Data Sheet
Key Features and Benets
• SATA 6Gb/s interface for easy
deployment in legacy storage
• Best-in-class read and write latency
for faster random access
• Highly tuned for read-intensive
• Power-optimized for active
workloads with less than 4.8W power
• Power loss data protection circuit to
prevent loss of data in the event of
unexpected power interruptions
• Enterprise-class reliability with
2 million hours MTBF and a ve-year
limited warranty
Cost-Effective SSD for Cloud Server Applications
With the growth of public and private cloud computing data centers that require
faster random accesses, cost-effective, higher-performance solid state drives
(SSDs) have become essential. SSDs with the SATA storage interface meet the
high performance and reliability requirements without disrupting legacy storage
infrastructures and additional investments in sofware and hardware.
The Seagate® Nytro® XF1230 SATA SSD is a cost-effective, enterprise-grade
SSD solution designed to deliver high, sustained and consistent performance for
signicantly improved quality of service and enhanced user experience.
Optimized for Read-Intensive Applications
Applications with read-intensive workloads benet greatly from SSDs that have
faster random access performance. The current trend suggests that the majority of
cloud server applications will be using SSDs for read-centric workloads.
By delivering 98,000 sustained random read IOPS, the Nytro XF1230 SATA SSD
signicantly boosts the performance of read-intensive applications, such as boot,
operational databases, customer-facing web server applications, data analytics and
Enterprise-Class Reliability and Data Protection
Your business data is critical, especially for customer-facing cloud and high-demand
applications. The Nytro XF1230 SATA SSD offers a robust enterprise feature set,
including end-to-end data protection and robust error-correction algorithms for solid
reliability, and power-loss data protection (PFAIL) to maintain data integrity and to
prevent loss of data in the event of unexpected power interruptions.
Power-Optimized for Active Workloads
Cloud computing data centers require energy-efcient storage solutions to improve
performance while lowering the total cost of ownership. When deploying high-load
services and web applications that often access storage at high frequencies and
trigger continuous active workloads, it is critical to deploy a storage system tuned
and optimized with higher power efciency in mind. The Nytro XF1230 SATA SSD is
ideally tuned across all capacity points to consume less than 4.8W active power.
Nytro® XF1230 SATA SSD
Specications 192 0G B
Standard Model XF 12 30-1A19 20 XF1230-1A0960 XF1230-1A0480 XF123 0 -1A 024 0
Interface SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s S ATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb /s
NAN D Flash Type eMLC eMLC eMLC eMLC
Form Factor 2.5 in × 7mm 2.5 in × 7mm 2.5 in × 7mm 2.5 in × 7mm
Sequential Read (MB/s) Sustained, 128KB
Sequential Write (MB/s) Sustained, 128KB
Random Read (IOPS) Sustained, 4KB QD32
Random Write (IOPS) Sustained, 4KB Q D32
Average Read Latency (μs), 4KB QD1
Average Write Latency (μs), 4KB QD1
560 560 560 560
430 460 500 290
98,000 98,000 98,000 98,000
17,000 16,000 15,000 8,000
135 130 135 130
59 55 56 10 5
Lifetime Endurance (Drive Writes per Day) 0.67 0.67 0.6 0.5
Nonrecoverable Read Error s per Bits Read 1 per 10E17 1 per 10E17 1 per 10E17 1 per 10E17
Mean Time Between Failures ( MTB F, hours) 2M 2M 2M 2M
Power Management
+5V Active Max Average Power (W ) 4.8 4.7 3.9 2.9
Average Idle Power (W) 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6
Temperature, Operating (°C) 0 to 70 0 to 70 0 to 70 0 to 70
Temperature, Nonoperating (°C) – 40 to 9 5 – 40 to 9 5 – 40 to 95 – 40 to 95
Temperature Change Rate/Hr, Max (°C) 30 30 30 30
Shock, 0.5ms (Gs) 150 0 150 0 1500 1500
Vibration, 7Hz to 800Hz (Grms) 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08
Height (in/mm, max) 0. 276/ 7.0 0 0. 276/ 7.0 0 0. 276/ 7.0 0 0. 276/ 7.0 0
Width (in/mm, max) 2.750/ 69.8 5 2.750/69.8 5 2.750/69.85 2.750/69.85
Depth (in/mm, max) 3.9 51/100.35 3.9 51/100.35 3.9 51/ 100.35 3.951/ 100.35
Weight (lb/g) 0.18 7/85 0.18 7/85 0.18 7/85 0.18 7/85
Carton Unit Quantity 10 10 10 10
Limited Warrant y (years) 5 5 5 5
1 One giga byte, or G B, equal s one bill ion byte s and one te rabyte , or TB, equ als one tr illion by tes when referr ing to drive c apaci ty.
2 Perfo rmanc e data is ba sed on tes ting und er cer tain wor kload co nditio ns and is s ubject to c hange.
AMERICAS Seagate Technology LLC 10200 South De Anza Boulevard, Cupertino, California 95014, United States, 408-658-1000
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate S ingapo re Inter nationa l Headq uarte rs Pte. Ltd . 7000 An g Mo Kio Aven ue 5, Singa pore 56 9877, 65-648 5-38 88
EUROPE, MID DLE EA ST AND AFR ICA Sea gate Techno logy SAS 16 –18, rue du Dôme , 92100 Boulo gne-B illanc ourt , France, 3 3 1-4186 10 00
© 2016 Seagate Tech nology L LC. All rig hts rese rved. Pr inted in U SA. Se agate, Se agate Techno logy an d the Spir al logo ar e regist ered tra demar ks of Seag ate Technolo gy LLC in the U nited St ates and /or other
countr ies. Ny tro is eit her a tra demark o r regis tered tr ademar k of Seag ate Technolo gy LLC or on e of its af liated c ompani es in the Un ited Sta tes and/o r other co untrie s. All othe r trade marks or r egiste red
tradem arks ar e the prop erty o f their re spect ive owner s. When re ferri ng to drive c apacit y, one gigaby te, or GB, e quals o ne billio n bytes a nd one ter abyte, o r TB, equa ls one tri llion by tes. Your comp uter’s
operat ing syste m may use a di ffere nt stan dard of me asurem ent and r epor t a lower cap acity. In ad dition, s ome of the l isted ca pacit y is used fo r format ting and other fu nction s, and thu s will not be a vailabl e for
data sto rage. Act ual data r ates may va ry dep ending o n opera ting envi ronmen t and othe r factor s. Seag ate rese rves the r ight to ch ange, wi thout not ice, pro duct of fering s or spec icati ons. DS1889.1-1605US,
May 2016