1 Fresh out of box (FOB) performance obtained on newly formatted drive. Performance may vary based on SSD’s firmware version, system hardware, and configuration. Performance based on
CrystalDiskM ark v.6.0 ×64 on Windows 10 host.
Specif icat ions 2TB 1TB 500GB
Standard Model ZP2000C V30001 ZP1000C V30001 ZP500C V30001
Interfac e
PCI e® Gen3 ×4 NVMe™ 1.3
PCI e Gen3 ×4 NVMe 1.3 PCI e Gen3 ×4 NVMe 1.3
NAN D Flas h M emory 3D QLC 3D QLC 3D QLC
Form F actor M. 2 2280-S2 M. 2 2280-S2 M.2 2280-S2
Perform ance
Sequential Read (Max , MB/ s), 128KB
2400 2400 2300
Sequential Writ e (M ax, M B/s ), 128KB
1800 1700 900
Endurance/ Reliability
Tot al By tes Written (TB) 531 274 119
Mean Tim e Bet ween Failures (M TBF , hours) 1,800, 000 1,800, 000 1,800,000
Warrant y, Lim ited (years ) 3 3 3
Res cue Dat a Recovery Servic es (years ) 1 1 1
Power Managem ent
Act ive Power, Av erage (W ) 3.3 3.1 2.2
Idle Power PS3, Average (mW ) 25 27 23
Low Power L1.2 mode (mW ) 1.6 1.6 1.5
Environm ental
Tem perature, Operat ing I nternal (°C) 0 to 70 0 to 70 0 to 70
Tem perature, N onoperating (°C) –40 t o 85 –40 t o 85 –40 to 85
Shock , Nonoperat ing: 0.5m s (Gs) 1500 1500 1500
Special Feat ures
TR IM Yes Yes Yes
S.M .A.R.T. Yes Yes Yes
Halogen Free Yes Yes Yes
RoH S C omplianc e Yes Yes Yes
Phys ical
Height (m m/ in, max ) 2.15mm/0.084in 2.15m m/ 0.084in 2. 15mm/0.084in
Widt h (m m/ in, max ) 22.00mm/0.866in 22.00m m/ 0.866in 22.00mm/0.866in
Dept h (m m/ in, max) 80.00mm/3.149in 80.00m m/ 3.149in 80.00mm /3.149in
Weight (g/ lb) 7g/0. 015lb 7g/0. 015lb 7g/0.015lb