Sears 875.5019 User Manual

Specifications and Main Features

  • weight without the two tie-down straps and the two adapter plates (sold separately): 77 lbs
  • Maximum load capacity - 1500 lbs (681 kg)
  • Locking positions -11 3 4 in, 14 1 4 in, and 16 1 2 in
  • Dimensions- 35 1/2 x 17 x 14 inches
  • fast-action hydraulic pump with foot pedal for lifting from 5 1/8” to 17” above the front of the jack base.
  • 3 position Height Lock Bar to provide positive lock at three HT measurements h:lock
  • Relatively controlled foot release for lowering the vehicle
  • Modified locking screws and locking wheels for stabilization
  • Includes two style straps of one inch wide by fifteen feet in length which are ratcheting to secure the vehicle.
  • use as dolly for moving your vehicle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is its load maximum capacity, of the CRAFTSMAN Motorcycle/ATV Jack?

A: Its load maximum capacity is 1500 lbs: 681 kg.

Q – What is the jack lift some range of the motorcycle or an ATV?

A: The jack falls between a range of 5 1 8 inches to 17 inches with the front of the jack base, additionally with the adapter plates which is sold separately added, it reaches the height of 19 inches.

Q: What should I do if the jack will not lower completely?

A: Check the hydraulic system for any trapped air and make sure that the valve has not been stuck to the closed position.

Q: How do I secure a vehicle on the jack?

A: Towels should be placed over the vehicle but straps are not provided. Nafta intends to deliver jack with all relevant protective padding affected by their design.

Q: Is there a warranty for the CRAFTSMAN Motorcycle/ATV Jack?

A: There is a one-year full guarantee on material and workmanship defects, but the unit can only be covered for 90 days if used commercially.

