A & A Sheet Metal Products, Inc.
5122 North State Road 39, La Porte, IN. 46350
Phone: 888-326-7890 - Fax: 219-324-3780 - E-Mail: Custserv@securallproducts.com
Minimum Specifications for Hazmat Storage
Provide and deliver one pre-engineered, portable hazardous material storage building to selected location.
This building shall be FM approved and suitable for storage of combustible, flammable liquids and other
hazardous materials. Building shall not require specific foundations or supports. All materials used in
construction must be new and unused. Use of wood in construction is unacceptable. Manufacturing
quality compliance shall be in accordance with ASTM, AISI, and AWS materials and fabrication standards.
The building must meet the model building codes, model fire codes, safety and environmental regulations:
Current Additions:
• International Building Codes (IBC)
• BOCA National Building Code
• Standard Building Code
• Uniform Fire Code
• BOCA National Fire Prevention Code
• Standard Fire Prevention Code
• BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators
• National Electric Code (NEC/NFPA 70)
• OHSA (29 CFR)
• EPA (40 CFR)
• California Administrative Code
• NFPA - National Fire Protection Assoc.
• AWS - American Welding Society
• AISC – American Institute of Steel Construction
• ANSI - American National Standards Institute
• ASTM - American Society For Testing and Material
• USPC – United States Product Code
Factory Mutual (FM) – All Standard chemical storage buildings from Securall are FM
Approvoed (#6049).
Walls are Non-Fire Rated, 2-Hour Fire Rated, or 4-Hour Fire Rated (Check with Local
authority having Jurisdiction for Correct wall rating needed).
Roof to be FM Approved Non-Fire Rated, 1.5-Hour Fire Rated, or 3-Hour Fire Rated.
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) – Securall fire doors and window frames are UL Listed
(#R18951). Securall Swinging doors are UL Listed (#R1882 8) and certified in Canada.
SMaRT Certified (Sustainable Materials Rating Technology

What are SMaRT Sustainable Products?
They are independently certified products deemed to be the best
option for the overall sustainability of the environment.
Structural Features
Building must be labeled for the storage of combustible and flammable liquids. Building must include a 15
year structural warranty and 1 year warranty on all installed components.
Standard Design Loads
Roof Snow Load: Up to 70 PSF
Wind Load: Min. 90 mph (B1200 and smaller), Min. 170 mph (B1600 and larger)-See Wind Shear Chart
Live Floor Load: 250 psf standard – 500 psf available
Seismic Condition: Zone 4
Exterior Wall Construction for B200-B1200
Provide noncombustible walls constructed from heavy gauge steel to provide maximum durability, weather
resistance, and rigidity
Exterior Wall Construction for B1600-B8000
Provide noncombustible walls constructed from heavy gauge steel to provide maximum durability, weather
resistance, and rigidity.
Roof/ceiling Construction for All
Provide noncombustible roof/ceiling constructed from steel to provide maximum durability, weather
resistance, and rigidity. Roof must be sloped to facilitate rainwater runoff. Roof/ceiling must be
permanently attached to exterior walls. Fire rated building should include a FM Approved and Intertek
Tested 1.5-hour fire rated roof for a 2-hour fire rated building, and a 3-hour fire rated roof on a 4-hour
fire rated building.