Sealife ReefMaster DC300, ReefMaster DC310 User Manual

Instruction Manual
DC300/ DC310
Digital Underwater Camera Set
1. Re ad warnings in m anual (pages 6-8
2. If you have any questions after rea ding this manual or problems reg arding the
SeaLife digital c amera, housing or accessorie s follow the se instructions: Do not co nt ac t de aler; do this:
• Che ck tro uble shooting guide in this
ma nual or on t he S eaLife we bsite ww w
.sealife- camera s. co m
If this doe s not solve t he pro blem
cont act Se aLife Custo mer S ervice: USA (856) 866-9192. F or ot her countries, c onta ct the Sealife national distributor. For a c omplet e list, see the ab ov e website.
3. Use only t he following AA batteries:
• Se aLife Nick el Metal Hydride (Ni-MH
1800m Ah or higher rechargeable batt eries. Carefully follow charging instructions.
• Lithium non-recharge able b at teries.
Lithium batt eries last the longest of all batteries but they are e xpensiv e and they are not rechargeable.
• We do not recom mend using Alkaline
batt eries due t o their short batt ery life, how ever ne w high-e nergy alk a­line b at teries, like Durac ell Ultra, have a long er batt ery life and can b e used with the Sea Life digit al ca mera. Ev en high-e nergy alk aline ba tt eries do not last as long as Sea Life Ni-MH batt eries. Do not use st andard alk a ­line b at teries.
• Repla ce ba tt eries when batt ery
po wer status indicator on camera is do wn to o ne b ar.
• Turn c amera po wer or L C D monitor
O F F when not using camera to preserve bat tery p ower.
• Always use freshly charg ed batt eries.
Re charg eable batt eries can dis-
charge at room te mperature up to 10 % p er day. Store b at teries in plastic bag or container in refrigerator or cool, dry plac e.
4. Use only t he following bra nd s of SD memory c ards that have b een test ed t o work with SeaLife c ameras:
• SanDisk, Kingston, Lexar, Panasonic,
PYN, Rite k, Pret ec and Koda k
regist ered trademarks of res pective
co mpanies
5. Kee p main O -Ring and housing perfe ctly clean.
• Clean housing and main O-ring with
fresh water after every use.
• Do not re move O-ring. Do not
• Store camera and housing only after
careful cleaning and when totally dry.
6. Never let any moisture or dirt ge t inside housing wh en opening.
• Only op en and load the housing in
dry cool air, su ch as inside an air­condition ed room.
7. For good un derwat er pictures you ne ed:
• Clear w ater conditions.
• C ontrol your bu oyancy b efore ta king
picture .
• Get as clos e as p ossible t o subject
ideal distance is 2’ to 6’), (0. 6 t o 1.8 me ters). Minimum shooting dista nc e is 3.5’ (107cm
• Use optional SeaLife M acro Lenses/Filters for su perb det ails an d vibrant c olors, insid e 3. 5’ (107cm
shooting distanc e.
• For b est und erwater pictures, use one or t wo S eaLife Ext ernal Flashes.
Limited Warranty
This prod uct will be replace d or repa ired free of ch arg e within 1 ye ar from the purc ha se dat e in the c ase of a m anuf act uring d ef ect , if t he com plet e d efe ctive prod uct is se nt freight pre paid at the se nder’s risk with pre payment for ha ndling and ship pin g of US $10. 00 to: Pioneer Research, A tt n: Se aLife S ervic e C en te r, 97 F oster Roa d, Suit e 5, M oorest own, NJ 08057, or t o the Sea Lif e distri butor in your count ry of re sid enc e. The shipm en t mu st inclu de an original purc hase receipt or pro of of purchase wit h the purch ase date . Exclud e d are any c onseq ue nt ial da mag es , cosmeti c da ma ges, d amag es t o product s which sho w a bu se , no n- co nf orm anc e with th e instructions,
partic ularly wat er dam age
du e t o da mag ed O -rin g or remove d O-ring or a ny p articles we dge d b etw een th e housing an d th e O-ring, or t amp ering a nd a tt emp te d re pair of th e prod uc t. Exclud e d are scr at ch­es o n l en se s or dam age d lens c oa tin gs . Cam eras use d in rental o pera tio ns are exclude d
from this warra nt y and ha ve a spe ci al servi ce su pport pro gram (Contact SeaLife/Pioneer Research).
FCC Notice
This equi pm ent has b e en t est e d and found to co mp ly with t he limits for a Class B digit al device , p urs ua nt to pa rt 15 of th e FC C Rule s. Thes e limits are designed to pro vid e re as on able pro te ctio n a gainst h arm ful inte rferenc e in co mmercial ins tallation. This equipm ent ge nerate s, uses an d can rad iate ra dio fre quenc y energy a nd if n ot installed a nd us ed in acc ord anc e with the instruc tio ns, ma y c au se harmful int erfere nc e to radio co mmunic at ion s. Howe ve r, there is no gu arante e t hat int erf ere nce will not occ ur in a particul ar inst allat ion. If this equip ment d oes cause harmful inte rfe renc e to radio or te levision re cep tio n, d ete ct able by turnin g th e e quipme nt in q ue st ion o ff and on, th e us er is encour ag ed to try t o correct th e int erfere nc e b y one or more of the following m easures: Re orien t or reloc at e t he re ceiving a nt en na; Inc reas e th e dist an ce bet wee n the equipme nt an d the rec eive r; Connec t t he e quipme nt to an outle t o n a differen t circuit t ha n t ha t which the rece iver is c on ne cte d t o; O r c onsult the d ealer or an exp erien ce d rad io/TV te chni cian for h elp.
