Performance Mounted Spherical Roller Bearings
Rolling Elements: Spherical Roller
Mtd. Spherical
Housing: Cast Iron Top Angle Take-Up
Self Alignment: +/- 2 Degrees
Lock: Setscrew
Seal: Felt
Optional Seal: Double Lip Contact
Temperature: -20° to 220° F
USTA5000 Series Top Angle Take-Up Units - Collar Mount
inch A B C D F G J K L N P T
1 15/16 USTA5000-115
2 3/16 USTA5000-203
2 7/16 USTA5000-207
2 15/16 USTA5000-215
3 7/16 USTA5000-307
3 15/16 USTA5000-315
2 3/16 USTAE5000-203
2 7/16 USTAE5000-207
Part No.
23520 3 1/4 6 6 1/2 6 3/8 2 7/16 51/64 2 7/8 1 11/16 3 3 33/64 2 7/8 7/8 12.1
104617 82.6 152.4 165.1 162.1 62.0 20.3 73.0 42.9 76.2 89.3 73.2 22.4 5.49
28087 3 1/2 7 7 1/2 7 7/16 2 7/16 51/64 3 1/8 1 7/8 3 1/4 4 57/64 3 1/4 1 1/8 18.0
124931 88.9 177.8 190.5 189.0 62.0 20.3 79.7 47.5 82.6 124.2 82.3 28.4 8.16
44691 4 8 8 1/2 8 5/16 2 11/16 51/64 3 3/8 1 61/64 4 5 53/64 3 21/64 1 1/8 27.9
198786 101.6 203.2 215.9 211.1 68.3 20.3 85.7 49.6 101.6 148.0 84.5 28.4 12.66
47447 4 8 8 1/2 8 5/16 2 13/16 51/64 3 7/8 2 11/32 4 17/32 5 53/64 3 47/64 1 1/8 27.4
211044 101.6 203.2 215.9 211.1 71.4 20.3 98.3 59.5 115.1 148.0 94.9 28.4 12.43
72640 4 1/2 9 9 1/2 9 5/8 3 3/16 51/64 4 15/32 2 21/32 5 5/16 6 53/64 4 1/4 1 3/8 39.3
323103 114.3 228.6 241.3 244.6 81.0 20.3 113.5 67.5 134.5 173.4 108.0 35.1 17.83
96050 5 1/2 10 1/2 11 11 3 9/16 51/64 4 15/16 2 15/16 6 7 19/32 4 1/2 1 23/64 54.5
427230 139.7 266.7 279.4 279.4 90.4 20.3 125.4 74.4 152.4 192.9 114.0 34.5 24.72
Dimensions inch / mm
Type E Mounting Dimensions
28087 3 1/16 6 3/4 7 6 7/8 2 1/2 51/64 3 1/8 1 55/64 3 1/4 4 37/64 3 3/64 7/8 11.3
124931 77.7 171.5 177.8 174.8 63.5 20.3 79.7 47.2 82.6 116.3 77.4 22.4 5.13
44691 3 1/2 7 7 1/2 7 7/16 2 3/4 49/64 3 3/8 1 61/64 4 4 15/16 3 21/64 1 1/8 19.6
198786 88.9 177.8 190.5 189.0 69.9 19.3 85.7 49.6 101.6 125.2 84.5 28.4 8.89
Rolling Elements: Spherical Roller
Housing: Cast Iron Top Angle Take-Up
Self Alignment: +/- 2 Degrees
Lock: Adapter
Seal: Felt
Optional Seal: Double Lip Contact
Temperature: -20° to 220° F
USTA5000A Series Top Angle Take-Up Units - Adapter Mount
inch A B C D F G J K L N P T
1 15/16 USTA5000A-115
2 3/16 USTA5000A-203
2 7/16 USTA5000A-207
2 15/16 USTA5000A-215
3 7/16 USTA5000A-307
3 15/16 USTA5000A-315
2 3/16 USTAE5000A-203
2 7/16 USTAE5000A-207
Note: One expansion unit is to be used in conjunction with one non-expansion unit for applications using an adapter lock unit.Failure to utilize one expansion and one non-expansion unit is likely to result in reduced bearing performance.
Metric dimensions for reference only.
Not all parts are available from stock. Please contact customer service for availability (800) 626-2120.
For more information on bearing capabilities outside of our standard offering, please contact Application Engineering (800) 626-2093.
Part No.
