Seagate XS1600LE70084 User Manual

Best-Fit Applications
Server virtualization
OLTP databases
Software-defined storage
All-flash arrays
Caching and tiering
Nytro 3032 SAS SSD Series
The Seagate® Nytro® 3032 SAS SSD delivers up to 15TB in a 2.5-in × 15mm form factor, a 12Gb/s interface with dual ports for speeds up to 2200MB/s, drive monitoring, government-grade encryption, and up to 10 DWPD for fast, scalable, secure performance for demanding enterprise workloads.
Key Advantages
12Gb/s SAS interface and dual ports for 24×7 performance
High-density capacities of up to 15TB in a 2.5-in × 15mm form factor
Low latency and high QoS for better responsiveness and user experience
Easily manage and monitor SSD health with SeaChest
Three endurance options to meet workload, deployment, and TCO demands
Ensures reliable data protection for mission-critical applications
Seagate Secure™ with Secure Download and Diagnostics (SD&D), SED, and SED FIPS 140-2 options for advanced data security
Built for easy integration with Linux and Microsoft OS
1 Self-encrypting drives (SED) are not available in all models or countries. May require TCG-compliant host or controller support.
Specif icat ions Ny tro 3332—Scaled Endurance
Capac ity 15.36T B 7.68T B 3.84T B 1.92T B 960GB
Standard Model XS15360SE70084 XS7680SE70084 XS3840SE70084 XS1920SE70084 XS960SE70084
Seagate Secure™ SED M odel
XS15360SE70094 XS7680SE70094 XS3840SE70094 XS1920SE70094 XS960SE70094
Seagate Secure FI PS 140-2/Com mon
Crit eria M odel
XS15360SE70104 XS7680SE70104 XS3840SE70104 XS1920SE70104 XS960SE70104
Seagate Ins tant Sec ure Eras e (I SE)
XS15360SE70114 XS7680SE70114 XS3840SE70114 XS1920SE70114 XS960SE70114
Feat ures
Interfac e (D ual Port ) 12 Gb/ s SAS 12 Gb/ s SAS 12 Gb/ s SAS 12 Gb/ s SAS 12 Gb/ s SAS
NAN D Flas h Type 3D eTLC 3D eTLC 3D eTLC 3D eTLC 3D eTLC
Form F actor 2.5 in × 15mm 2.5 in × 15mm 2.5 in × 15mm 2.5 in × 15mm 2.5 in × 15mm
Perform ance—Single Port 12Gb\s
Sequential Read (MB/ s) Sust ained,
1050 1100 1100 1100 1100
Sequential Writ e (M B/s ) Sus tained,
950 1000 1000 1000 950
Random R ead (I OPS) Sus tained, 4KB
120,000 170,000 180,000 180,000 170,000
Random W rite (IOPS) Sust ained, 4KB
16,000 80,000 85,000 85,000 70,000
Random 30% Writ e (I OPS) Sustained,
46,000 160,000 160,000 150,000 130,000
Perform ance—D ual Port 12Gb\s
Sequential Read (MB/ s) Sust ained,
2100 2000 2200 2200 2150
Sequential Writ e (M B/s ) Sus tained,
1000 1650 1650 1650 1300
Random R ead (I OPS) Sus tained, 4KB
150,000 240,000 240,000 230,000 210,000
Random W rite (IOPS) Sust ained, 4KB
20,000 80,000 85,000 85,000 70,000
Random 30% Writ e (I OPS) Sustained,
46,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 140,000
Endurance/ Reliability
Lifet ime Endurance (Driv e W rites per
Day )
1 1 1 1 1
Tot al By tes Written (TB) 28,000 14,000 7000 3500 1700
Nonrec overable Read Errors per Bits
1 per 10E17 1 per 10E17 1 per 10E17 1 per 10E17 1 per 10E17
Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% 0.35%
Warrant y, Lim ited (years ) 5 5 5 5 5
Power Managem ent
+5/+12V M ax Start C urrent (A) 0.80/ 0.21 0.80/ 0.21 0.80/0.21 0.80/0.21 0.80/0.21
Average Idle Power (W) 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6
Phys ical
Height (in/ mm , max )
0.591in/ 15.00m m 0.591in/15.00mm 0.591in/15. 00mm 0.591in/15.00mm 0.591in/ 15.00m m
Widt h (in/ mm , max )
2.760in/ 70.10m m 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70. 10mm 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/ 70.10m m
Dept h (in/ mm , max)
3.955in/ 100.45m m 3.955in/ 100.45m m 3.955in/ 100.45m m 3.955in/ 100.45m m 3.955in/ 100.45m m
Weight (lb/ g) 0.364lb/ 165g 0.364lb/ 165g 0.364lb/ 165g 0.364lb/ 165g 0.364lb/ 165g
Cart on U nit Quantit y 10 10 10 10 10
Cart ons per Pallet 90 90 90 90 90
Cart ons per Lay er 9 9 9 9 9
1 Not al l drives may be av ailabl e in all countries . Seaga te Sec ure driv es me et ISO/IEC 27 040 and NIS T 800-88 s tandards and may require us e of TCG-comp lian t host or controll er support.
2 Al l performanc e measured a t queue de pth of 32 p er PHY at b eginni ng of lif e. Sy stem a ppli cation pe rformance ma y v ary bas ed on SAS host a nd prior sy stem workl oad.
3 These base d eck dimensi ons con form to the S mall Form Facto r Standard (SFF-8201) found at www.sffc For c onnec tor-relate d dime nsi ons, s ee SFF-8223 (SAS m odels ).
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