A shield e d- ty pe DC po wer ca bl e inc orp orat ed with a fe rrit e core is re quired in ord er to me et the FC C emission limits and also t o preve nt int erference t o nearb y rad io an d te levision rec ept ion . Use o nly shielde d I/O ca ble in corp ora t ed with a ferrit e core t o co nn ect this e quipme nt to host comp ut er or TV set . Shielded A C p ow er cab le an d shi elde d I/ O ca bles are req uire d in ord er t o me et th e FC C emission limits . It is essential th at o nly t he sup plied p owe r cord and I/ O c able(s) be use d.
Service: Do not contact your dealer for product questions or service.
After going t hrough th e Trouble S ho ot ing G uide in this manual, if you cannot find a solution for a problem: Conta ct th e Se aLife Servi ce Ce nt er or send the cam era with the ho using t o an aut horized Se aLife servic e fa cility or directly to S eaLife He adq ua rt ers in Mo orestown, NJ US A or the Se aLife dist ribu tor in y our cou ntry. (A list of SeaLife
distributors can be found on the website www Inclu de: US $10. 00
for h an dling and do mestic ship pin g; your d ay time ph on e numbe r, proo f of p urc ha se an d return ad dress (No P. O. B OX); a clear w ritt en de sc ription of problem. Ship prepaid to :
Pioneer Research, Attn: SeaLife Service Center, 97 Foster Road, Suite 5 Moorestown, NJ 08057 USA Phone: (856) 866-9192 • Fax (856) 866-8615 •
Only use SeaLife AC power adapter item #SL13132 with 3.3 volt DC out­put. Using any other AC adapter will damage the camera..
The inner camera is not waterproof or water resistant. Use the inner cam­era only inside the SeaLife waterproof housing when in or around water. Follow waterproof housing instructions carefully to prevent water damage to camera. Water damage to camera is not covered by warranty unless it has been determined that the damage was a result of a manu­facturing defect.
Do not use this camera if it is emitting smoke, emitting any unusual odor or noise, or if it is in any other abnormal state. Operating the camera in any of these situations may cause a fire or an electrical shock. Stop using the camera immediately, turn the camera off, and then disconnect the power source (batteries or AC power adapter). (If you are using the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet after you have disconnected the camera.) After checking that smoke is no longer being emitted, contact your local authorized SeaLife service facility and request repairs. Never attempt to repair this camera yourself as this is dangerous.
Do not use the camera if any water has entered the camera, even after camera has dried. Turn the camera off, and then disconnect the power source (batteries or AC power adapter). (If you are using the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet after you have disconnected the camera.) Then contact your local SeaLife authorized service facility. Do not continue to use the camera as this may cause a fire or an electrical shock. Be careful when handling wet camera. Camera and batteries may become very hot.
Do not use the camera if any foreign objects have entered the camera. Turn t he c ame ra o ff, and the n dis con nec t th e po wer sou rce (ba tt eri es o r AC power adapter). (If you are using the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet after you have disconnected the cam­era.) Then contact your local SeaLife authorized service facility. Do not continue to use the camera as this may cause a fire or an electrical shock.
If the camera has been dropped or if the camera case has been damaged, turn the camera off, and then disconnect the power source (batteries or AC power adapter). (If you are using the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet after you have disconnected the cam­era.) Then contact your local SeaLife authorized service facility. Do not continue to use the camera as this may cause a fire or an electrical shock
Do not expose the camera to moisture and make sure that there is no water getting into the camera. Take particular care when using the camera under extreme weather conditions such as rain or snow, or when operating the camera at the beach on near water. Water in the camera may cause a fire or an electrical shock.
Do not insert or drop any objects into the SD memory card or battery slots. This may cause a fire or an electrical shock.
Do not attempt to modify this camera. This may cause a fire or an electrical shock.
Do not remove the camera casing. This may cause an electrical shock. Internal inspection, maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by your local authorized SeaLife service facility.
Do not touch camera, charger or AC adapter during a thunderstorm if you are using the AC power adapter. This may cause an electrical shock.
Never operate this camera in any way while driving a vehicle. This may cause a traffic accident.
Do not place the camera in any unstable locations such as on a wobbly table or sloping surface where the camera may fall or tip over and cause injury.
Do not place camera, charger or batteries in damp or dusty locations. This may cause a fire or an electrical shock.
Do not place this camera in a location affected by oil fumes, steam, seaspray, rain, such as a boat deck, damp clothes, cooking stove or humidifier. This may cause a fire or an electrical shock.
Do not leave this camera in a location subject to extremely high tempera­tures, such as in a sealed vehicle or in direct sunlight. Exposure to high temperatures may adversely affect the camera case and internal components and may cause a fire.
Do not cover or wrap the camera, battery charger or the AC power adapter with a cloth or quilt. This may cause heat to build up and distort the case and cause a fire. Always use the camera and its accessories in well-ventilated locations
Handle the camera carefully and do not bump the camera into any hard object. Handling the camera roughly may cause a malfunction.
Do not move the camera while it is attached to AC adapter, USB or video cable. (If you are using the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet after you have switched off the camera.)
Ensure that any connector cords or cables to other devices are disconnected before moving the camera. Failure to do so may damage the cords or cables and cause a fire or an electrical shock.
