Selects the print mode.* 1,* 2
·Black & White (Uses the halftone of the system standard.)
·Color (Uses the halftone of the printer driver.)
Displays the advanced option dialog.
For details, see "3.7 Advanced Options".
*1: When you select "Color", you can only select "Auto Select" in [Halftoning] described
in "3.7 Advanced Options".
This setting works in conjunction with [Color Printing Mode] in "3.7 Advanced Options".

3.4 Document Settings

Sets the print format.

3.4.1 Displaying [Document Settings] Window

Select the [Document Settings] tab to display the window below.
Setting view
Setting list
Screen 3-3 [Document Settings] window
Item Description (" ": Initial Value)
Shows the setting state of main functions with marks.
Setting view
For details of marks, see "3.4.2 Checking Settings in [Setting View]".
Item Description (" ": Initial Value)
Displays all the document setting functions by category.
When you select a category name, the corresponding setting window is
Setting list
For details of the displayed categories, see "3.4.3 Checking Categories in
[Setting Lis
at the left of a category to display the items in the category.
An item whose setting is changed is displayed in red until the change is
Sets previously registered settings at a time for a specific usage.
·80mm Receipt Setting
·58mm Receipt Setting
·80mm Marked Paper Setting
·58mm Marked Paper Setting
·A4->80mm Reduction Setting
·A4->58mm Reduction Setting
·User Setting
For details of the settings of each preset, see "3.4.4 Using [Preset]".

3.4.2 Checking Settings in [Setting View]

The following table describes the marks displayed in the [Setting View] in the [Document
Settings] window.
Item Mark
Minimum Top
Bottom Margin
Item Mark
Paper Cut
Feed to Cut Position
Front to Back
Full Cut
(Each page)
* 2
Back to Front
Full Cut
(Each job)
Partial Cut
(Each page)
(Between pages)
* 2
Partial Cut
(Each job)
Partial Cut
* 3
*1: Mark displayed when [Direction] is set to "Front to Back". *2: Mark displayed when [O *3: The mark is displayed at the upper left when [Print Start] is set for the drawer and at
the lower right when [Print End] is set in "3.4.7 Displaying [Option Settings] Window".
rientation] is set to "Portrait".

3.4.3 Checking Categories in [Setting List]

The following table describes the functional categories displayed in the [Setting List].
Category Description
General Settings Sets basic items such as initialization and print speed.
Paper Cut/Marked Paper
Option Settings Sets the operations at specific print timings.
Setting items for each category are described in subsequent sections.
Sets parameters about the paper cut and the black mark
detection when using marked paper.

3.4.4 Using [Preset]

Preset enables you to set predefined parameters at a time for a specific usage.
If you change any setting item in a preset, it is released from the Preset at the time and then
becomes a user setting.
If you switch presets, all the setting items except for the document setting are also switched
according to the newly specified preset. Note that a message about the changed settings is
not displayed.
The following table describes the available preset types and their settings.
Preset Type Item Description
Advanced Options
80mm Receipt Setting
58mm Receipt Setting
Paper Size
Document Settings
General Settings
Reduction None
Paper Cut/Marked Paper Settings
Paper Cut Full Cut (Each job)
Feed to Cut Position Enabled
Marked Paper Form Feed Disabled
Form Feed Position
Option Settings
Print Start
Drawer Drawer 1
80 mm
58 mm
0 dot
ON Time 50 ms
OFF Time 200 ms
Preset Type Item Description
Advanced Options
80mm Marked Paper
58mm Marked Paper
Paper Size
80 mm 58 mm
Document Settings
General Settings
Reduction None
Paper Cut/Marked Paper Settings
Paper Cut Full Cut (Each page)
Feed to Cut Position Disabled
Marked Paper Form Feed Each page
Form Feed Position
0 dot
Option Settings
Print Start
Drawer Disabled
ON Time 50 ms
A4->80mm Reduction
A4->58mm Reduction
OFF Time 200 ms
Advanced Options
Paper Size A4
Document Settings
General Settings
Fit 80mm Width Fit 58mm Width
Paper Cut/Marked Paper Settings
Paper Cut Full Cut (Each page)
Feed to Cut Position Enabled
Marked Paper Form Feed Disabled
Form Feed Position
0 dot
Option Settings
Print Start
Drawer Disabled
ON Time 50 ms
OFF Time 200 ms
+ 91 hidden pages