Sears Sport 20-SV 300.72000 Instruction Sheet

6K S Instruction Sheet
Sport 20-SV Model 300.72000 (20 cu.ft.)
Quick Release Contents
Quick Release Kit 04851 I
Saddle Quick Release 4
Carnage Bolt 8
Threaded Knobs 8 Mask, Vinyl Hole Covers i0 tabs
Instruction Sheet 1
Before installing the carrier, eare[uUy rea_dthe guidelines for use of the can'W_r. Proper installat[ea of the carrier is the ¢ustomar'a responsibility. The
manufacturer's warrar_ is limited _. the repair or rcplnceracot of a det'cctive carrier. Damage to the vehicle, the ¢atr_r's contents, or la any peraoa or
pJoponyis eaciuded.
Tb eSpurt 20-SV carrier _n 8nly be mounted to r_f racks wil_ a raptly of 150 pounda or moire, Se_ apptlatien chart an stare diaplay far n_praved factory installed roof racks. 1'4omore than I OOpounds u( evenly distributed
weight should ever be transported In the carrier.
I. Consult th_ vehicle owner's mamtal or the vehicle dealership f_ Ihe weight
c_aci_/o_ Portray inslalled r_mcks.
t. Place carrier am vehfcle's reef rack. Adjust rout'tack
cressrails sn they are positioned between the desired pre-
drilled boles on the carrier bottom.
2. Reamve comer from vehicle's roof rack crossrails. Assemble the saddle assembly on carrier bottom as showlx in Figure 1, using the desired ixe-dfilled holes.
Turn the ti'u'eaded knobs clockwis_just enough to engage
the threaded ends of the carriage bolts, Leave the assembly loose.
3. When you are ready to mount the cartier to the
2. If using aa aftcrmarkct rffof tack consult the manufacturer of the roof rack for vehicle's roof rack cr_srails, slide each saddle until it weight capacity, separates from the carriage bolt and firops down as shown
Do not travel with an emply carrier _aspeeds over 40 MPH. Keep a minimum orS0 pounds in the carrier at high speeds toavoid undesirable wind efl_:ets. It is
reecJcnmeaded to remove carrier fi'om vehicle when not in use.
All cartier hardware should be firmly attached. When travelirtg periodically check all hardware re assure it is foals.ned securely. The cartier is water resislant, not warm'proof. Alwaysprotcct comt_nlsa_ordingly.
DO NOT plac_ valu_bla ot fragile in thc €.an_r. Sudden sto_us may cause contents to shit't, possibly damaging items. The comer is not designed to
accidonl or thet_ proof. The me_ufsetumr and ve_.ik_ cam_ I_ held responsible for damage or theft of carrier's tin, tents.
The Sport 20-SV warranty is limited to (_ year from the date of purchasewhich
include defects in material and workmanship, Manu_ctmer's warranty obligation is at tmmufactorer's sole discretion upon inspection of the career.
/..oat Keys: If replacement or additional keys are needed, call I
l-g00-527-7493 with the three digit number stamped on lhe lock.
Two keys will Ix: mailed to you for $5.00.Allow two weeks for delivery
I ave this Inswaction sheet forf_ture reference. If additional 6r [
eplaoement Q_ick Release Kit isneeded for carrierrefer tocarrier model ]
number and pstt number. Replacementpartsareavailable _hmugh [
SearsParts Delartment,800-366-7278 I
MFG. BY KARR[T_ 3737 N. &CORN &VEt'_Ull;
in Figure 2.
Figure 2
4. Position saddles under the crossrails and push th_ saddle back over the carriagebolt and slide it forward
until it stops. Turn knobs clockwise and lighten squatly and securely as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
5. To remove car_i_x firom roof rack,, l_osen knobs, slide saddles until they separate from carriage boils. Slide
carrier forward and lift off of v=h.i¢le. Leave aft the pacts attached to your comer to simplify your next installation.
6. Place Vinyl Mask Hole covers over reraaiaing hol_s ia comer boo am to prevent water or dirt entering the easier.
[ "K&I'_( Leg PARK, |L 6el ?, t I- a0a-KARRITIg t S27 -74_3 ) pAR'I" _. _4gS3 td KK_}t, _3