When handing the camera, always unplug it from the power source (AC power adapter) for safety. (If you are using the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet after you have disconnected the camera.) Failure to do may result in an electrical shock.
When leaving the camera unused for long periods, such as during a vacation, always remove the batteries or unplug the camera from the AC power adapter for safety. (If you are using the AC power adapter, unplug the adapter from the AC power outlet after you have disconnected the camera.) Failure to do so could result in a fire.
Do not use batteries other than those specified for use with your camera. The use of unsuitable batteries may result in the batteries splitting or leaking and causing a fire, injury, or damaging the battery compartment.
When inserting batteries into the camera, check the polarity markings on the battery ( - and + ) to ensure that you insert the battery correctly. Incorrect battery polarity may result in the batteries splitting or leaking and causing a fire, injury, or damaging of the battery compartment.
Remove the batteries if the camera will not be used for an extended period of time. The batteries may leak and cause a fire, injury or damage the battery compartment. If the batteries leak, clean and wipe the battery compartment carefully and install new batteries. Wash your hands carefully if you touch the battery fluid.
■ Microsoft®and Windo ws®are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
is a registered tra dem ark of Intel C orporation.
Macintosh is a trad emark of Ap ple Inc.
is a trade mark.
, PhotoVista®and the MGI®logo are trad emarks or re gistere d
trademarks of MGI
Software Corp.
Adobe, the A dob e logo, and Acroba t are tra demarks of Ad obe Syst ems
Inc orporated.
, Reef maste r®, La nd & S e a®are registered trade m arks of
Pioneer Rese arch. .
Other n ames a nd prod uc ts may be trade marks or registered trad emarks of
their respective owners.
Ple ase st art by reading the important messages below first.
1. The bundled driver, soft ware, d esign, specifications an d user’s manual that
packa ged with the camera are subject t o change without notice.
2. The accessorie s that co me with the camera may vary be tw een regions.
3. Driver updates are post ed on the SeaLife website;
4. We are not liable what so ever for a ny compens ation arising from errors in
descriptions in this user’s manual.
INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
How It Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Packa ge conte nt s . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Common (Optional)
Accessorie s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
THE CAMERA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Front view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Re ar view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Mo de dial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
LCD monitor information . . . . . . 1 7
LE D indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . 19
Installing t he b at teries . . . . . . . . . 19
Using the AC power ad apt er . . . 19
Loading a S D memory card . . . . . 20
At taching the strap . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Choosing t he language . . . . . . . . 21
Setting the date and tim e . . . . . . 21
Setting the im age resolution
and qu ality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
RECORD MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Taking pictures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Using the viewfinder . . . . . . . . . 23
Using the LC D monit or . . . . . . . 24
Using the norm al mode . . . . . . . . 24
Using the macro mode . . . . . . . . 25
Using the digit al zoom . . . . . . . . . 26
Using the self-timer . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Using the flash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Taking pictures manually . . . . . . . 29
PLAYBACK MODE . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Viewing imag es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Zoom Playbac k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Displaying thumbnail im ages . . . . 32
Slideshow display . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Protecting one im age/vid eo clip . 32
Setting DPO F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Deleting ima ges . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4
MOVIE MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Re cording video clips . . . . . . . . . 36
Viewing vide o clips . . . . . . . . . . 37
COMPUTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
St ep 1: Installing t he U S B driv er
on Win dows
co mput ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Installing t he U S B driver on Macintosh
co mput ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
St ep 2: Connecting t he c amera
to your comput er. . . . . . . . . . . . 39
St ep 3: D ownloading images/vid eo
clips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
For c omputers running Windows
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
For c omputers running Ma c O S
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
. . . . . . . . . . 41
. . . . . . . . . . 42
MANUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
ACROBAT READER . . . . . . . . . 44
MENU OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Re cord menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
IMAGE SIZ E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
QUALIT Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
EX POSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
WHITE B AL ANCE . . . . . . . . . . . 46
DIGITAL ZOOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
IS O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
QUI CK VIE W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
LCD BRIG H TNES S . . . . . . . . . . 47
Movie menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Playb ack menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
PR O TECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8
DELET E ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8
SLI DE SH O W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
LCD BRIG H TNES S . . . . . . . . . . 48
DPO F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
C O PY TO C ARD . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Setup me nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
PR O GRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
F ORM AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
BEEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
POWE R O FF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
RES ET TO DE FAU LT . . . . . . . . . 51
DATE TYP E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
DATE SET U P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
DATE IMPRI NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
VID E O OUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
LA N G UAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
OTHER DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Underwater Housing Instructions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
MUS T DO for Housing . . . . . . . . 56
Main O-Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
SeaLife Ree fM aster U nd erwater. .
Housin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Re ar View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Re ar View Adva nc ed . . . . . . . . . 61
Set- Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Great Pictures Made Easy. . . . . 65
Batt ery Sele ction G uide . . . . . . . . 68
Trouble Shooting G uide . . . . . . . . 69
How It Works - A Very Unique Camera Land & Sea
The Se aLife Re efmast er Digit al L an d & Sea cam era allows you to choose bet w een L and Mod e for t a king la nd pictures, S e a Mode f or taking underwater pictures and Flash mod e for t aking und erwater pictures with your SeaLife External flash (op tional ac cessory). This is ess ential for taking great pic­tures and achie ving the perfect picture exp osure.
