Securitron AQS2410-16C16R2, AQS2410-16C2, AQS2410-16C2R2, AQS2410-16F16R2, AQS2410-16F2 Specsheet

Securitron AQS2410 Power Supply
The Securitron AQS2410 Series of switching power supplies are single voltage, UL listed, supervised units with a dedicated battery charging circuit. They provide 10 Amps at 24VDC, with up to 16 independently controlled power limited outputs.
All combinations of AQ power supplies
and distribution boards are UL listed
Single voltage 24 VDC continuous output
Up to 92% ef ficiency which results
in decreased operating costs and lengthens the lifespan of electronics
Tolerates brownout or overvoltage
input ± 15% of nominal voltage
Thermal shutdown protection
with auto restart
Circuit breaker protects agains t
overcurrent and reverse battery fault s
Dedicated batter y charging circuit
prevents overvoltage on locking devices
Low battery cutof f at 18V at 24V
Available with a single relay fire trigger or
individually trig gered relayed outputs
no fault warranty
lifetime replacement,
Specification Data
Typical output: 12.5 / 25.0 VDC
Low noise design with ripple
as low as 130mV p-p
115 or 230 VAC input
Power supply outputs are Class 2 power
limited when used with 4, 8 or 16 output distribution boards with PTC fuses
Expandable up to 16 independently
controlled power limited outputs
Available with configurable access
control input/output s with fire trigger in either P TC or with fuse/dr y contact option, fire relay only, or configurable output s with fire relay input
LED indicators and form "C "
contacts for supervision
Suppor ts up to two (2) sealed gel,
AGM or wet lead acid batteries
Dimensions: 14" x 14" x 4-3/4" enclosure
Operating Temp: -4 to +122F [-20 to +50C]
Shipping Weight: 12.7 lbs [5.76kg] | 800.626.7590 | 10027 S. 51st Street, Ste. 102 Phoenix, AZ 85044 USA
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