"WARNING: Experience indicates that alcohol
blended fuels (called gasohol or us!ng ethanol
or methanol) can attract moisture which leads
to separation and [ormaUonof acids during
storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel
system of an engine while in storage. To avoid
engine problems, the fuel system should be
emptied beforestorage of 30 days or longer
Drain the fuel tank, start the engine and let it
run until fuel lines and carburetor are empty.
Use fresh fuel next season. See Storage
instructions for additional information.Never
use engine or carburetor cleaner products in
rue!tank or permanent damage may occuc
..f-"" - ----_ Gasoline
Engine;oil-__ fi,ler t_ap
• To start a cold engine, push primer:five
(5) timesbefore tryihg to start. Use a
firm push, This step is not Usually
necessary when starting an engine
which has already run for a few minutes.
• Hold ope[ator presence control bar
down to the handle and puff starter
handle quickly. Do not aIIow starter
rope to snap back_
o To stop engine, release operator
presence control bar.
NOTE: In cooler we_atherit may be
necessary to repeat #timing steps, in
warmer weather over priming may cause
flooding and engine Will not start. If you do
flood engine, wait a few minutes before
attempting to start and do not repeat
priming steps.
• Under certainconditions, such as very tall
grass; it may be necessary to raisethe
height of cut to reduce pushing effort and to
keep from overloading the engine and
leaving clumps of grass clippings.
° For extremely heavy cutting, reduce the
width of cut by overlapping previousiy cut
path and mow slowly..
• For side discharge lawn mowers, cutting in
a counter-clockwise direction, starting at the
outside ofthe area to be cut,spreads grass
clippings more evenly and putsless load on
the engine. To keep clippings off of
walkways, flower beds; etc., make the first
cuts{na clockWise direction.
. Pores incloth grass catchers can become
filledwith dirt and dust with use and
catchers will collect less grass. To prevent
this, regularly hose catcher off with water
and iet dry before using°
° Keep top of engine around starter dear and
clean of grass clippings and chaff, Thiswill
he!pengine airflow and extend enginelife.
IMPORTANT: Forbest performance, keep
mower housing free of built-up grass and
trash.Clean underside of mower housingafter
each use.See "CLEANING" inCUSTOMER
RESPONSIBILITIES section of this manual
• The special mulching btade wili recut the
grass clippings many times and redu_
them in size so that as they fall onto the
lawn they Willdisperse Intothe grass and
not be noticed° Also, the mulched grass Wil!
biodegrade quickly toprovide nutrients for
the lawn. Always mulch with your highest :
engine (blade) speed as _liS Wi{{ provide the
best recurringaction:of the blades.
• Av6id cuttingyoUr lawn when it iswet',.Wet!
grass tends to form clumps and interferes
with the mulching action. The best tir_teto
mow yourlawn is the early aftemoonJ At
this time the grass has dried and the newly
cu_.areawill not be exposed to thedirect
• For best results, adjust the awn mower
cutting height so that thelawn mower;cuts
off onlythetop one4hird of the grass blades.
Ifthe lawn is overgrown it wilebe necessary
to _se the height ofcut to reduce pushing
effortand to keep:from overloading the
engineand leaving clumps of mulched
grass, Forextremely heavy mulching_ :
reduceyour width of Cut,mow slowly and
raisethe rear of the lawn mower one wheel
adjuster setting highei"than the front;
• Certain types of grass and grass conditions
may requirethat an area be mulched a
second time to completely hide the :
clippings. When doing a second cut, mow
across or perpendicular to the firstcut path.
° Change yourcutting pattem from week to
week. Mow north to south one Weekthen
change to eastto west the nextweek. This
wi!!helpprevent matting and graining ofthe
Max 1,3