EV-6600-N2BQ (NTSC)
EV-6600-P2BQ (PAL)
Note: Products with model numbers that end with “Q” or that have a round green “Q” sticker are RoHS compliant.
Camera is mounted behind a
mirror for discreet monitoring
/3” Sony Super HAD II CCD
600 TV Lines
2.8mm Lens
12VDC Operation
ENFORCER 12-Inch Mirror Camera
Parts List:
1 x Camera
1 x Manual
1 x DC Plug with terminal block
3 x Mounting screws
3 x Screw anchors
The mounting arm set screws can be loosened in two places to adjust the
camera angle. The adjustment ring at the base can also be adjusted.
CCD 1/3” Sony Super HAD II CCD
1Vp-p composite video, 75Ω
2 SECO-LARM U.S.A., Inc.