Video Ground Loop Isolator
Note: Products with model numbers that end with “Q” or that have a round green “Q” sticker are RoHS compliant.
Reduces ground loop interference
Built-in surge suppressor
Passive operation – No external power required
High immunity from interference – Built-in impedance coupled device and noise
filter helps reduce RF interference, cross talk, picture tearing, and other picture
quality problems
BNC terminals for easy installation
ENFORCER Video Ground Loop Isolator
The ENFORCER Video Ground Loop Isolator is a passive device that helps to
reduce ground loop interference caused by a difference in ground potential.
Ground loop isolators can be deployed in new installations or added to
existing installations.
ENFORCER Video Ground Loop Isolators should be installed on the camera
side of the cable and can be used with standard BNC coax cable or with video
Transient voltage suppressors
27/8” x 13/32” x 3/4” (73 x 28 x 19 mm)
1. Detach the video cable BNC connector from the camera BNC connector.
2. Attach the equipment side of the VG-1C12BQ to the camera BNC connector.
3. Attach the video cable BNC connector to the cable side of the VG-1C12BQ.
2 SECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc.