16842 Millikan Avenue, Irvine, CA 92606
* Note: There is a ‘Gro unding Wire At tachment Location’ incl uded on both e nds of the
HDMI Surge Protector. Grounding wire can be attach ed to either of these locations.
15kV (ESD), 8kV (contact )
2 3/16"x1"x1" (56x26x26mm)
• Helps prevent damage to sensitive HDMI
Also Available from SE CO-LARM®:
HDMI Surge Protector
The ENFORCER HDMI Surge Protector is a passive device
that helps protect sensitive HDMI equipment from power
surges. The device can be deployed in new installations or
existing ones.
For the best protection, installing two surge protectors is
recommended: one at each end of the cable.
equipment such as players, monitors, and
• Intercepts repeated surges and spikes that could
damage HDMI A/V equipment
• Built in ESD, EFT
• Reaction Speed <1ns
• Passive operation – no external power required
• Includes a 12” (30cm) grounding wire for
convenient connection to ground
Phone: (949) 261-2999 | (800) 662-0800 Fax: (949) 261-7326
www.seco-larm.com Email: sales@seco-larm.com
U.S.A., Inc.
1" (26mm)
IP Surge Protector
Video Surge Protec t or
The SECO-LARM policy is one of continual development. For that reason, SECO-LARM reserves the
right to change prices and specifications without notice. SECO-LARM is not responsible for misprints.
All trademarks are the property of SECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc. or their respective owners.
Attachment Location*
(One on each end)
HD-SDI Surge Protector
PoE Surge Protector
Copyright 2015 © SECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved.