Seagate XP7102-1A2048 User Manual

Data Sheet
Key Features and Benets
• PCIe Gen3 ×4 interface with NVMe protocol for improved latency, consistent response time and high throughput
• 30,000 IOPS/watt enables more computing with less energy consumption
• Host-selectable performance optimisation to balance performance and power
• Usable capacity of up to 1.6 TB
• Supports standard NVMe drivers for easy deployment in current server platforms and infrastructure
• End-to-end data protection and LDPC error correction and Seagate RAISE technology for high data integrity and reliability
• Fully bootable device
• Optimised for read-intensive and mixed workloads
• Enterprise quality and reliability
XP7102 Add-In Card
Transforming Data Centre With Power-Optimised NVMe Solution
The Seagate® Nytro XP7102 add-in card is a power-optimised PCIe solid state drive (SSD) with NVMe support designed to deliver accelerated performance for power­sensitive applications in hyperscale and mega data centres.
The Nytro XP7102 featuring PCIe Gen3 ×4 interface with NVMe protocol is engineered to reduce latency by bringing ash storage closer to the system’s processor and deliver a performance boost to existing server infrastructure. With performance of up to 30,000 IOPS/watt, the Nytro XP7102 enables more computing with less energy consumption and greater data centre efciency.
Maximising Data Centre Efciency and TCO Savings
The Nytro XP7102 is a cost-effective solution that supports easy deployment and management for lower total cost of ownership (TCO) in data centres. It can reduce deployment cost by enabling more processing power in existing servers and can also deliver signicant cost savings through improved efciency by enhancing performance without requiring a complete IT overhaul.
The Nytro XP7102 is a bootable PCIe solution that comes in the low-prole half-height half-length (HHHL) add-in card form factor and supports standard NVMe drivers for easy deployment in a wide range of server platforms.
With lower power consumption, the Nytro XP7102 can save on energy and cooling costs and requires less infrastructure to meet the demanding requirements of enterprise and hyperscale data centres.
Robust Enterprise Feature Set
By leveraging Seagate’s existing enterprise expertise, mature reliability, manufacturing excellence, and system compatibility test and infrastructure, the Nytro XP7102 delivers the highest levels of data integrity and endurance for critical business applications.
The Nytro XP7102 enables end-to-end data protection, LDPC error correction and Seagate RAISE™ technology for solid reliability and endurance. With available power-loss data protection through on-board capacitors and a backup power rail monitor, the Nytro XP7102 helps maintain data integrity in the event of unexpected power interruptions.
Nytro® XP7102 Add-In Card
Specifications 1600 GB
Standard Model XP 7102 -1A 204 8 XP 7102-1A1024
NAN D Flash Type MLC MLC Sector Size Support
PCIe Gen3 ×4
NV Me 1.2a
4 K / 512 4 K / 512
PCIe Gen3 ×4
NV Me 1.2a
Form Factor Half-height, half-length (MD2) Half-height, half-length (MD2)
Sequential Read (MB/s) Sustained, 128 KB Sequential Write ( MB/s) Sustained, Peak 128 KB Random Read (IOPS) Sus tained, 4 K B QD6 4 Random Write (IOPS) Sustained, 4 KB QD64 Random 70 /30 R /W ( IOP S) Sust ained, 4 K B QD64
2,500 2,500
900 850
245,000 245,000
40,000 35,000
110,000 80,000
Endurance/Reliabilit y
Lifetime Endurance (Drive Writes per Day) 3 3 Non-recoverable Read Errors per Bit s Read 1 per 10
1 per 10
Mean Time Between Failures ( MTBF, hours) 2 M 2 M
Power Management
+12 V Max Power (W ) 11.5 11. 5 Average Read/Write Power (W ) 8.1 8.1 Average Idling Power (W) 4.25 4.25
Temperature, Operating (°C) /Airow 0 to 85 @ 300 L FM 0 to 85 @ 300 LFM Temperature, Non-operating (°C) –25 to 85 –25 to 85 Temperature Change Rate/Hr, Max (°C) 20 20 Shock, 0.5 ms (Gs) 1,500 1,50 0 Vibration, 7 Hz to 800 Hz (Grms) 3.08 3.08 Vibration, 20 Hz to 2,000 Hz (Grms) 16.3 16.3
Height (in/mm, max) Length (in/mm, max) Width, Primary Side (in/mm, max) Width, Secondar y Side (in/mm, max)
4. 3/ 111 4.3/111
6.6 /167 6.6/ 167
0.5/12.5 0.5/12.5
0.08/2 0.08/2 Weight (g) 80 80 Carton Unit Quantity 1 1
Limited Warranty (years) 5 5
One giga byte, or G B equals o ne billi on bytes; a nd one ter abyte or T B, equal s one tril lion byte s when re ferrin g to drive ca pacity.
Drives a re shipp ed with 4 K se ctor size s et as defa ult. Dr ives can b e re-for matted to 512 B sec tors.
Perfo rmance d ata is ba sed on tes ting unde r cert ain work load con dition s and is sub ject to ch ange.
These d imensi ons confo rm to the PCI E xpress Card Ele ctrome chani cal Spe cicati on found a t pcisig .com.
AMERICA S Seagat e Technolog y LLC 10200 Sou th De Anz a Bouleva rd, Cuper tino, Californi a 95014, United S tates, +1 408 65 8 1000 ASIA /PACIFIC Sea gate Sin gapore I nternat ional He adquar ters Pte. Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo Ki o Avenue 5, Sin gapor e 569877, +65 6485 3 888 EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Seag ate Technolo gy SAS 16-18 rue du Dôm e, 92100 Boul ogne- Billan cour t, France, + 33 1 41 86 10 00
© 2016 Seagate Tech nology L LC. All righ ts rese rved. Pr inted in US A. Sea gate, Sea gate Technol ogy and th e Spiral l ogo are re gister ed trade marks of S eagate Tech nology L LC in the Unit ed State s and/or oth er countr ies. Ny tro and R AISE ar e either t radema rks or reg istere d tradem arks of Se agate Techn ology LLC o r one of its a fliat ed compa nies in th e United St ates and /or other c ountri es. All ot her trad emarks or regis tered tr adema rks are the p roper ty of the ir resp ective own ers. Wh en refer ring to dr ive capac ity, one gig abyte, o r GB, equa ls one bil lion byte s; and one te rabyt e, or TB, equ als one tr illion by tes. Your comput er’s opera ting syst em may use a di ffere nt stan dard of me asurem ent and re port a l ower capa city. In add ition, so me of the li sted cap acity is u sed for fo rmatt ing and ot her func tions, a nd thus wil l not be availab le for data s torage . Actual da ta rates m ay vary d ependi ng on oper ating env ironme nt and oth er facto rs. The ex port o r re-exp ort of S eagate ha rdware o r softw are is reg ulated by th e U.S. Depa rtme nt of Commer ce, Bure au of Indu stry an d Secur ity (for m ore info rmatio n, visit w, and m ay be contr olled fo r expor t, impor t and us e in other co untrie s. Seag ate reser ves the r ight to cha nge, wit hout notice, p roduc t offeri ngs or sp ecica tions. D S1872.1-1606GB, Jun e 2016