Sears Weider AB 831.280750,Weider AB Shaper,831.280750 User Manual

Model No. 831.280750
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6. Raised-knee Oblique Crunch
This ex_ _: ....
focuses on the dblique abdomlnals. Bend your kaees, lay
them to one
side, and hold your legs just
off the floor. Curl up to about a 45° angle., then return to the starting position. Hold your legs stationary throughout the exercise. Complete 5 to 7 repetitions, change your knees to the opposite side, and then perform another 5 to 7 repeti-
The following exercises are designed to further improve your sU'ength, tone, and flexibility. Remember to stretch
for a few minu_s before you begin.
7. "L=-Cruneh '
This exercise : is for the
upper abdom- inals.
Straighten your legs and
raise them as
shown. Curl up to about a
45° angle, and
then lower yourself to the
starting posi- tion. Keep your legs raised
the exercise.
Complete 10 to 15 repetitions.
8. Advanced Raised-knee Crunch
This exercise focuses on the
lower abdom-
Straighten your legs and hold them just
off the floor as shown in
photograph 8a. Curl up to
about a 45" angle, bring-
ing your
knees toward
your chest as shown in pho-
tograph 8b; then return to
the starting
position. Complete I0 to 15 repetitions.
9. Advanced Oblique Leg Crunch
This exercise
your legs and hold tbem just
off the floor as shown in photograph 9a. Curl up to
about a 45* angle, bend- ing your
knees and bringing them
to the side as shown in pho-
tograph 9b; then return to
the starting position. Complete 10 to 15 repetitions, alternating sides with each repetition.
Theinstructionson the opposite side of this manual
show how the AB SHAPER is used. When you are not
using theAB SHAPER, it can be folded and stored under a bed. The AB SHAPER will even fit into the
trunk of your car for easy transport. Follow the instruc- tions below to fold the AB SHAPER to the storage posi-
1. Hold one of
the handles with one hand,
and hold the frame with the other hand.
Firmly pull
backthe handle.
2. Rotate the handle down.
Rotate the other handle
down in the
same way.
Fold the exercise mat and press together the self-adhe- sive surfaces on the underside of the mat.
The AB SHAPER_an be wiped clean with a dampcloth and mild, non-abrasive detergent.Do not usesolvents.
Key No. Qty. Part No. Description
1 1 130680 Right Handle 2 2 013244 1/4" x .6" Screw 3 4 130394 #8 x 9/16" Screw
4 1 130681 Left Handle
5 2 130676 Spring 6 2 130678 1/4" x 1 5/8" Roll Pin 7 2 130677 Sleeve 8 2 130679 1/4" x 1 l/4r' Pin
9 1 130105 Frame I0 I 130235 Exercise Mat/Headrest 11 4 130205 Foam Grip 12 2 130229 l" Round Cap
13 4 013141 #8 x 1/2" Tap Screw
# 1 130400 User's Manual
# 1 130381 Training Videocassette
Note: "if' indicates a non-illustrated pan. Specifications are subject to change without notice. To order replace-
ment parts, see the back cover of this manual.
_11831.280750 R0496A
+ 5 hidden pages