Sea Mode: If the camera is set t o Se a Mod e an d used inside t he U nd erwater
Cam era Housing, the camera is program med to automatic ally find the best ex posure control co mbina tion in an underw at er environment. The int ern al sensor re ads the lig ht conditions through t he lens (TTL). It ev aluat es th e whole picture in 64 seg ment s with higher priority in th e center. Then it automatically sets the correct ex posure time a nd C C D sensitivity. SeaLife ha s tested several thous an d combinations to achieve the optimal exposure controls. If the sur­rounding light is too d ark , th e flash will fire automa tic ally. While in the Se a m ode, the camera flash will actu ally fire two, three or fo ur times depending on the distance to the subject. The weaker flashes, c alle d a pre-fla sh, is used to determine th e brightness and re flection of whatever you’re takin g a pic ture of. The primary flash will fire 0.2 se conds after the pre-flash (hardly noticea ble
Only the primary flash is used by the c amera for prop erly e xposing th e final picture . The combination of th e pre-flashes and main flash ensures the optimal ex posure setting for the c amera. The rea ch of t he inner camera’s flash is limited to 3’, so we highly re commend you get the SeaLife E xternal Flash for t he brighte st, most c olorful pictures.
Flash mode: In order t o reduce und erwater backsca tt er (sp ot s that show up in pictures cause d by tiny particle s in the wat er) and get more vivid colors, we re comm end t hat you us e the S e aLif e E xternal Fla sh , which is sold se parately. You can even use two external flashes, like th e pros do, in order to elimin at e sha dows in your pictures. When using th e Se aLife External Flash, you must se t the camera to the Flash Mode. Th e Flash Mode does not use a pre ­flash, since this would cause t he external flash to fire during the pre-flash and not during the prim ary flash.
If you are taking close-up pictures wit h the Sea Lif e Macro lenses and E xt ern al Flash and you ex perience overflashing from a refle ctive fish or obje ct , you have the choice of immediat ely d eleting the imag e by pressing the shutter butto n ag ain within 3 s econds (the monit or will show you the picture and display D ELE TE THIS ?”). While in the Flash mo de, you can press the L C D butt on t o select betwe en MA C R O flash mode and FA R flash mo de. MA C R O flash mode will adjust the camera exposure program and prevent overflashing of close-u p picture s. FAR flash mod e will increas e the ca mera’s exp osure setting for brighter ima ges beyond 6 ’shooting distance. The camera give s you many op tions t o create gre at phot os under ma ny different conditions an d using the various flashes or lens a cce ssories.
continued on following page
Land Mode: If you are taking land pict ures, set the camera to Lan d Mo de. Now the ca mera is aut om atically program med to t ake great land picture s. The camera evaluates light conditions through the lens. If it’s too d ark, the ca mera uses the built-in flash to fire a pre-fla sh (to test t he picture quality) and a primary flash for takin g a properly exposed picture. If you like, you can overrid e the camera’s fully aut om atic functions. In many c ases yo u might actually take a bett er picture without flash, such as in longer shooting distances in low light or ind oor, a nd you can select n o flash. In other cases, even in brig ht light, you might sele ct fill-flash t o brighten up shadows a nd av oid dark area s. So metim es pictures can be grainy if you d o not have enough light and do not use the flash. N o matter ho w d ark it is, even if it bec omes impossible for any camera to t ak e a sharp picture, the camera will still try to t ake a pic ture . If t hat ha ppe ns, get closer t o t he subject an d use a flash or anoth er g oo d light source. In general, the closer you are to your subject and the brighter t he light conditions are, t he b etter th e picture re sult s will b e. Wit h a little experimenting you will quickly be on your way t ow ards great digital pictures to share with your frien ds and family.
Your co mp ut er
It’s easy to connect the camera to your computer, to download pic ture s, edit picture s and print or email picture s.
Download – The US B conne ction will quickly transf er pic tures from your camera t o your com puter. Please refer t o the detailed instructions on page 29 on ho w to connect your camera to the co mput er.
Editing – You will enjoy picture editing with M GI Photo Suit e®, but you can also use your ow n picture-publishing program t hat you are familiar wit h. First
ta ke pictures in the highest quality s et ting. Then you can make a djustm ents to the image on your computer, lik e crop ping, adjusting the picture size or some really creativ e sp ecial effects.
Printing For photo-like 5 x 7 print s, set t he printer on t he highe st resolu- tion and use high-qualit y glossy phot o pap er. You will discover that crea ting a va catio n trip rep ort on Word
with your best pictures is an impressive way to save a nd share your me mories. You are also able to mak e enlargem ents up to 11 x 17”.
There are many gre at boo ks and websites dedic ated to the world of digital photography. Ple ase visit our we bsite: www
.sealife- camera s. co m for links to the be st websit e and other suggestions on how to learn more ab out digit al photography.
Package contents
Carefully unpac k your p ack age and m ake sure t hat you have the following it ems. Common Prod uct C omponents:
Digital camera Soft ware C D-R O M
Video cable C amera stra p
Quick Guide C amera C arry Case
USB ca ble Un derwat er Housing
Defle ct or for External Flash
Common (Optional) Accessories:
SD m emory c ard 4 – Pac k Re chargeable batt eries
up to 256MB ca pacity
with charger and foreign plug
AC pow er ada pt er (3. 3 volts
adapt ers (SL 190
4 re ch argea ble NI-MH C arrying C ases
External Flash F or a complete listing of all
Wid e angle lens accessorie s, plea se visit t he
Macro lenses SeaLife w ebsit e at
www. sealife-c
Front view
1. Shutter button
2. O ptical viewfinder
3. Le ns cover
4. F ocus switc h
5. Flash
6. Le ns
7. Strap eyelet
8. Jack cover
9. D C IN ja ck
10. U S B connect or
11. S elf-timer light
Focus switch
Macro - La nd: 2’ - 3’ (55cm to 90cm), und erwater: n/ a Portrait - Land: 3’ - 6’ (90cm to 1.8m), und erwater: n/ a Landscape / Seascape - Land: 6’ to infinity (1. 8m to infinit y),
underwater: 3.5’ to infinity,
107 c m to infinit y)
1. LE D indicator
2. Viewfinder
3. LCD monitor
4. Display butt on -
Hold for 3 s econds t o ac cess
Quick R eview function. Also select betw een M A CRO flash and FA R flash when c amera is in Flash mo de and using External Flash.
