The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the product, release firmware updates, and update this
manual at any time. Visit or check the App to download the latest user materials. You must install the
App, activate your KickScooter, and obtain the latest updates and safety instructions.
Visite para baixar o manual do usuário.
Original Instructions
ContentsThanks for choosing the Ninebot KickScooter ES series!
1 Riding Safety
2 Packing List
3 Diagram
4 Assembling Your KickScooter
5 Installing a Second Battery Pack
6 First Ride
7 Charging
8 Learning to Ride
9 Warnings
10 Folding and Carrying
11 Maintenance
12 Specifications
13 Certifications
14 Tradem ark a nd Lega l Sta tement
15 Contact
Thanks for choosing the Ninebot KickScooter (hereinafter referred to as KickScooter)!
Yo u r K i c k S c o o t e r i s a f a s h i o n a b l e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n d e v i c e w i t h m o b i l e a p p , a l l o w i n g y o u t o c o n n e c t w i t h o t h e r r i d e r s .
Enjoy your ride and connect with riders world wide!
Always use both electric brake and foot brake for emergency stopping. Otherwise you risk falls and/or
collisions from not achieving the max. braking capability.
1 Riding Safety
1. The KickScooter is a recreational transporter. Before mastering riding skills, you need to practice. Neither Ninebot Inc. (means
Ninebot (Beijing) Tech Co., Ltd.and its subsidiaries and affiliates) nor Segway Inc. is responsible for any injuries or damage caused
by a ri der's inexpe rience or fa ilure to foll ow the instr uctions in this docum ent.
2. Please understand that you can reduce the risk by following all the instructions and warnings in this manual, but you cannot
elimi nate all the ris ks. Rememb er that whenever you ride the Kick Scooter you risk injury f rom loss of control , collisi ons, and falls.
When entering into public spaces always comply with the local laws and regulations. As with other vehicles, faster speeds require
longer braking distance. Sudden braking o n low tra ction su rfaces co uld lead to whee l slip, or falls. Be cautiou s and al ways keep a
safe distance between you a nd other people or vehicles wh en riding. Be alert and slow down when entering unfamiliar areas.
3. Al ways wear a helmet when ri ding. Use an approve d bicycle or skat eboard he lmet tha t fits p roperly w ith the chin stra p in pl ace, and
provide s protect ion for t he back of your h ead.
4. Do no t attempt your first ride in any area w here you might encounter c hildren, pedestr ians, pets, vehic les, bicycles, or other
obstac les and potentia l hazards.
5. Res pect ped estrians by always yieldin g the ri ght of w ay. Pass on t he left w henever p ossible. Wh en approa ching a pedestria n from
the f ront, stay to the r ight and slow dow n. Avoid star tling p edestrian s. When ap proaching from beh ind, anno unce your self and slow
down to walking speed when passing. Please obey local traffic laws and regulations if situation is different.
6. In places w ithout laws com ply with the sa fety guid elines o utlined in thi s manual . Neithe r Ninebo t Inc. no r Segway Inc. is responsib le
for any p roperty damage, pe rsonal injury/death, a ccidents, or le gal disputes ca used by viola tions of the safety instruc tions.
7. D o n o t a l l o w a n y o n e t o r i d e yo u r K i c k S c o o te r o n h i s / h e r ow n u n l e s s t h ey h a v e c a r e f u l l y r e a d t h i s m a n u a l a n d f o l l o w e d t h e N e w
Rider Tutor ial in the App. The safety of new rid ers is you r respons ibility. Assi st new ri ders unt il they are comfor table wi th the b asic
operat ion of t he Kick Scooter. Make sure each new rid er wears a helmet and oth er protec tive gear.
8. Before eac h ride check fo r loose fasteners and damaged com ponents. If the K ickScooter makes abnormal sound s or signals an
alarm, immediately stop riding. Diagnose your KickScooter via the Ninebot by Segway App and call your dealer/distributor for
speed . Under n o circums tance sh ould you ride on roads wit h motor vehicles. Th e manufa cturer rec ommends riders b e 14+ years
old. Always follow these safety instructions:
A. People who should not ride the KickScooter include:
i. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
ii. Anyon e who su ffers from disease that pu ts them at risk if they engage in strenuous physical activi ty.
iii. Anyone wh o has p roblems w ith bala nce or w ith moto r skills that wo uld inte rfere with their a bility t o mainta in balan ce.
iv. Anyone whose weight is outside the stated limits (see Specifications).
v. P regn ant wom en.
