10027 S. 51st St. Ste 102
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Tel: 1-800-624-5625
Mon-Fri: 6:00am - 4:00pm PDT
Aluminum Spacer Bracket
(Models ASB-32, ASB-62, and ASB-82)
Installation Instructions
The Aluminum Spacer Bracket (ASB) is a 1/2” [12.7 mm] thick, anodized,
aluminum spacer bracket with individual designs for the Models M32, M62, or
M82 Magnalocks
glass doors with or without blade stops may require an ASB, which improves
frame mounting strength, Magnalock/Strike clearances, alignments, and also
eases installation (see Figure 2, “Installation Cross Section”).
(see Figure 1, “ASB Group”). Installations in aluminum frame
Figure 1. ASB Group
Figure 2. Installation Cross Section

• Power Drill
• 3/8” [9.53 mm], 27/64” [10.72 mm] Drill Bits
• 1/2” Wrench or Adjustable
• Center Punch
• 3/16” Hex Wrench
Mounting the Strike
1. Prior to proceeding, DETERMINE the proper location for mounting the strike
in relation to the Magnalock, and CONSIDER the following:
• Aluminum-frame, glass doors vary depending on the top rail (shoe) size
and the internal structural design.
• In a narrow frame, once the Magnalock is spaced down by the ASB, it
may not be possible to install the sex bolt for the strike without hitting
glass or an internal structure (e.g., cable); therefore, supplied hardware
with the ASB allows the strike to be directly mounted to the door using a
special 5/16-18 [8 mm-1.5 mm] threaded blind nut.
2. IF mounting the strike on a conventional frame rail,
AND the use of an ASB is required,
THEN MOUNT the strike using a sex bolt and as described in the applicable
Magnalock instructions.
3. IF mounting the strike on a aluminum-frame, glass door,
AND the use of an ASB is required,
THEN PERFORM the following.
a. DRILL a 1/4” starter hole into the door in the location where the sex bolt
would normally be used.
b. INSPECT for any structural door component that might interfere with the
use of a sex bolt (e.g., cable or bar).
c. IF there are no structural door components in the way,
THEN MOUNT the strike using the sex bolt and as described in the
applicable Magnalock instructions.
NOTE: When properly collapsed, a special blind nut provides adequate
security for the strike in an aluminum-framed, glass door.
d. IF there are structural door components in the way,
AND the use of a sex bolt is not
THEN MOUNT the strike on the door using a special blind nut and
mounting screw.