User Manual

Operator's Manual
Model No,
CAUTION: R:ead,understand and follow
aH Safety Ruies and O#erating #sstructions ir_this manua_before using this #_oduct,
Sears, Roebuck and Co,, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U,S.A, V_s_toer Craftsman webs_te: www.craftaman,eom
- Warranty
Espa_o| pg, 13
ONDYEAR FULL WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN PRODUCT [f th_sCrsflsmar_ pf_uct fails @e to a defect in mater_a_ a_wo_kme_ship ,_thin one
ff _¢s @aftsman prcyjuct is used _a_comme_cia_i of re,tat purposes this war_a_ty appk_s bf On_y90 days f_om Be date d pu[chase.
This warranty _ves you s42ee}f_cle_ _ghte and yo_._may alse have oc_e_' r_ghts whirl vary from s_ate t9 s_ate
£_a_ R@_b_¢k aRd CO,. Dept 8t 7 WA Hoffma_ Estates _L60179
* Fa}/_fe te comply with ebfma_ie_ h _his man,ual or to heed product _amk_g !abe_s
may result e persor_al sissy or property damage
. Sfu@_a.ede_s_and a_d fe t_,, air 1he hs_ruetioes be_O_eopefa%g this device
, ONLY use iack De a _rd #ave_s_dace tP_I iScapable d sap_xsrfl_'tgthe veh c_e , Lift o_ty on area5 d vehicle as sT,ecBed by the vehicle maeufacture_
, ALWAYS u_ tieodowe straps to secure the sehicb to the jack.
NEVER me_e vehid_ with jack if straps are no_ ie pb_._eef secde.
* ALWAYS use the height bck bar wher_ the vehic#e is _aised te preve_l the
vehicb from dropp _g accidental y;
, ALWAYS b_e[ the vehicle to the bwes_ _ss_b/e jack p_itk)_ BEFORE
attempting to d@_ or mere it
"DO NOT make az_yalte_atlees te this Feduct * the _a_ bebre each a_,
* DO NOT u_ }f bak_g flukJ andor bre_n_ beret c_a@ed of ether'¢4se dama_J
pass ale tiered * Immediately afte_t raiat#g vehicle, ensure that Height Lock Bat is engage& * ALWAYS _ar safe_y _@e_ _rat_ng ths predict.
iaek it could cause serie_s badly ieju_y_
, Open the re/ease valve by pressing down on the re_easepeda_(_
(see Fig. t and 2)
Remove the oil fi_ plug__(seeFig i).
Pump the foot peda_(_ (see Fig I and 2) 6 to 8 times to release any pressurized air that may be trapped in the oi_reservoir (hydraulic system)
- Be sure oii leve_is just be_owthe threads inthe ot fi_ip_ughole if oi_needs to be added fo_r_,_the instructions on page 9.
Replace and tighten oi_fi_ plug.
This iack (see Figs_1 IA IB and 2) hasspecia_ builHn featu[es that make it idea_for pedorming minor repairs oil changes cleanups and more.
These features include: , 1500_pound load capacity to lift most motor_cles and ATVs.
, A fasbaction hydraulic pump with toot pedal(J_see Fig2) for easy lifting
from 51/sto 17 inches above front ofiack base Twoadapter p/ares,sg/d separate_/(see Fig.1A) are availabieto allow lilting to 19 nches above
front d jack base.
- 3 position Height Lock Bar provides positive locking at three lift heights:
1t _4 in., t4 1/_in.and 16 I/2 in (see Fg.1)_
iMPORTANT: Upon raising vehic[e_the jack must IMMEDIATELY be locked into one d the three lift heights.
* Precision controlled _ootrelease_(F g.2) for Iowedng the vehicle , Can be used as a dolly to move your vehicle to a convenient location
for working or storage.
, T:Handie(Fig. 1)for added control whendotMng veh}cleinto work ngor storage _a_ion. , The jack a_soincludes h*_ol_inch wide × 15 foot long ratchetihg tie-down
straps (see Rg 1B) to help secure the vehicte.
, The jack has adiustab_e locking screws and _ockingcasters
to increase stability (see Fig°t ).
, Purchasetwo2richheightadiustmentadapterplates(seeFig.1A),
_nc_udestwo 1*inch wide x i 5-ff. _ongratcheting tie_dowr_ straps (see Fig. 1B and F]g_4A)_
i_l.,<......................................._.i__ j ............/so_di_..._p,_te_yt
Release P_al
Locking Wheels Height Lock Bar
Locking Screws
...............:_................./_ M_'_ ,,_ _ A
(see _tg_)
2. insert Foot Peda_Arm @ into the sleeve of Hydraulic Ram _ and secure wth M8 x 12 Hex Bolt (4)_
3, Attach Height Lock Re_ease @ to Height Lock Bar using 2 Spdng
Washers G8 (1)AND 2 Nuts M8 (2),
4, Attach T-Handle _to ConnectiRg Rod _ with Cotter Pin (3),
5. Make sure that ali connections are tightened thoroughly.
1,P_ace_ck on a hard ievef surface
2. Toa/'_id itemfrom slipping du#ng tP_ _aisingo_ration ONLY litton pointsd
vehicle ed by vehlciemanufacturer F_t Pedal in the veh_sWsoperatoCsmanual
under the vehicle s liftpoint.
f@t on tab marked LOCK_AL_YS @ec£ to_ sure #_atthe _dd_e and the vehicle are p@sit£_edco_Tect_yBEFORE raisingthe }8_k
5, UseFc_t Peda_to raisevehicle,Pump Foot Peda}unti_tip o_HeightL_;_ Bar
m_s past desired _c_kpositbn ridge The tipof the HeightLockBar wit!sink ilto positionjust behindthe ddge.Depress releasepeda_s_ight_yso that #'_etip
movessaugty a_inst _idge
& Applyt}e-downstraps(seepage7, Secudngthe'_,Lehicle)once_hic_e has been
raisedto the desiredworkinghe_ht Thoroughlytighten thetwo tie-®wn straps.
7, Stabiiize _oaded on a hard surface for maximum balance by adjustin9
TO LOWER THE VEHICLE, (see Fig, 2) 1, Raise theiack s_ighflyand pull back on the Height L_sk Re_easeto release
2,Fastenthe HeightL_k Retease@ totheQip @_
3. Pressthe Relea_ Pedal_very gentlytolower the Saddle_)and vehicle
1_ | Tie-downstraps wi!lbecome I_se and vehistewilt
be releas_i upon lowering the vehicle
SECURING THE VEHICLE with the two 1-in, x 1_, Rateheting Tie-Down Straps (s_ Fig, 4, 4A)
Fig, 4 Release La_chC
Top view "OPEN Position
3, Tighten the strap by ratcheting the handle back and [orth until the vehicle
is sec_Jretn order to keep the strap in position while t ghtening, may be necessary to take up _heexcess slack by hand unti! the strap is tighL
4, To_ockratchet, p_aceHandle @ in theciosed position
to the vehc/e, DO NOT over-tighten strap,
Fig. 4A High,.chasss moto_yde
secured ontoiack wilh the 2cinchadapIer p_ates sold separately
andthe two ratche_in9 fie_.>wn straps
TiE-DOWN STRAPS (see Fig. 4B)
Fig 4B
Release Latch C
"CLOSED _Position
1. Hoid the ratchet in one hand and with the other hand puli back on Release Latch @o
until the toad re_eases.
[_CAUTION:j The VEHICLEwitireiease atthis point.
& 'Toremovestrap pu_/upon _atchetand slidestrap out of Spindle _.
1 DO NOT use the two tie down straps for towing vehicles or to
ho_dor suspend human weight.
2. DO NOT use pliers or any other tools to operate the ratchefing handte _, (see Fig. 4B}. Use hand power only:
3 Protect strap webbing from sharp edges heat and acid. Replace
strap webbing if t is cut worn or damaged, hspect strap webbing hooks and hardware before each use.
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