B. Riders under the a ge of 18 years old should ri de under adult superv ision.
C. Comply wi th local laws and regulatio ns when ridi ng this produ ct. Do not rid e where prohibi ted by local l aws.
D. To ride saf ely, you mus t be abl e to clea rly see what is in front of you a nd you mu st be cl early vi sible to others.
E. Do not rid e in the snow, in t he rain, o r on road s which are wet, m uddy, icy, or t hat are s lippery for any reason. Do not ride over
obstacles (sand, loose gravel, or sticks). Doing so could result in a loss of balance or traction and could cause a fall.
11. Do not attempt to charge your KickScooter if it, the charger, or the power outlet is wet.
12. As wi th any e lectronic device, us e a surge protector when c harging t o help p rotect you r KickSco oter from damage due to p ower
surges and volta ge spikes. Only use the Seg way suppl ied cha rger. Do not u se a cha rger from any othe r differen t product models.
13. Use on ly Nineb ot or Se gway app roved parts and acce ssories. Do not mo dify your KickSco oter. Modific ations to your Ki ckScoote r
could interfere with the operation of the KickScooter, could result in serious injur y and/or dama ge, and coul d void the Limited
Warr anty.
9. Be alert! S can both far ahe ad and i n front o f your Ki ckScooter — your eyes are you r best to ol for s afely avoi ding obst acles and low
tracti on surfa ces (inc luding, b ut not l imited to, wet groun d, loose s and, loose gravel, a nd ice).
10. To reduce risk of injury, you must read and follow all “CAUTION” and “WARNING” notices in this docu ment. Do not ride at an u nsafe
2 Packing List
User Materials
3 Diagram
Stem (battery cabin)
Elec tronic th rottle
Dashboard & Power button
Elec tronic bra ke
Fol di ng la tch
Power mod e
Power leve l
Power but ton
Second Battery Pack
Second battery port
Charge port
Fol di ng pe dal
Sold separatelyIncluded
Hub motor
(one e xtra)
When unboxing your KickScooter, please verify that the above items are included in the package. If you are missing any components,
please contact your dealer/distributor or nearest service center (see contacts in the user manual). After verifying that all components are
present and in good condition, you can assemble your new KickScooter.
Please retain the box and packaging materials in case you need to ship your KickScooter in the future.
Rememb er to power off your KickScoot er and u nplug the charge ca ble before assemblin g, mountin g accessor ies, or cle aning the
M4 Hex Wrench
Battery ChargerM4 Flathead Screw x 5
Dashboard & Power Button
Speedometer: Indicates the current speed. Also displays error codes when faults are detected.
Power leve l: In dicat es t he rem aini ng ba ttery leve l wi th 5 bars. Each bar equat es to app roxima tely 20% power level .
Power mod e (dou ble click the powe r but ton to sw itch the m ode):
—Red "S" icon: Sport mode (maximum power/speed and reduced range).
—White "S" ico n: Stand ard mode (moderat e power/speed a nd range).
—No "S" icon: Speed limit mode (minimum power/speed and increased range).
Bluetooth: A blinking Bluetooth icon indicates that the vehicle is ready to connect. A solid Bluetooth icon indicates that the vehicle is
connected to a mobil e device.
Power butt on: Short pres s to power on. Long p ress to po wer o ff. Whe n pow ered on, si ngle clic k to turn on/of f the head ligh t. Do uble- clic k
to change power m ode.
Rear fe nder/foot brake
4 Assembling Your KickScooter
5 Installing a Second Battery Pack
1. Unfold the stem and push it until you hear a
click. Then unfold the kickstand to support
the scooter.
3. Inst all four screws (two on each s ide) wit h
the included hex wrench.
2. Firmly connect the wires inside the handle and
the stem. Slide the handle onto the stem. Be
aware of the correct orientation.
Head Light
toward front
4. Verify that your KickScoo ter powers on and off.
Fol low t hes e ste ps wh en in st all in g a s ec ond b att ery p ac k:
1. Remove the three screws on the stem, as
shown. Then remove the cover near the
charge port.
3. Inst all the battery pack ont o the s upport b racket
and tighten the screws securely.