Bearing Selection
Page H-3
Dimensions inch / mm
3 1/4 6 6 1/2 6 3/8 2 7/16 51/64 3 1/2 2 5/16 3 3/16 3 33/64 3 1/2 7/8 12.6
82.6 152.4 165.1 162.1 62.0 20.3 88.9 58.7 80.6 89.3 88.9 22.4 5.72
3 1/2 7 7 1/2 7 7/16 2 7/16 51/64 3 7/8 2 5/8 3 7/16 4 57/64 4 1 1/8 18.7
88.9 177.8 190.5 189.0 62.0 20.3 98.4 66.5 87.4 124.2 101.6 28.4 8.48
4 8 8 1/2 8 5/16 2 11/16 51/64 4 5/16 2 7/8 3 63/64 5 53/64 4 17/64 1 1/8 28.9
101.6 203.2 215.9 211.1 68.3 20.3 109.5 73.2 101.2 148.0 108.3 28.4 13.11
4 8 8 1/2 8 5/16 2 13/16 51/64 4 31/64 2 31/32 4 25/64 5 53/64 4 11/32 1 1/8 27.6
101.6 203.2 215.9 211.1 71.4 20.3 113.9 75.4 111. 5 148.0 110.3 28.4 12.52
4 1/2 9 9 1/2 9 5/8 3 3/16 51/64 5 35/64 3 47/64 5 15/32 6 53/64 5 21/64 1 3/8 41.3
114.3 228.6 241.3 244.6 81.0 20.3 140.9 94.9 138.9 173.4 135.3 35.1 18.73
5 1/2 10 1/2 11 11 3 9/16 51/64 5 15/16 3 15/16 5 37/64 7 19/32 5 1/2 1 23/64 55.4
139.7 266.7 279.4 279.4 90.4 20.3 150.8 99.8 141.7 192.9 139.7 34.5 25.13
Type E Mounting Dimensions
3 3/8 6 3/4 7 6 7/8 2 1/2 51/64 3 7/8 2 5/8 3 7/16 4 37/64 3 13/16 7/8 15.7
85.7 171.5 177.8 174.8 63.5 20.3 98.4 66.5 87.4 116.3 96.8 22.4 7.12
3 1/2 7 7 1/2 7 7/16 2 3/4 49/64 4 5/16 2 7/8 3 63/64 4 15/16 4 17/64 1 1/8 20.6
88.9 177.8 190.5 189.0 69.9 19.3 109.5 73.2 101.2 125.2 108.3 28.4 9.34
Nomenclature Aid
Page H-6
Features & Benets
Page H-7
Technical Engineering
Page I-47
Unit Wt.
Unit Wt.
Mounted Roller Bearing Engineering Section
Installation Instructions continued
Mtd. Tapered
Alternate Lubrication Procedure:
Stop rotating equipment. Add one half the recommended amount shown in Table V. Start the bearing
and run for a few minutes. Stop the bearing and add the
second half of the recommended amount. A temperature rise after lubrication, sometimes 30°F (17°C), is
normal. Bearing should operate at temperatures less
than 200°F (94°C) and should not exceed 250° (121°C)
for intermittent operation. For lubrication guidelines,
see Table VI.
Note: Table VI are general recommendations. Experi-
ence and testing may be required for specic applica-
Table V
Grease Charge for Relubrication
Bore Size Grease Charge (Mass - Ounces)
1 1/8 - 1 1/2 0.20
1 11/16 - 1 3/4 0.20
1 15/16 - 2 0.25
2 3/16 0.40
2 7/16 - 2 1/2 0.60
2 11/16 - 3 0.75
3 3/16 - 3 1/2 1.25
3 11/16 - 4 2.00
4 7/16 - 4 1/2 2.75
4 15/16 - 5 4.00
Table VI
Note: Grease charges in Table V are based on the use
of lithium complex thickened grease with a NLGI grade
2 consistency.
Expansion Bearing Applications:
Before installation, make certain proper expansion is
accounted for. Expansion units should be placed in a
location where relative movement between the bear-
Environment Temperature (°F)
Dirty -20 to 250 0 - 100% Daily to 1 Week
Relubrication Recommendations
-20 to 125
125 to 175
175 to 250 0 - 100% Daily to 1 Week
(% Catalog Max)
0 - 25% 4 to 10 Months
26 - 50% 1 to 4 Months
51 - 75% 1 Week to 1 Month
76 - 100% Daily to 1 Week
0 - 25% 2 to 6 Weeks
26 - 50% 1 Week to 1 Month
51 - 75%
76 - 100%
Daily to 1 Week
ing insert and the housing can be tolerated. For most
applications using expansion type units, the xed unit
(non-expansion unit) is placed at the drive end of the
shaft. Use Table VIII to review the total available bearing
expansion. If the application requires additional expansion, consult Application Engineering.
NOTICE: One expansion unit is to be used in conjunc-
tion with one non-expansion unit for applications using
adapter lock units. Failure to utilize one expansion and
one non-expansion unit is likely to result in reduced
bearing performance.
Table VII
Maximum Operational Speed
Bore Size Felt Seal (RPM) Contact Seal (RPM)
1 1/8 - 1 1/2 4000 3000
1 11/16 - 1 3/4 4000 2750
1 15/16 - 2 4000 2500
2 3/16 3750 2200
2 7/16 - 2 1/2 3250 1750
2 11/16 - 3 3000 1600
3 3/16 - 3 1/2 2500 1350
3 11/16 - 4 2250 1200
4 7/16 - 4 1/2 2000 1100
4 15/16 - 5 1750 900
Table VIII
Total Available Housing Expansion (inch)
Bore Size Setscrew Adapter Lock
1 1/8 - 1 1/2 3/16 5/32
1 11/16 - 3 1/2 1/4 7/32
3 11/16 - 4 5/16 1/4
4 7/16 - 5 3/8 9/32