5. Menu butt on
6. Pow er button
7. Mod e dial
8. B attery/SD c ard c ov er
9. VID E O OUT jack
10.Tripod socket
Rear view
1. Arrow button (up
Thumbnail button
2. Arrow button (left
Flash but ton
3. OKO K but ton Digital zoom butt on
4. Arrow button (right
Self-timer but ton
5. Arrow button (down
Delete but ton
Mode dial
1. Re cord mo de
2. Playb ack mod e (Re vie w
3. Setup mo de
4. Movie mod e
Mode Description
Re cord Mode Us e this mod e to cap ture still ima ges.
Playb ack mod e Us e this mod e to vie w ima ges & vid eos,
Re vie w
delete ima ges & vid eo clips, view a slide show, vie w thu mbnail displays.
Setup mo de Us e this mo de to adjust camera setting s and
Land & Se a exposure modes.
Movie mod e Us e this mode to rec ord vid eo (movie) clips.
LED indicators
Indicator Status Description/Activity Sound
LE D Indicator Solid re d The ca mera is powering up . No LE D Indicator Blinking red Cam era syst em error. Yes *(3
LE D Indicator Solid re d C harging th e flash. No LE D Indicator Blinking red Imag e is being rec ord ed to
the memory card. No
LE D Indicator Blinking red US B c om munication/transfer
in progress. No
LE D Indicator Solid green The ca mera is re ady to record
images (or movies). Yes *(1
Self-t imer Blinking re d
The s elf-timer function is a ctivat ed. Yes *
Error messag e. Yes *(3
Valid button ev ent. Yes *(1
*(1) The c amera sounds one be ep. *(3) The c amera sounds three be eps.
LCD monitor information in Record mode
These indicators are displayed when recording still image s: in Land mode*
1. Exposure Program mode
Land mod e Sea mod e Flash mod e
2. Battery level
Full battery p ow er Medium batt ery pow er Virtually no batt ery pow er
3. Slow shutter speed warning
4. Flash mode
Auto flash Re d-eye reduction Fill flash (on
Flash off
5. Macro mode
6. Self-timer mode
7. White balance (no indication for auto white balance)
Cloudy Sunset Tungste n Fluorescent
8. External Flash Exposure Modes
Macro - F or correct im age
ex posure inside 2 feet (60cm) shooting distanc e when using External Flash.
FAR - F or correct image
ex posure beyond 6 feet (1. 8m) shooting distanc e when using External Flash.
9. Possible number of shots (at the current size and quality settings)
10. Image size
2048 x 1536 pixels 1024 x 768 pix els 640 x 480 pixels
11. Image quality
Super fine
12. Card indicator
13. ISO speed
AUT O 100 200 400
14. Time (24-hour-format)
15. Date (year-month-day)
*NOTE: only some indicators are displayed when camera is set to Sea or Flash modes.
Land mode
Sea mode
Flash mode
These indicators are displayed when recording vid eo clips:
1. Movie mode
2. Battery level
Full battery p ow er Medium batt ery pow er Virtually n o batt ery pow er
3. Recordable movie time
4. Card indicator
5. Time (24-hour-format)
6. Date (year-month-day)
These indicators are displayed when playing image s back:
1. Battery level
Full battery p ow er Medium batt ery pow er Virtually n o batt ery pow er
2. Protect indicator
3. DPOF indicator
4. Folder number and image number
5. Card indicator
These indicators are displayed when playing video clips bac k:
1. Movie mode
2. Battery level
Full battery p ow er Medium batt ery pow er Virtually n o batt ery pow er
3. Count
4. Folder number and image number
5. The first frame of the movie
6. Card indicator
You ca n use either 2 AA size ba tt eries (High-Energy Alkaline, Ni-MH, Lithium) or an A C p ower ada pter (op tional acc essory) to p ower the ca mera. Battery pow er is convenient for re cording images or video clips while AC ad apt er power is recommended for transferring imag es to your comput er.
Installing the batteries
1. Mak e sure the cam era is off.
2. Slid e the batt ery/SD card cover in the direc ­tion of t he O P E N arrow.
3. Insert the batt eries a ccording to the correct polarity marks (+ or -
4. C lose the batt ery/SD card cover firmly.
• We re commend S ealife Ni-M H b at teries for long lasting op era tion.
If you won’t be using the bat teries for an ext ende d period of time , remove them from t he cam era t o prevent lea ks or corrosion.
• Never use manganese b at teries.
• Never use different typ es of batteries (together) or mix old and n ew batteries.
Using the AC power adapter (optional accessory)
1. Mak e sure the cam era is off.
2. O p en th e D C IN ja ck cover an d connect one end of the AC power ad apt er t o the DC IN jack on t he c amera.
3. C onnect t he other end t o an electrical outle t.
• Mak e sure t o use only the specified AC po wer ad apt er (3. 3 D C volt) for the camera. O therwise, it may cause dam ages t o the c amera, which is not covered under the w arra nt y. SeaLife item #SL13132.
• To prevent unexp ect ed auto power off resulting from no bat tery power left during the proc ess of transferring your imag es to t he com puter, use the A C po wer ad apter a s a power sup ply.
Loading a SD memory card (optional accessory)
Th e c amera com es with 8MB of inte rn al me mory, allowing you t o st ore images and video
clips in the cam era. How ever, you can exp and the memory capa cit y by using an option al SD me mory card so that you can store ad ditional images and vid eo clips.
1. Mak e sure the cam era is off.
2. Slid e the batt ery/SD card cover in the direction of t he O P E N arrow.
3. Insert the SD memory card.
The front sid e of the memory card (print ed arrow) should fa ce towards th e front side of the cam era.
If the c ard cannot be insert ed, ch eck the orienta tion.
4. C lose the batt ery/SD card cover.
To re move t he SD me mory card, make sure th e camera is off. O pen the batt ery/SD card cover. Press lightly on the edge of th e me mory card and it will eject.
• To prevent valua ble d at a fro m being accidentally erase d from an SD card you ca n slide th e write prot ect t ab (on t he side of the SD me mory card) to L O C K.
• To save, edit, or eras e d at a on an SD memory card, you must unlo ck t h e card.
Attaching the strap
To pre vent accident al drop ping of t he cam era , alw ays use t he strap.
1. First t hread the small loop of the wrist stra p
through the strap eyelet on the camera and then pull the large loo p through t h e small loop
until the stra p is firmly secure d.
Re move wrist st rap from c amera before inserting int o underwat er housin g.
Write protection
Write protection
Choosing the language
1. Select a language that you prefer by using the / b utton.
2. Press the OK butt on to confirm.
• The la nguage setting will be ret aine d even if the camera is turned off .
• The provid ed languages are [English], [Fra nç ais], [De uts ch], [Es pa ñol], [Portugués], [Italiano],
[ ]
[ ]
, and
[ ]
Setting the date and time
Follow these st ep s to set the c orrect dat e and
1. Turn mode dial to Set up mode.
2. Select D at e Setu p from menu o ption.
3. Enter the values of the year, mont h, day and time fields by using the / butt on. Press OK after all field is set.
To incre ase a value, press the / butt on.
To de cre ase a value , press the / butt on.
It is necessary t o set the d at e/time af ter re moving batt eries or AC ad ap ter.
Re solution and qualit y settings det ermine the pixel siz e (dimension), im age file size, and c om pre ssion ratio for your ima ge. These settings affe ct the numb er of images that can b e stored in internal m emory, or on an S D memory card.
Higher resolution and higher quality im ages offer t he best phot ograp hic results but tak e up more me mory spac e. High resolution/q uality settings are rec om­me nd ed for printe d output and situations re quiring t he finest det ail. Lower resolution/quality im ages take up less memory spac e and m ay be q uit e suit able for sharing images via e -m ail, in a re port, or on a web p age.
To change image resolution or ima ge quality, perform t he st eps below:
1. Turn the m ode dial t o mo de and po wer o n the c amera.
2. Pre ss the button on the re ar side of the ca mera.
The Rec ord menu ap pears.
3. Sele ct Image size or Quality b y using t he
/ b utton.
4. Pre ss the button. S elect t he imag e size
or im age quality y ou prefer by using the / butt on.
5. Pre ss OK t o confirm. To e xit the menu
scree n, pre ss the button.
The table b elow shows t he a pproximat e shots that you c an t ake at e ach setting based on 8MB internal mem ory or a 8M B SD me mory card.
Re solution Q uality Compression 8M B int ernal 12MB SD
ratio me mory m emory card 2048x1536 Super Fine 4:1 3 145 pixels Fine 8:1 6 221
Normal 12:1 9 294 1024x768 Super F ine 4:1 12 583 pixels Fine 8:1 24 712
Normal 12:1 36 855 640 x480 Super F ine 4:1 30 884 pixels Fine 8:1 60 1069
Normal 12:1 90 1283
Setting the image resolution and quality
* The above data shows the st an dard testing results. The a ct ual capacity varie s ac cord- ing to the shooting c on ditions and set tings.
Ta ki ng p ict ure s
Your camera is equippe d wit h both an optical vie wfinder and a 1.6 " L C D monitor to com pose ima ges. Taking ima ges using the op tic al viewfind er will con­serve batt ery p ower. If your ba tt eries are low, it is recomm ended that you only co mpose image s by using the view finder. U sing the LC D monitor you c an co mpose image s m ore acc urately, but at the co st of batt ery consumption. Alw ays use the image LCD for ma cro shots, to avoid paralla x error. The LCD image display must be turne d on when Digit al Zo om is used.
Using the viewfinder
1. O p en th e lens cover.
2. Turn the m ode dial t o the mod e.
3. Turn the c amera on by pressing th e butt on.
4. C omp os e your shot in the viewfind er.
5. C hec k c amera-rea dy light is gree n.
6. Pre ss and hold the shutter butt on until cam era ta kes pic ture .
7. The picture you took will ap pear on t he L C D displa y for 3 sec on ds with the
me ssag e, Delete this? If you press t he shutt er button when Delet e this? me ssag e is displayed, the pictur
e will be deleted!
Using the LCD monitor
• Repla ce batt eries if camera-read y light ta kes more t han 15 seconds to recycle (after taking a picture
• The came ra -read y light blinks gre e n w hile cam era is proce ssin g a
capture d ima ge
Using the LCD monitor and QUICK REVIEW mode
1. O p en th e lens cover.
2. Turn the m ode dial t o m ode.
3. Turn the c amera on by pressing th e b utton.
4. By pressing the but ton repe at edly in mode when quick view is O N , the L C D st at us will change c yclically.
LCD on a nd OS D • L C D on • L C D off
5. Pre ss and hold LCD button for 3 seconds to a ctivate Q uick Review mod e. The last picture tak en will b e display ed. Use / buttons to scroll bet ween picture s in mem ory. Press and hold LCD button for 3 seconds to e xit Q uic k Re vie w mo de.
6. When camera is set to Flash mo de, the L C D button is use d to select b et ween MACR O flash mode and FA R f lash m ode. Selec t MA CR O flash mode for shooting distanc e insid e of 2’ (60cm) a nd FAR flash for sh ooting distance beyond 6’ (180cm
• Th e image on the L CD monit or d ark ens w hen in stron g sunlight or bright light. This is not a malfunction.
• Using the LC D monit or for an exten de d period of time may reduc e the number of shots you ca n ta ke . To co nserve battery po wer an d increase t he number of sho ts you c an t ak e, t urn the L C D monitor o ff a nd us e t he vie wfinder inst ea d.
• Always u se the im ag e L CD for ma cro shots t o avoid parallax error.
• Th e LC D mo nitor must be on wh en Digital zoom is t o b e use d.
Setting Seascape focus for Land & Sea pictures
Set focus switc h (locate d under lens) t o t he position for t he sh arp est, most colorful pict ures for land and
underwater. The effe ctive range is 6’ to
infinity, (1. 8m to infinit y), for la nd pictures a nd
3. 5’ to infinity (1 meter to infinity) for underw at er picture s.
1. O p en th e lens cover, t urn the mode dial to mo de, and pow er on the ca mera.
2. M ov e th e fo cus switc h locate d on the front side of th e c amera to
the position.
3. Compose the picture.
4. Press t he shutt er button.
• Use the S easc ape focus ( p osition) for underwater pictures for sharp pic tures from 3.5’
to infinity. F or sharp pict ures insid e of 3’, use S ea Life macro lenses/filt ers (op tion al
Using the macro focus setting
Us e the macro focus setting to shoot a close-u p of t he subje ct on land, su ch as flowers or insec ts. The effective ra ng e is between 2 t o 3ft (60 t o 90 cm
1. O pen the lens cover, turn the mod e dial to t he
mo de, and pow er on the ca mera.
2. Move t he fo cus swit ch locate d on th e front side
of the ca mera to th e p osition.
The icon a ppe ars on the LCD monitor and st atus LC D .
3. C omp os e the picture.
4. Pre ss the shutter b utton.
To disable ma cro photography, slide the focus switch ba ck t o norm al.
Cam era’s foc us is now se t to ma cro distance.
• W hen shooting a close-up in m acro m od e, use t he image LCD monit or to compos e your sho t.
• U sing op tic al viewfinder m ay result in parallax error.
• F or lan d pic ture s taken at 3ft . shooting dist ance, tak e picture s in portrait an d macro focus setting and co mp are the results.
• After a ma cro shot is taken D O N OT FO RG ET
to reset the lens t o t he landsc ape po sition.
• We do not re co mm end s ett ing foc us to ma cro for u nderwat er pictures. Use Landscape/Seascape focus for und erwater.
We do not re commen d s et ting t o fo cus to portrait for un derwa ter pictures. U nd erw at er pictures in portrait foc us setting will only be sh arp from 2’ to 5’ (60cm to 1.5m
Using the Portrait focus setting
The p ortrait focus setting, suit able for scenery shooting, is used when t he distanc e to the subject
is 3’ to 6’ (90cm to 1.8m
1. Open t he lens cover, then the mo de dial to
mo de, and pow er on the ca mera.
2. M ov e the focus switch loc ated on the front side
of the ca mera to th e position.
3. Compose the picture.
4. Press t he shutt er button.
Using the digital zoom
By using t he digital zoom, images can be enlarged so that the subje ct appears closer. H owever, the more the image is enlarg ed, the grainier the ima ge will becom e. Th e digital zoo m fun ction is only available when you set t he LC D monitor and the digital zoo m to O N. To c apture a digit ally zoome d imag e, perform t he following ste ps:
1. Open t he lens cover, turn t he mod e dial t o mo de, and pow er on the ca mera.
2. Turn the LCD monitor on by pressing th e button.
3. Press OK to activ at e 2X digital zoom
fun ction.
The 2X icon app ears on the LCD monitor.
To ca nc el the digit al zoom function, press OK ag ain.
4. Press t he shutt er button t o capture a zoom ed ima ge.
• You c an only set the digital zo om at th e re solution of 1600x1200 pix els; digit al zoom is no t available a t the resolutio n of 800x600 pixels. When you play ba ck a digit ally zoom ed image, the image size is 8 00x 600 pix els.
• The more the ima ge is enlarge d, the more pixila te d (grainier) th e image.
• Digit al z oo m cannot b e use d in th e movie m od e.
• The digital zoom d efa ult set ting is z oo m off. To t urn t he digital zoom on, se t t he camera to
mo de , press th e menu butt on an d sele ct digital zoom.
Using the self-timer
The self-timer duration is 10 sec on ds. After th e activa tion of th e self-timer by pressing the shutter but ton, the self-tim er lamp start s blinking slowly f or 7 s ec­onds and th en blinking fast er for the rest of 3 seconds. This allows you to get int o t he scene w he n taking group imag es.
1. S ecure th e camera t o a tripod or plac e it on a st able surfac e.
2. Ope n the lens cover, turn mo de dial t o the
mo de, and pow er on the ca mera.
3. Press t he button.
The icon ap pears on the L C D monit or.
4. Com pose t he picture.
5. Press t he shutt er button.
The self-timer function is ac tivat ed.
6. A ft er t en seconds, t he c amera takes an ima ge.
To cancel self-timer photography at any tim e, press t he shutt er button t o
disru pt th e se quence.
• Flash s et ting c an only b e changed in Lan d or Se a Exposure modes, not in
Ex ternal Flash mode. In E xt ern al Flash exp osure mode the camera’s fla sh will alw ays fire .
• After on e shot is taken, th e self-tim er mode is turned t o off.
Using the flash
The flash is designe d to f unction automatically when lightin g conditions warrant the us e of flash. You c an take a n im age using a flash m ode suit able to yo ur circumstances. If you c hang e the flash mo de, t he camera will ret ain that setting even if the camera is turned off.
1. Open the lens cover, turn the mod e dial t o th e
mo de, and pow er on
the ca mera.
2. Pre ss the button locat ed on the rear side of t he c amera re peatedly until
your d esired fla sh mode app ears.
Th e c amera has four fla sh mo des: Auto matic Flash (default), Red-Eye Re duction, Fill Flash (on), a nd Flash Off. The modes app ear cyclically when you
press the butto n on th e rear side of the camera. The table below will help choose th e appropriate flash mod e:
Flash Mode Description
[ ]
Auto Flash The flash fires autom atically ac cording t o the ambient
conditions. S elect t his mode for g en eral p hotography.
[ ]
R ed-eye The flash e mits a precursor-flash before the m ain flash
Re duction fires. This causes the p upil in the human eye to
constrict, reducing t he red-eye. Select t his mod e w he n ta king pict ures of pe ople an d animals in low-light conditions.
[ ]
Fill Flash (on
The flash will alw ays fire regardless of the surrounding brightness. S elect this mo de for recording imag es with high contrast (bac klighting) an d d e ep sh ado ws. Also k no wn as forced flash.
[ ]
Flash O ff The flash will n ot fire. Select this mode when taking
images in a pla ce where flash phot ography is prohibit­ed, or when the dist an ce t o the subjec t is b eyond the effec tive rang e of the flash.
• You can also turn th e flash on an d off from the rec ord menu.
• When ca mera is set to E xt ern al Flash Ex posure mode the flash is alwa ys on and can not be turne d off. This is necessary to auto matic ally trigger the external sla ve flash.
Flash Modes
Ta ki ng p ict ure s ma nu all y
You c an ma nually a djust conditions such as EV comp ensation, white balanc e, or IS O spe ed when ta king pictures. F or EV com pensation, w hit e balan ce, or ISO sp eed information, ref er to Exposure, Whit e b alance , or IS O in the R ecord menu. To take picture s manually:
1. Open t he lens cover, turn t he mod e dial t o mo de, and pow er on the ca mera.
2. Press t he but ton.
3. M ov e to E xposure, Whit e balan ce, or ISO by
using the / button.
4. Press t he button to enter th e sub-menu.
5. Change t he settings b y using t he / button
and then press OK.
6. Compose the picture.
7. Press t he shutt er button.
• For m ore d et ails on ho w adjusting the above settings effe ct t h e pictures, ple ase ref er t o menu options loc at ed on page 37.
PLAYBACK MODE (Review images)
In the mode, y ou can vie w, magnif y, delete imag es, play video clips, or run a slide show. Playback mod e also provid es a thu mbnail ima ge display, allowing you t o quickly search for the image you want .
Viewing images
You ma y view your imag es without opening the le ns c over sinc e th e lens is not used for playback. The cam era lens is prot ecte d during playba ck.
1. Turn the mode dial to the mode and p ower on the ca mera.
2. Sele ct t h e ima ge that you w ant to view by using the / button.
To view t he previo us ima ge, pre ss
the button.
To view t he next imag e, press t he butt on.
Pressing the button displays detailed information about the pict ure such
as image size, ISO sp eed, time and date.
If there is no ima ge stored in the internal m emory or on th e m emory c ard, N O IMAG ES me ssage will app ear on th e LC D monit or.
• You can also view y our images on t he TV screen. C onne ct on e end of t he vid eo cable to the video out jack of the camera and conn ect t h e o ther en d t o th e video inp ut o f your TV. Turn t he mo de dial to the mode and then turn on both TV and camera.
• When lens c over is clo se d and the mode dial is set to rec ord ima ge mode, you will also b e able to pla yb ack images.
Zoom Playback
While reviewing your ima ges, you may enlarge a sele ct ed portion of an ima ge. This magnific ation allo ws you to view fine d etails.
1. Turn the mod e dial t o the mode and power on the camera.
2. Selec t th e imag e t hat you want to view by using the / button.
3. Enlarge the image by pressing OK.
Pressing OK on ce magnifies the image to
2X. Pressing it again magnifies the image to 4X.
4. To view th e diff erent portion of the enlarged image, press th e / / / button.
5. To return to th e regular display from 4X­enlarged st at us, press OK ag ain.
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