2. Install the support bracket and fasten securely
with three screws, as shown.
4. Verify that your KickScoo ter powers on and off.
6 First Ride
Vehicle N Fans ClubMe
There are safety risks when learning to ride the KickScooter. You must read the Safety
Instructions via the App before your first ride.
For yo ur sa fe ty, you r new K ick Sc oot er is n ot ac ti vat ed an d w il l bee p occ as ion al ly af te r P owe r
Until activated, the KickScooter maintains a very low riding speed, and can not be ridden
with full function. Install the App on your mobile device (with Bluetooth 4.0 or above),
connect to the KickScooter with Bluetooth, and follow the App instructions to activate your
KickScooter and enjoy the full performance.
Scan the QR c ode to d ownload t he App (i OS 8.0 or above, Androi d™ 4.3 or above).
7 Charging
Charge port
Charge port
Charging step tips
Open the charge
port cover.
Insert the
charge plug.
Close the charge
port cover when
Install the App and register/login.Power on the K ickS coote r. A blin king Blue toot h
icon indicates the KickScooter is waiting for a
Do not connect the charger if the charge port or charge cable is wet.
Your Kick Scooter is fu lly cha rged when the LED on the charger c hanges fro m red (cha rging) to green (t rickle charge).
Close the charge port cover when not charging.
8 Learning to Ride
Click “Vehicle”→“Search device” to connect to your
The KickScooter will beep when the connection is
successful. The Bluetooth icon will stop blinking and
remai n illumi nated.
Fol low t he Ap p i ns tru ct ion s to ac ti ve th e K ic kSc oo ter a nd le arn h ow to ri de sa fe ly.
Yo u c a n n o w s t a r t t o u s e y o u r K i c k S c o o t e r, c h e c k t h e s t a t u s w i t h A p p , a n d i n t e r a c t w i t h o t h e r u s e r s . H a v e f u n !
Wear an approved helme t and o ther prot ective gea r
to mi nimize any po ssible i njury.
1. Power on the scooter and check the
indicator lamp power level. Charge the
scooter if the battery level is low.
9 Warnings
Fai lu re to f ol lo w th ese i ns tr uc ti on s co uld l ea d to s er io us i nju ry .
2. Stand on the footrest with one foot and
push off with your foot to start gliding.
4. Slow down by releasing the throttle ;stir the
brake handle thumb shifter quickly and
stamp the fender with foot at the same time
to tr igger me chanical braking in order to
make a sharp brake.
When braking rapidly you risk serious injury due to loss of traction and falls. Maintain a moderate speed and look out
for p otential hazards.
3. Put your oth er foot on the f ootrest to keep bo th feet
stabl e. Press the throttle on righ t hand t o speed up
when you are balanced.
Note, For your safety, the motor will not engage
until the scooter reachs 1.8 mph
(3 km/h).
5. To turn, shif t your body wei ght and turn the
handle slightly.
DO NOT ride the
scooter in the rain.
Watc h yo ur head wh en p ass ing
through doorways.
DO NOT ride over speed bumps, thresholds, or other bumps at
Watc h yo ur spe ed w hen tra veli ng d ownh ill . Us e bo th
brakes together when traveling at high speed.
DO N OT p ress the throttle when walk ing
with the scooter.
Avoid conta cting obstac les wi th th e
DO N OT r ide on p ublic roa ds,
motorways, or highways.
DO N OT ro tate the handle violentl y while
driving at high speed.
DO NOT carry heavy objects on the
DO NOT ride the scooter with
only one foot.
DO NOT ride through puddles or.
other bodies of water deeper than 1
inch (2 cm).
The KickScooter is for one rider only.
Do not ride double or carry any
passengers. Do not carry a child.
10 Folding and Carrying
Fol di ng
DO NOT step on the folding
pedal while riding.
DO NOT take your hands off the
handlebar while riding. Do not ride with
one hand only.
Always keep both hands on the handlebar or you risk serious injury due to loss of balance and falls.
DO NOT touch the hub motor after riding
because it can get hot.
DO NOT ride up and down stairs or jump
over ob stacles.
Step on the folding pedal while pushing the handlebar forward slightly. Then fold the handlebar down until it locks into
the rear fender.
When your Kic kScooter is folde d up, simp ly lift it by th e stem to carry.
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