Note: Products with model numbers that end with “Q” or that have a round green “Q” sticker are RoHS compliant.
Compatible with the ENFORCER Grade 1 Rim-Type Exit Device (SD-962AR-36G)
Lever handle can be set for right-handed or left-handed operation
Includes high-security lock with two keys
Actuating shaft telescopes to the proper length to fit almost any door size
Attractive and durable finish for long-term operation
ENFORCER Escutcheon Lever Trim
1x Escutcheon lever trim
1x Square handing pin
4x Mounting screws
1x Manual
1x Mounting template
2x Keys
Setting the Trim Handing:
1. Remove the square handing pin
as indicated in the diagram.
2. Turn the lever handle to the left
or right, depending on the
desired position.
3. When the position is set, return
the square handing pin to its
original location.
13/4” (44.5mm), 2” (51mm), 21/4” (57mm), 21/2”
(63.5mm), or 3” (76mm) thick, wood or metal
Left or right (reversible)
101/16”x215/16”x23/4” (255x75x70 mm)
For the distance and
dimensions of the
mounting holes,
please see the
included mounting
actuating shaft
Handle sleeve
Included for protection
during shipping.
Remove before use.
2 SECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc.