Securitron M68S, M68DS, M68DLST, M68DLS, M68DL User Manual

Electronic Security
HES | Securitron Product Catalog
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Securitron® M68
Electromagnetic Locks
Series Magnalock
1,200 lbs holding force, bracket mounted Magnalock
Easily installed, bracket mounted Magnalock for higher security interior applications.
Ideal for traffic control in high-use areas where higher security is needed, the Securitron M68 electromagnetic lock provides reliability, durability and strength with low maintenance and efficient power consumption. Bracket mounting and wiring chamber provide ease of installation.
Standard Features
PoE friendly
Automatic dual-voltage
Bracket mounting provides the
Rust resistant—all ferrous metal
Instant release circuit
Internal wire access chamber
Noise suppression with included MOV
Ultra-secure collapsing blind
Strong hold and low maintenance
—no field adjustment required
easiest install for out-swing doors
surfaces plated for durability
—no residual magnetism
nuts mount to door frame for strength and reliability
no-fault, no questions asked warranty
lifetime replacement,
Optional Features
D Integrated Door
Position Switch (DPS)
L LED indicator
T Anti-tamper switch
Canada | 800.461.3007 |
Copyr ight © 2019, Hanche tt Entr y Systems , Inc., an A SSA ABLOY Group c ompany. All r ights re served . Reproduc tion
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Updated5/31/19 Patent pending and/or patent
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